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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: The Jill Stein Scam
« on: December 08, 2016, 04:43:07 PM »
Judge has stopped the Michigan recount. The Wisconsin recount is going nowhere.

It is over except for the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Another Dem/Media driven plea for attention, and a cry for "ITS NOT FAIR"  Waaaaaahhhhhhh!  But, but the popular vote!!!!

Now, MSN, that leftist biased Microsoft outlet is saying a survey shows Trumps transition isn't popular.  Oh no!  Tell me its not so!!!

Donald Trump may be speeding through his administration appointments — as of Wednesday he’s more than halfway through announcing his Cabinet picks — but the majority of Americans disapprove of how he’s handling his transition.
According to a survey released Thursday by Pew Research, just 41% of Americans approve of the job the president-elect has done making clear his “policies and plans.” That number is significantly lower than past presidents.

President Obama had the highest transition approval going into his presidency in December 2008, at 72%. Former president Bill Clinton had 62% in January 1993 and George W. Bush had 50% in January 2001, according to Pew.
The majority of Americans also aren’t thrilled with his Cabinet selections: Forty percent approve of his picks for Cabinet and high-level posts.

What a crock of SH*T.

Spin Zone / Re: No Desire to Date......Because Trump
« on: December 08, 2016, 12:56:13 PM »
The title should be "No Desire to Date.......Because nobody wants to date her!"

Spin Zone / Re: December 7, 1941
« on: December 08, 2016, 12:04:13 PM »
Chelsea 2028

I don't think she has the chops to run for President.  I think she'd be content as a House Member for life.  I wouldn't vote for her for Dog Catcher.  She has even less experience than Hillary, and Hillary's experience was all BAD.  In fact she has NO experience accept receiving a $600K bribe from NBC, which is just another propaganda arm of the Clintons, and the Democrats.  The owner of NBC is Comcast run by Obama friend, bundler, and fundraiser, CEO Brian Roberts.

Spin Zone / Re: December 7, 1941
« on: December 08, 2016, 11:18:56 AM »
He must really be steaming that Hillary's guys wouldn't listen to him during the campaign.

They are banking on Chelsea getting at seat in Congress in New York.  They (the Foundation, I bet) bought her the house next to theirs in Chappaqua so she'd have residency there.  Chelsea and her husband Marc Mezvinsky, an investment banker on Wall St. (son of activist Marjorie Margolies Mezvinsky, and convicted felon Edward Mezvinsky) currently live in.......wait for it.......Manhattan.
If Chelsea gets nominated by the Dem Party, and she will, she will win that seat, and Bill and Hillary will have some influence again.  :(

New sheriff in town.

For once, and just barely, our Representative, Constitutional Republic WORKED.  I often hear politicians who are mostly LAWYERS, and should know better, call our country a DEMOCRACY.  It is NOT a Democracy.  The media, teachers, college professors, and government bureaucrats also call our country a DEMOCRACY.  They are very, very wrong.  People need to be reminded of our system of governing, and what the Constitution really means in addition to the philosophy of strong states, and a WEAK FEDERAL GOVERNMENT who works for the states.   

Spin Zone / Re: December 7, 1941
« on: December 08, 2016, 08:37:58 AM »
Clinton and his people were such D bags.  Thank God he wasn't elected again through Hillary. 

Spin Zone / Re: No Desire to Date......Because Trump
« on: December 08, 2016, 08:35:18 AM »
I think we have a real mental health situation developing with many of our women folk.  Especially the so-called "liberated feminist" that believes the MSM.

It depends on the woman, but many tend to be more liberal/progressive due to their tendency to rely on emotion rather than logic, and NOT thinking beyond the surface of a feel good issue.  They tend to believe the mainstream media, and parrot what they hear.  It is sad, and scary because they represent such a large percentage of our population.  Women are a majority, yet get treated like a minority. 

Women's Lib turned to militant, men hating FEMINISM.  Yes, the media, education, and the Dems are to blame yet again.  Maybe the Trump Admin can start to turn it around. 

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 08, 2016, 07:42:33 AM »
Everything in the popular news is a diversion. LBGT, gay marriage, unisex bathrooms, Bruce/Katlyn, it's all to divert from the real issues.


For the past eight years, probably more, we've been told by the media, and the Dems what to think about.  Not jobs, and the economy, not hidden unemployment, not hidden inflation, not illegal immigration, and people coming here to steal our wealth, and values.  It has ALL been a diversion using IDENTITY POLITICS, much of it run by Valerie Jarrett. 

Trump is starting to shine the light on what is really important. 

Spin Zone / Re: No Desire to Date......Because Trump
« on: December 08, 2016, 07:38:32 AM »
She needs to stay in bed with her indoctrinated kids, all in the fetal position.  Please leave men alone, they are much better off without you, and they obviously know it by snubbing her. 

Spin Zone / Re: $50B and 50k jobs
« on: December 07, 2016, 10:29:14 PM »
Foreign investment is a good thing!  Shows confidence in the US markets and the potential for profitability on the part of the investor.  This of course has been going on for a while, 2015 Foreign Direct Investment was 348 billion, up from previous years:

How that money is invested makes all the difference as far as jobs.  A foreign investor buying real estate - maybe not much change.  A new manufacturing plant - certainly.

This is true.  When I worked for the Dept. of Commerce my job was to get foreign direct investment, especially manufacturing into the U.S. to create jobs as well as promote foreign trade of U.S. goods, again to create jobs, and enhance economic health of companies here in the U.S.  Foreign investment is a good thing, especially if it has a lot of value add, and innovation done here in the U.S.  Exporting is just a slam dunk.

Spin Zone / Re: Is Presdient-Elect Trump channeling Tom Clancy?
« on: December 07, 2016, 11:06:31 AM »
Sure, he passed away a while ago, I suppose I phrased that a little funny.  What he did when he started was ok.  But then he got really full of himself and fancied himself an expert on things that he had no experience with.

I read "Red Storm Rising", "The Hunt for Red October" and "Sum of All Fears" and enjoyed them.  That was it for my Clancy reading, and I agree that he did get a little weird with success.  Prior to his being an "expert" in all things military, and intelligence, I think he was an insurance salesman. 

Spin Zone / Re: Wasn't this clown going to move to Canada
« on: December 07, 2016, 11:03:50 AM »
I suspect Canada wouldn't let him him.  You need to have some kind of job skill.

Same with the U.S.!  You have to enter illegally, be jobless, or a terrorist, drug dealer, and want benefits. 

Spin Zone / Re: December 7, 1941
« on: December 07, 2016, 08:48:15 AM »
There are many theories on Pearl Harbor.  Some believe we knew it was coming, and allowed it to happen as a way to get us into the war, as we were still an isolationist nation.   We had been restricting the flow of natural resources to Japan for some time, and would not relent.  Should Japan have attacked us?  NO, it was a stupid move, by a warrior led coupe.  The people that lost were the 2,000 sailors, soldier, Marines, and civilians that died in the attack, and subsequently those that died during the war, worldwide.

The Japanese living in the U.S., aliens, and U.S. citizens were rounded up, and put in internment camps.  What many either forget or don't realize is that Germans, and Italians were also put in internment camps.  My family was spared, I guess, because even my Grandparents were born here in the U.S. so, my Dad, 19 years old in 1941 was allowed to stay in Dental School become a Private in the U.S. Army, and then a 2nd Lieutenant upon graduation where he spent the next four or five years as an Army officer rising to the rank of Captain.  Others were not so lucky, spending the entire war in camps.

Pearl Harbor was a tragedy, and I feel for those that died, and their families.  They were true heroes, and the greatest generation.     


Spin Zone / Re: Wasn't this clown going to move to Canada
« on: December 07, 2016, 08:37:56 AM »
Many celebrities, activists, and Democrats said they were going to move to Canada or elsewhere should Trump win.  They were so sure of a Hillary win that they couldn't believe they'd have to move.  Well NONE of them have moved even though Trump won.  They ALL lied.  Typical for progressives it seems. 

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 06, 2016, 10:02:10 PM »
Anthony, in all due respect……

We share the same power district (PECO) so here is my take on the Smartmeter issue.  The primary difference between a Smartmeter and the conventional meter is the ability of the Smartmeter to send the readings over a radio frequency.  A Smartmeter can indeed send a meter reading without the power company having to send a person door-to-door to take the reading, they can simply drive down the street, interrogate the meter and get your usage, this saves a considerable amount of labor and is more accurate.  A Smartmeter can detect tampering and it can indeed shut off power remotely, I do not believe this is a negative and the power company already has that ability.  It can also detect problems with the line.  I had a personal experience with this when the squirrels decided to sharpen their teeth on the neutral line.  This caused flickering of lights and different voltage readings in different outlets in the house.  The PECO technician was able to do diagnostics to quickly isolate and fix the problem.

A Smartmeter in and of itself, cannot determine what loads are being used by different appliances.  While this is technically possible, it takes a LOT of effort to figure out your water heater came on at 10PM.  If a power company wanted to do that, they can do that with or without a Smartmeter.  A Smartmeter cannot control individual appliances in your home without additional wiring and special devices AND requires consent by the property owner. 

There was a lot of concern over the radio frequency exposure risk.  This is way overblown.  At the power level the meter operates at, I see no increased risk.  I believe the opponents of the Smartmeter cherry-picked and drastically over-emphasized the RF risk and presented it poorly.

I understand you believe this to be an intrusion of some type, but I'm obviously not of the same opinion.  While there may be some potential negatives, the benefits clearly outweigh the negatives.  Of all the risks we face of having personal information being revealed, this is WAY down the list of things to worry about.

I do not remember having to pay for the Smartmeter, if I did, it sure didn't make much of an impression.

Thanks for your perspective Gary, and I agree with much of the above.  However, it does open the door to devices on Heat Pumps, Water Heaters, and other high draw appliances to shut them down during PEAK DEMAND.  I believe the goal of some is to have this additional wiring, and devices as MANDATORY eventually.  Yes, now we can decline, but I do fear constant over reach by government, and quasi government in the name of THE PUBLIC GOOD.  It has been happening a lot for the last fifty years, so I see it as a legitimate trend. 

I like new technology that makes people's jobs easier, and allows the consumer to benefit.  However, if we allow mandates to power reduction in our homes because of the Smart Meters, I have a problem with that. 

Yes there is a Smart Meter charge that consumers pay.  I am researching the exact amount I pay, but we will be paying a SURCHARGE at least through 2023.  From the PA PUC:

Yes.  The charge will be included as a separate line item or in your electric utility’s base rate.  You can confirm that information by contacting your utility.  This charge covers the costs of assessing and deploying smart meter technology in accordance with Act 129.  Under the law, utilities may begin assessing the surcharge for the work being done prior to actual installation of the meter.  This charge applies to all customers.

This surcharge is reviewed and approved by the PUC annually, and is subject to change.  While there is no definitive timeframe to date, the surcharge is expected to remain on customers’ bills as utilities work to achieve full smart meter deployment by 2023.

No.  State law does not allow a customer to “opt out” of their EDC’s smart meter program or surcharge.  Installation of a smart meter is a condition of service to more accurately reflect rates and usage, and will ensure no disruption to your service.  Questions concerning the process or timetable for the installation of your metering equipment should be directed to your electric utility.

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