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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential Election
« on: July 18, 2023, 05:44:14 AM »
Correction:  women bring up things they thought you said or did
Oh, you mean like, “I’m not going to learn to fly,” and then walking out one evening saying you’re going to ground school? Or “I’m not going to buy a plane, but rent,” and then saying you have an appointment with a guy at the airport to test fly his plane, and then buy it?

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential Election
« on: July 18, 2023, 05:40:09 AM »
Many, if not most women are. I've had wives bring up things I said or did SEVERAL years in the past during arguments as tools to use against me. Always very trivial crap. Drives me nuts. So I stand by my statement.
Oh, cry me a river. Men are as bad or worse. My brother can’t let go of childhood stuff, and for years he froze me at 16 or so and couldn’t see that I had grown past all that and changed totally. Kept bringing up this or that from childhood to confirm his calcified opinion of me. My husband is just in the past few years really being able to see me for who I am NOW and not some frozen version of my earlier self. And THAT has taken outright declarations with me pointing out WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME I DID OR SAID SOMETHING LIKE THAT? Literally he tried to avoid the answer. TWENTY YEARS!!!

Splinter, plank, Anthony.

Spin Zone / Re: Makes ya proud huh?
« on: July 17, 2023, 05:05:12 AM »
I wonder where we would be if not for the MIC.  I guess we could have put all that money into social programs and everyone would be happy as a clam.

I’ve said it before:  We need the MIC.  But we don’t need to feed it the blood of endless foreign wars.  Excuse me, “police actions”.  Or whatever the hell we’re calling them these days.

We only need to maintain a strong, ready, trained and practiced force.  But the MIC got greedy. Much like the drug companies. We need drug companies. They come up with life saving stuff. But they got completely out of hand with vaccines.

Notice that this seems to happen when government and public money gets involved. This is because the money comes from the taxpayer and we have no say over it. This removes the natural free market forces that would ordinarily limit corporate growth and greed. It is another way to funnel money from the middle and working class up to the elite.

Spin Zone / Re: Makes ya proud huh?
« on: July 16, 2023, 05:15:33 PM »
In the past year since the war started, there have been two or three attempts to broker peace in the Ukraine conflict.  All were opposed by Biden.

Justify it all you want, but the fact remains we are dumping massive amounts of money, with no accountability, into Ukraine.  If we had a leader in this country, instead of throwing money into a conflict which doesn’t concern us, that leader would be forming a coalition with other world leaders to bring the fighting to a stop.  No one leader can do it. 

Spin Zone / Re: Makes ya proud huh?
« on: July 16, 2023, 01:54:52 PM »

But it is a fact that most of the people against our involvement in Ukraine are either hard right or hard left.LOL.  That belongs in the joke thread.  Especially on this site.

     This is not a partisan issue.  This comes from watching the failure of VN, the invasion of Iraq based upon lies, the occupation of Afghanistan for 20 years and a trillion dollars wasted, along with American lives and now a real possibility of being dragged into yet another pointless war.

   $113 billion spent, our ammunition supplies being drawn down and politicians declaring "We are in it as long as it takes".    Just what is "as long as it takes"?   Yet another moving goalpost?

   The Biden Administration has resisted peace talks or a cease fire in Ukraine.  Wouldn't the world be better served if a peace agreement could be reached?  Can someone please explain why peace talks would be a bad thing?  Dictator Zelensky stands to make billions off of the rebuilding of Ukraine once that money starts pouring in.   Why is FJB against it?

Spin Zone / Re: Makes ya proud huh?
« on: July 16, 2023, 08:51:03 AM »
It’s absolutely amazing to watch the conservatives fight against this conflict in Ukraine, while the liberals and neocons bang the war drum. 

The liberals for the most part are the hippies from the 60’s that protested our involvement in VN.
That’s just because the Puppet in Chief wears a D on his jersey. If Trump was president when this war started, the neocrats would be protesting this escalation day and night.

Spin Zone / Re: The Document Cases
« on: July 16, 2023, 06:42:22 AM »
We're living in some type of perverted Tom Clancy novel.
I really like that analogy.  We're at that peak of the action, where the story can easily go one way to doom or the other to a difficult but hopeful future.  This is the point where I'd be really tempted to peek into the end of the book to see if the world survives.

Spin Zone / Re: The Document Cases
« on: July 16, 2023, 04:40:01 AM »
And then there were the Hillary emails which may have been compromised by foreign actors.

  Yep.   All federal crimes with the exception of Trump.   But yet Trump is the only one indicted.

  We have a banana republic style DoJ being led by a guy who is angry he wasn't appointed to the Supreme Court, taking orders from a president that stole an election.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential Election
« on: July 15, 2023, 03:23:09 PM »
That's why I think a bunch of states need to secede under some kind of compact that all adopt individual electoral colleges in each state to avoid metro areas ruling the entire state.
Unfortunately that's exactly why it will never be implemented.  Metro areas are going to dominate state politics, and by plan metro will spill out into the suburbs and corrupt them as well.  The metro areas will continue to vote in exactly the same politics and politicians turned them into the shitholes they are now.  The proletariat have been brainwashed into dependency.  The vote cheating has simply accelerated the process of democrat big government dominance.  There is just no way the vast, mostly empty counties will overpower the metros.  Our only hope is global thermonuclear war or Covid 2.0.

Spin Zone / Re: Makes ya proud huh?
« on: July 15, 2023, 08:37:22 AM »
Sounds every bit as legit as how the US escalated the vietnam conflict to maximize profits for johnson's scum bag friends in the militrary industrial complex.


I believe every word the motherfucking biden regime says.

I am CERTAIN pedophile joe would never lie, obfuscate, or try to cover his intentions.

Just like afghanistan ended the USSR, fuckwad joe will bankrupt the US treasury paying out bribes and always getting 10% for the big guy.
This is an amazing parallel to what happened in Viet Nam.  The North invaded.  The French colony of the South tried to stop it but couldn't.  We started sending material, then advisors, and finally troops.  Russia and China did the same for the North but were much quieter about it, although everyone knew about it.  The Military Industrial Complex prospered on the backs of over 50,000 killed, and hundreds of thousands maimed both physically and mentally.  Don't worry... those troops being sent to Ukraine are just advisors teaching the locals how to use the material we sent them.  OOOPs.. some got killed.  We must do something!  Send in the Marines!  Call up the National Guard!  Then finally get the Army into its tutus and makeup and rainbow tanks and send them over.  (No disrespect toward the honorable Army troops but the abysmally stupid top and civilian leadership.) Other countries will send token troops and material.  But the bulk of the "contribution" will be the US of A.  And that pleases the Military Industrial Complex mightily. 

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential Election
« on: July 15, 2023, 08:26:09 AM »
I agree with you. The Feds should have never been involved in state and local matters, but the reality is THEY ARE and the states and cities RELY on this funding.
And politicians of all colors have pounded the idea that the government at all levels is the savior of all things bad.  The federal government is in charge of the country so all the country's ills must be cured by the federal government.  The proletariat has been conditioned to rely on the federal government as a "safety net" and for retirement and for health care and child care and education and jobs and security and on and on.  Don't like something?  Ask a federal agency for to regulate it.  Local and state governments are abdicating their responsibility to their charges in favor of someone "in Washington" fixing things.  Not my problem!!  Vote for me and I'll get the federal government to do stuff for us! We see this most clearly with the abominably stupid "popular vote" programs.  Michigan (and other states) has made itself irrelevant by allocating its electoral votes according to a group of states' popular votes.  Yay big government.  Yay big brother. 

Spin Zone / Re: Makes ya proud huh?
« on: July 14, 2023, 02:39:31 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential Election
« on: July 14, 2023, 02:35:19 PM »
Roster just went down by one automaton.

Spin Zone / Re: Disgusting Pedophile biden Strikes Again
« on: July 14, 2023, 11:22:00 AM »
The kid was the only one that seemed to react appropriately.  Shame she didn't slap him though.

Spin Zone / Re: Makes ya proud huh?
« on: July 14, 2023, 06:19:36 AM »
It's an annual exercise that began in 2014, but that doesn't mean we can't pretend like it is some new escalation.

Yea, let’s just pretend everything is on the up and up, and definitely not question what our government is up to with regards to Ukraine.   

What could possibly go wrong?

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