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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: The Uncertainty Monster (interview with Judith Curry)
« on: June 02, 2019, 01:44:53 PM »
Isn't it quaint that Warren thinks climate change can so precisely target one city? Typical leftist myopic idiocy.

It is obvious the Democrats want to use the Hoax of man made climate change (why did they change the name from global warming) to scam more tax dollars, fees, and energy surcharges.  Cap and Trade will limit CO2 emissions to a finite level arbitrarily mandated by government then companies will have to BUY the required licensed amount of C02 "credits" in order to remain in operation.  This will force MORE companies to go overseas, and it will raise the prices of ALL GOODS on American consumers.  Electricity, oil, natural gas, and gasoline will all skyrocket in price, and be taxed even more than they already are.

The entire climate change fixes the Democrats want would be a Job and Economy killing measure. 

I don't believe Mueller is objective, nor unbiased.  I firmly believe he wanted to find illegal acts by Trump.  He couldn't.  End of story. 

^^^^Thanks Azure.  Great responses.

Since we know the Earth warms, and cools naturally.  If the Earth just happens to cool during the period that we enact climate change driven fossil fuel energy use, how will we know if what we are doing is contributing to the cooling?  Conversely, if the Earth warms naturally, will the scientific community then think the measures we put in place aren't working and want more?

It seems like a no win situation here.  In addition, NONE of the catastrophic predictions have come true, and now AOC has "reset the clock" with the twelve year statement which some have backtracked from.  What will they do when none of these predictions yet again do NOT come true?  Give it another twelve years?

As you know, the Green New Deal is really just political propagannda with now basis in reality, and no way to actually implement. 

Just ask Sharyl Attkisson, and James Rosen.  The Media and Dems cry about Trump wanting to destroy the First Amendment because he criticizes CNN, when in reality Obama's ACTIONS (not just words) showed he really was violating RIGHTS. 

This needs to get more attention. 

Spin Zone / Re: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker in name only
« on: May 21, 2019, 02:16:04 PM »
AOC is the leader of the party.  Her along with Reps Omar and Tlaib.

 The dims own them.

Pelosi is scary enough.  That is REALLY scary.  America haters all. 

Spin Zone / Re: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker in name only
« on: May 21, 2019, 01:59:27 PM »
Who is filing the vacuum?  Marx?  Lenin?  AOC?

Spin Zone / Re: Mark Levine Interview
« on: May 20, 2019, 04:34:30 PM »
Mark Levin and Mark Steyn who sits in for Rush, and also appears on Fox are two of my favorite commentators.   

It's good to see you like you own post Eppy.   :)

Pilot Zone / Re: Racism: A Public Health Crisis
« on: May 20, 2019, 07:40:13 AM »
I have become really tired of Identity Politics, and the constant cries of Racism from the Left (Democrats and Media).  That is the crisis.  The total focus on race, gender, and sexual preference is at epic proportions, and takes away from what people should really focus on.  The steady erosion of rights, freedom and liberty from ever growing government. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Emperor has no clothes
« on: May 16, 2019, 01:44:10 PM »
First, Bourbon isn't Italian, that is true.  But it provides deep flavors via the tannins introduced in the ageing process, and works really harmoniously with tomato and garlic.  Vodka isn't Italian either, and Becky is so stupid she probably has never heard of vodka/tomato sauce. i don't actually use it much because of all the cream.  Fattening.

Don't know what you guys have against a little cornstarch, its utterly neutral and just thickens things up a bit.  That said, I probably won't need it next edition.  I'll have the equipment to smoothen out my sauce markedly.

Probably a good thing we had that little discussion.  Thinking about it keeps me away and restores this to a little echo chamber.  You guys seem to like that better.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I prefer to have people that don't call others "stupid" constantly over a disagreement about a pizza sauce recipe.  If that keeps you away, then goodness knows anything would.  I just don't think you have the BALLS to debate. 

Spin Zone / Re: Why I don't "believe" in science
« on: May 14, 2019, 02:12:43 PM »
There are journals chock full of data and models.  You've just been willingly brainwashed by the fossil duel industry so they can keep lining their pockets with profits.  They don't care that  they're destroying the planet, and they won't until it's profitable to do so.  i suspect at that point it will be far, far too late.

The only good thing about all this is I really don't have a dog in this hunt.  I haven't any offspring, and am glad of it.  I would hate to pass onto my offspring a broken world.  It's bad enough  they're goignto inherit our monumental debt.

You don't have a dog in this hunt?

You buy and burn 100LL, LEADED gasoline for fun
You buy and burn 87UL for your cars
You use electricity to power your home, appliances, lights etc which is largely generated by coal and gas.
You use fossil fuel to heat your home, or use electricity (see above)
You buy and use Plastic Products made largely by petroleum products
You buy and use products and services transported by Diesel Fuel

You have a large pack of dogs in this hunt.  More like a menagerie of dogs. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Emperor has no clothes
« on: May 13, 2019, 08:05:28 PM »
I’ve just gone mostly carnivore. I eat meat, dairy, and protein shakes and not much else except the occasional cheat meal. My blood pressure is down to 112/62 (it was getting up around 130/80) and my blood sugar is way lower, about 95 at 2 hours post meals as opposed to 120. Down 15 pounds in about 3 months. I feel better than I have in years.

That's great Rush!  Congrats!

Spin Zone / Re: Why I don't "believe" in science
« on: May 13, 2019, 12:55:15 PM »
All I can say is there are a bunch of really clever people whose careers and livelihoods depend upon supporting this stuff as they are told to do. Anything short of lockstep with their masters is career suicide, and you know it.


And if they are not lockstep, and God forbid don't worship at the alter of the Democrat Party, and far left progressive thought they are ostracized, don't get tenure, and/or let go. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Emperor has no clothes
« on: May 13, 2019, 12:39:16 PM »
So after posting my method for creating a pizza sauce which involves aromatics, spices, cheap bourbon, and lots of cooking and love, she posted the following:

...and then proceeded to allude the virtues of unadulterated tomato paste.

Every time I want to stop posting here all I have to do is think of that.  Works, too.

You pick odd swords in which to fall on. 

Spin Zone / Re: Why I don't "believe" in science
« on: May 13, 2019, 08:53:27 AM »
Science, like Education has become politicized by the Leftists, and the greed of government funding.  There is a lot of bias in science today, and peer review does nothing because the peers are all Leftists who want to agree with the other Leftists.  It is a huge cabal, and a form of corruptions.  Sad. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Emperor has no clothes
« on: May 13, 2019, 07:20:14 AM »
Thank you.  I agree. 
I know we will not change anyone's behavior by asking, but I do wish we could all be  a little kinder to each other.

We're all adults, but some people have thinner skin than others.  I have no problem with tough talk, but maybe some others do.  That doesn't mean I would advocate for dishonesty, or coddling outright lies.

For instance:  "I disagree".  "you are wrong" (or maybe "dead wrong").  Name calling is childish.  But the nastiness, even when it isn't directed at me, causes me to limit my time here.  Not that anyone cares, but this place can be dead enough at times).I assume you are referring to "keep your friends close; your enemies closer)?

Yes, that's the quote.  I often go to CNN, NBC/MSNBC, NYT, and other traditionally Far Left Progressive (Democrat) outlets to see what "the other side" is saying, and thinking.  It is the only way to counter their B.S.  I appreciate other views here, but I don't have to agree with them, but at least it makes you think, and I need to be more respectful of them.   

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