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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Alternate Universe
« on: June 18, 2017, 06:39:27 AM »
When your currency is lies... lies are all you have to sell.

The progressive movement is based on lies about capitalism and self dependency, the value of the individual and freedom.

Liberalism - progressivism - the democrat party is based on lies about the inherent weakness of people, dependency on government, and free money. They sell you a lie called socialism and social justice, while stealing freedom, liberty, self direction, motivation to succeed and then deny you access to a good education under the guise of shit like common core and white racism.

If it weren't for hypocrisy, the democratic party would have absolutely nothing to offer, which is why it is destined to fail and fail sooner, rather than later.

ANTIFA is the dirty work.
They adore attacking republicans and especially older folks, women by themselves, or anyone they think won't retaliate. That hasn't always worked out for the violent, moronic, ghetto thugs and highly triggered college pukes and their violent, cowardly, professors.

Naw, if he was Bryan he would have a dick fetish.

Not if he was trying to pretend he wasn't.

Spin Zone / Re: Measure of Muslim backwardness
« on: June 17, 2017, 06:36:44 AM »
The left adores anything that is bad for Americans and/or American working people.
The hatred of America oozes from every pore of the left.
That the muslims brutally abuse women and girls, mutilate female children's genitals and stone, burn, beat, and hang gays is ignored by democrats because their movement is based on hate and hypocrisy.

Perhaps you are not a troll.

Perhaps we just don't like you, we don't like what you are saying and we don't like the way you are saying it, and we don't know why you are here if you are not a pilot or otherwise involved in general aviation.

But I think you are a troll.

He seems like Bryan with a "Y"

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: June 16, 2017, 04:37:16 PM »
The ONLY reason the leftist media is angry about EVERY Donald Trump Tweet is because they lose the power to lie about what he said without 51% of the country knowing they are lying. (the other 49% are either drunk, high, or progressive).

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: June 16, 2017, 03:59:58 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: June 16, 2017, 11:53:05 AM »
It has s disgusting how dependably and how often democrats insult, demean, abuse and attack conservatives and how fast they retreat to their safe space, whining like the little bitches they are when one talks back.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: June 16, 2017, 08:28:01 AM »
After EIGHT years of ignorance, anger, seething hatred and never ending accusations of racism from the left, Donald Trump tells the truth about the lying, stupid, evil democrats and their campaign of lies and another resident progressive loses his mind.

Go figure.

While the lying dogs at CNN, msnbc, nbc,abc,cbs, NYT babble about dangerous, armed, conservatives, actual violence committed against conservatives by progressive democrats is barely mentioned.

Then there are the numerous cases of FAKE allegations made by progressive democrats against conservatives that turned out to be fabricated from start to finish, which are rarely covered by the communist news networks.

July 2016:

-A Hillary Clinton supporter lights a flag on fire and attacks a Trump supporter in Pittsburgh.

-Protesters jumped on cars, stole hats, fought with and threw eggs at Trump supporters outside a Trump rally in downtown San Jose. Trump supporters sued San Jose over the violence.

August 2016:

-Anti-Trump protesters attacked pushed, spit on and verbally harassed attendees forced to walk a “gauntlet” as they left a Trump fundraiser in Minneapolis, Minn., and beat an elderly man. Protesters also attacked Trump’s motorcade.

–A Tennessee man was assaulted at a garage sale for being a Trump supporter.

-A Trump supporter in New Jersey was attacked with a crowbar on the street.

September 2016:

-Protesters in El Cajon, Calif., chased and beat up a Trump supporter.

October 2016:

-A GOP office in North Carolina was firebombed and spray painted with “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else.”

November 2016:

-A high school student was attacked after she wrote that she supported Trump on social media. The perpetrator ripped her glasses off and punched her in the face.

-The president of Cornell University’s College Republicans was assaulted the night after Trump won the election.

-Students protesting Trump punched and kicked a Maryland high school student wearing a Make America Great Again hat.

-A high school student was arrested in Florida after he punched a classmate for carrying a Trump sign at school.

-A 24-year-old was reportedly attacked on a New York subway for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

-A group of black men in Chicago attacked a white man while raging against Trump.

-Maryland high school students punched a student who was demonstrating in support of Trump, and then kicked him repeatedly while he was on the ground.

-“You support Trump. You hate Mexicans,” a California high school student yelled at a Trump supporter, before viciously beating the girl.

-An anti-bullying ambassador was arrested for shoving a 74-year-old man to the ground in a fight outside Trump tower where people upset over his win had gathered. The woman tied to Black Lives Matter caused the man to hit his head on the sidewalk.

-A Texas elementary school student was beaten by his classmates for voting for Trump in a mock election.

-Two men punched and kicked a Connecticut man who was standing with an American flag and a Trump sign.

-A man was murdered in Georgia after an argument about whether Trump would deport a Hispanic man.

December 2016:

-A Trump supporter was beaten and dragged by a car.

-Trump supporters were attacked at a rally in Richmond, Va.

January 2017:

-A Trump supporter was knocked unconscious after airport protesters repeatedly beat him on the head.

-A Trump supporter was attacked after putting out a fire started by anti-Trump protesters.

-When Trump protesters encountered a driver with a pro-Trump flag on his car, they surrounded the vehicle, ripped off and began burning the flag, and pounded the car. They also punctured on the tires.

February 2017:

-California GOP Rep. Tom McClintock had to be escorted to his car after a town hall because of angry protesters. The tires of at least four vehicles were slashed.

-Protestors knocked a 71-year-old female staffer for California GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher unconscious during a protest outside the representative’s office.

-Milo Yiannopoulos speech at the University of California-Berkeley was cancelled after rioters set the campus on fire and threw rocks through windows. Milo tweeted that one of his supporters wearing a Trump hat was thrown to the ground and kicked.

March 2017:

-Masked protesters at Middlebury College rushed AEI scholar and political scientist Charles Murray and professor Allison Stranger, pushing and shoving Murray and grabbing Stranger by her hair and twisting her neck as they were leaving a campus building. Stranger suffered a concussion. Protesters then surrounded the car they got into, rocking it back and forth and jumping on the hood.

April 2017:

-A parade in Portland, Ore.,was canceled after threats of violence were made against a Republican organization.

-Fears of violent protests shut down Ann Coulter’s UC Berkeley speech. Campus police had gathered intel on protesters who were planning to commit violence.

May 2017:

– Republican Rep. Tom Garrett, his family and his dog were targeted by a series of repeated death threats deemed credible by authorities.

-FBI agents arrested a person for threatening to shoot Republican Rep. Martha McSally over her support for Trump.

-Police in Tennessee charged a woman for allegedly trying to run Republican Rep. David Kustoff off the road.

-Police in North Dakota ejected a man after he became physical with Republican Rep. Kevin Cramer at a town hall.

-A former professor was arrested after police said they identified him on video beating Trump supporters with a U-shaped bike lock, leaving three people with “significant injuries.”

June 2017:

-James Hodgkinson opened fire on a congressional GOP baseball practice, injuring five, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise.

-Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney received an email threat that read, “One down, 216 to go,” shortly after the shooting at the Republican congressional baseball practice.

-A man driving a white Malibu reportedly fired several shots at a man driving a truck displaying a “Make America Great Again” flag in Indiana.

We have a congress woman here that is both black and female, so she got elected solely on the color of her skin and ovaries.

She has steadfastly defended and praised the ANTIFA/BLM thugs, arsonists and attackers without apology.

Yesterday she attempted to play the soothing, calm and responsible adult by calling for unity and cooperation.

Like her idol, the criminal senile bitch, Pelosi, she plays the race card, praises arsonists and then wants to be thought of as a sober and reassuring leader.

The truth is that she is just another civil rights snowflake, empowered by the idiocy of modern democrats. She will cause more violence by her imbecilic rants then she will calm through her dishonest pretense.

The left WANTS war. When they get it, it will not be to their liking.

They will deserve the hurt that they get but it will be unpleasant to watch, even though it was asked for and deserved.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is a fucking moron
« on: June 16, 2017, 07:30:42 AM »
Triggered much????

The TRUTH is that your loved ones have been engaged in a campaign of LIES, FAKE ACCUSATIONS, BULLSHIT Blabberings and all sorts of utterly vicious and cowardly innuendo that rival PRAVDA for disgusting.

And OF COURSE you are offended because he dared to defend himself by mentioning the obvious.

If the t gets very much worse it will end poorly for the lunatic fringe.

To remind us all how truly racist and violent the democrat party has become, today's shooting was delivered to drive home the point.The far left media and their handmaidens have gathered and chosen to stick their heads in the sand and LIE instead of consider the coming Civil War.

If it comes to fighting in the streets, as long as their is a Republican in the White House, it will go very badly for the left. We have over 300 million weapons and a huge population of people who know how to use them. The left has the pigs at BLM and ANTIFA who will have to first steal weapons and ammunition before they can go postal.

It seems obvious that the democrats want civil war. Remember that Obama invited Francis Fox Piven to the White House multiple times. She is the widow of Piven of Cloward and Piven fame and she gave an interview after one of her trips to the traitor where she said literally wondered what it would take for the progressives to start a civil war.

Spin Zone / Re: Thoughts on health care in the US.
« on: June 15, 2017, 07:02:50 PM »
The media and most of the elites are pretending that the democrats didn't construct obamacare specifically to fail to they would have cover to usurp all the money being spent on medical procedures and keep as much of it for themselves as possible. It was  scam from start to finish and now that it is failing, the country failed to follow the script and put the chief crook, Hilary in office to oversee the final destruction of our economy.

Why the republicans don't tell the truth about Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama's thievery loud and often is a mystery to me.

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