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Messages - Number7

Pages: 1 ... 425 426 [427] 428 429 ... 541
Jeff Bezos has to make his billions somehow. Being the good progressive, he uses people to his advantage and damn the consequences...
Kind of reminds me of Hilary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi paying women far less than men while criticizing republicans claiming they were perpetrating a war on women.

With the ferocity with which democrats hate job creation it is always interesting to see how vigorously democrats ignore new job opportunities...

Spin Zone / Re: First Arrest in Govt Leaks
« on: June 06, 2017, 06:57:52 AM »
It will be interesting to see how the justice system deals with a traitor.

When the traitor Obama was in charge of the government the treated the traitor Bergdahl like a hero.

I suspect Donald Trump will have a different approach.

Spin Zone / Re: Terrorist Attacks in London
« on: June 05, 2017, 01:26:27 PM »
And Elizabeth Warren is a native American.

 And Rachel Dolezal is black.

 And Bill Nye is a scientist.

...and men don't know what bathroom to use
and Bruce Jenner is a broad
and Bill Clinton never inhaled, never had sexual relations of any kind with 'that woman.'
and his private conversation with Loretta Lynch was all about golf and grandchildren....

I see a pattern of progressive ignorance here.

Spin Zone / Re: Terrorist Attacks in London
« on: June 05, 2017, 01:06:41 PM »
Uhhh.... no. Obama is a Christian.

Yep and Joy Behar is a comedian.

When does any progressive accept responsibility for their actions???

Hilary anyone???

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: June 05, 2017, 12:16:09 PM »
I'm the opposite of a snowflake, as evidence by the fact I am here destroying you in the pit of despair.  :D

I think we're having too much fun insulting each other.
If the PC police were to come along I'd go to facebook jail and you'd get a participation trophy.

Spin Zone / Re: Terrorist Attacks in London
« on: June 05, 2017, 08:34:12 AM »
A consistently driven Muslim element has been trying to destroy Western civilization for 1400 years. It is taking advantage of the current climate of political correctness which refuses to condemn its basis.

Imagine if Churchill had refused to condemn Nazi ideology and welcomed Nazis into Britain.

Churchill actually said that "Islam in a man is more dangerous than rabies in a dog."

The Brits have a reputation for being "too nice." It is virtue signalling at its most destructive. And the left wants America to follow suit.

You can even see in Teresa May's supposed "enough is enough" speech that she winds up clinging to the idea that Britain's inclusivity will triumph over this latest little anomaly.

Isn't virtue signalling just another term for coward???

Spin Zone / Re: Terrorist Attacks in London
« on: June 05, 2017, 08:30:17 AM »
England like France will continue down this road until their countries are taken away from them and then fall on their backs, raise their white flags and yell for America to come save them.

Sadiq Khan is a muslim pig just like Barack Obama. And I believe he is fully under the thumb of the EU unelected overlords.

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: June 05, 2017, 08:27:20 AM »
I don't know what relalted means, but I did find you a new avatar:

Poor snowflake can't handle the pressure.

Keep whining little fellow. Mommy will be along with your warm milk, soon.

Spin Zone / CNN Puts the FAKE in Fake News
« on: June 05, 2017, 07:16:03 AM »
I can't wait to see how our resident progressives rationalize this...

CNN International (CNNi) staged a backdrop of persons — presumably Muslims, including women in hijabs — during a Sunday news segment in London regarding the previous evening’s mass murder Islamic terrorist attack in the U.K. capital.

CNNi likely sought to hype a narrative of widespread Muslim opposition to the Islamic State (ISIS) and Islamic terrorism, more broadly.

Video captured by Twitter user @markantro shows CNNi's Becky Anderson directing the ostensibly anti-jihad Muslims to appear as backdrops for a live segment.

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: June 05, 2017, 06:48:21 AM »
Sorry, don't even know what answer it is you're giving.

Sorry. You keep thinking there are rules that must be followed relalted to political correctness and I think you're full of shit.

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: June 05, 2017, 05:09:06 AM »
No, really, I wasn't asking you.

That's because you know the correct answer and it conflicts with your politics.

It's all about attention and ego.
I heard a psychiatrist on late night radio say, recently, that all this fake transgender confusion is little more than snowflakes needy for attention and finding it by claiming to be confused.
That makes A Lot of sense.

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: June 04, 2017, 06:53:12 PM »
I wasn't asking you. Not because I don't want to ask you, but because I know your answer already: "Liberals!"

You knew my answer wouldn't pander the left wing line and might solve the issue without hurting anyone except lying ass liberals.

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