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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 115 116 [117] 118 119 ... 156
Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: June 08, 2019, 08:02:34 PM »
A man was washed up on a beach after a terrible shipwreck. Only a sheep and a sheepdog were washed up with him. After looking around, he realized that they were stranded on deserted island.

After being there awhile, he got into the habit of taking his two animal companions to the beach every evening to watch the sunset. One particular evening, the sky was a fiery red with beautiful cirrus clouds, the breeze was warm and gentle - a perfect night for romance.

As they sat there, the sheep started looking better and better to the lonely man. Soon, he leaned over to the sheep and put his arm around it. But the sheepdog, ever protective of the sheep, growled fiercely until the man took his arm from around the sheep. After that, the three of them continued to enjoy the sunsets together,

but there was no more cuddling.

A few weeks passed by and, lo and behold, there was another shipwreck.

The only survivor was Nancy Pelosi. That evening, the man brought Nancy to the evening beach ritual. It was another beautiful evening, red sky, cirrus clouds, a warm and gentle breeze, a perfect for a night of romance.

Pretty soon, the man started to get "those feelings" again. He fought the urges as long as he could but he finally gave in and leaned over to Nancy and told her he hadn't had sex for months. Nancy batted her eyelashes and asked if there was anything she could do for him.

He said, "Would you mind taking the dog for a walk?"

Spin Zone / Re: That was quick. How long until China comes around?
« on: June 08, 2019, 06:03:25 AM »
I've spent a few years of my life living and working in Asia and dealing with the Chinese.

The Chinese have an odd view on business, and you can't apply western thinking to how they operate.  In their culture, lying is fully acceptable in business if it furthers the business.  It's just a business tactic.  Also, contracts are for their side only to enforce what they want, the other side must submit to them.  And they view contracts as documents in which they can change their terms (not yours) as they desire.

 Another thing the Chinese live by is "saving face".  In the end, if you bloody them up too bad and you walk away the clear winner, they have lost face and are disgraced.  The way to conclude a business deal is to hammer out behind doors, then allow them to come out and have the appearance that they either won, or they graciously allowed the other side to get something out of the deal.

 They also will steal your technology.  Again, that's all in a days business to them.  If you are dealing with highly sensitive technology, best go in with a way to protect it before negotiations.  Once they have it, it's theirs.  And guess what round eyes, you ain't gonna win in a Chinese court.

 China has been slamming it to the USA for years, that's what has helped fuel their economy.  Unfortunately we have just rolled over and let them because we had politicians that were cashing in on the deal to our demise.  They have never had to deal with someone like Trump, who understands business and more importantly understands what makes economies work.

 I can guarantee you whoever the dims run in 2020, the Chinese will go all out to help them get elected.  Right now China is playing a waiting game hoping Trump gets replaced in 2020 and they can return to "business as usual".

Spin Zone / Re: Will American Jews continue to vote democrat?
« on: June 06, 2019, 06:53:32 AM »

The KKK is a democrat started and operated organization.  Very small in numbers now, but their roots and ideology is very firmly in the Democrats.

Nazi stands for “National Socialist”.   I don’t know any conservatives or republicans that support anything socialist.   Again, this group falls into the democrat camp.

Other hate groups such as ANTIFA and BLM are firmly in the democrat ideology.

We keep hearing the msm point to “White Nationalist”.  They never identify who these groups are. They keep attempting (lamely) to connect the President to such groups, yet they can’t provide any evidence.

 It’s the democrat version of the boogeyman. 

I don't believe Mueller is objective, nor unbiased.  I firmly believe he wanted to find illegal acts by Trump.  He couldn't.  End of story.

 When someone examines the origin of what's now known as the Mueller Investigation, it is dubious at best.  Had Mueller been the unbiased and objective prosecutor that he's been made out to be, the investigation would have never started.

 As a country, we cannot have an opposing political faction manufacture "evidence", then use the bogus evidence to invoke a weaponized federal agency into action for pure political reasons.

 Remember, this all started under the BHO administration.  All evidence presently known indicates members of his administration were deeply involved.   

Spin Zone / Re: Mexico - here we go
« on: May 31, 2019, 03:48:12 PM »

Mueller couldn't bring charges.  But Congress can.  It is up to them to act or not.

Did you ever attend a civics class in high school?

Spin Zone / Re: It's About to Hit the Fan.......
« on: May 27, 2019, 06:05:57 AM »

Pilot Zone / Re: Racism: A Public Health Crisis
« on: May 20, 2019, 07:39:08 AM »
This country was doing really well until 2009 when a very racist BHO became president and proceeded to stoke the flames of racism.

Racism is now the core belief of the democrat/leftist ideology.

Spin Zone / Re: Why I don't "believe" in science
« on: May 15, 2019, 03:46:59 PM »

Spin Zone / Twilight Zone
« on: May 15, 2019, 03:41:43 PM »

Spin Zone / Someone who misses BHO
« on: May 14, 2019, 07:15:32 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: The Emperor has no clothes
« on: May 13, 2019, 02:42:19 PM »
You guys are making me hungry. I'd eat either of your sauces, my god who makes homemade pizza anymore? Yum. And I'm in the middle of my no-carb keto diet. :(  But I've lost 15 pounds so far.

I did go out this weekend and order chicken and waffles.  A more sinful dish I can't think of. But it was amazing... jalapeno honey to dip the fried chicken in, maple syrup for the huge fluffy Belgian waffle, and a side of sweet potato french fries. Better than sex....

Pizza is like sex, when it's good, it's really good.....

And when it's's still pretty good.   ;D

So far, as far as I know, you can turn it off or customize it. In Word I usually customize to remove the grammar corrections. And the caps correction. And sometimes the whole thing.

There is censorship in word games. Cuss words for example aren’t recognized in my “Scrabble”. Pisses me off. It allows “feces” but not “shit”. ::)

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: May 10, 2019, 11:37:00 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: May 10, 2019, 06:20:48 AM »

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