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Messages - Anthony

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This is not a Democracy, but a Representative Republic.  Votes don't matter.  :)

The press (MSM) will ignore and try to bury this.

Yep.  They are so predictable it is laughable. 

Bottom line for me is the military shouldn't be a place for Social Engineering Experimentation.  We are putting soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines at risk, and it is not fair to them.  These are life, and death issues, plus mission readiness, and success issues.  Would the lib/progs like their sons to get killed, and the missions to fail to make themselves "feel" better about LGBT people, and women?

LOL!  Too bad, so sad! 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 28, 2017, 08:28:09 AM »
Not saying this about anyone here, but I do think that many liberal/progressives are of a mindset of do as I say, not as I do.  Also, they are quick to commit other people's money for their pet, feel good causes, especially when they don't have any skin in the game.  So, I think invflatspin's sentence is valid. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 28, 2017, 07:25:47 AM »
Eh, you and your jerk-off buddy luci are transgender morons, so I figure it evens out.

Oh wow, so the secret is out? 


Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 28, 2017, 07:07:16 AM »

Never underestimate the ability of Republicans to fuck it up, in the next election or beyond. Of course, the same applies to the Democrats, as evidenced by the nomination of the Anointed One. What I'd like in a candidate, broadly, is social liberalism, fiscal sense, and answers that aren't automatically "more government" and "more shitty laws".

^^^^^For the most part I agree.  However, I would want "social liberalism" to not mean social engineering policies that also destroy "fiscal sense". 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 28, 2017, 05:49:21 AM »
Question: Why hasn't the invisible hand of the market taken care of the media bias?

Because you have rich owners that supersede the market.  AKA Jeff Bezos, Comcast, etc. 

The Democrats are still entrenched in their liberal/progressive utopian mantra.  I guess Soros, and their other elite handlers want that to continue to be their selling point.  It is designed to fool the useful idiots who view themselves as do-gooders, but also further consolidate power into a centralized government, and eventually a world government.

When Democrats lose, their knee jerk reactions is " WE WEREN'T Liberal/Progressive ENOUGH".  They double down on the communist stupidity.  You won't see a moderate Democrat rise to any position of power, nor candidacy in the Dem party. 

Meanwhile the Republicans continue to have a circular firing squad.   

Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 27, 2017, 10:50:32 AM »
I agree that the military is NOT the place for social engineering experimentation, and it is also not the place to lower standards to get women into combat roles.  That's not the mission at all.  The mission is to defend the U.S, and blow up, and break things, and the enemy.  That's it.   

I am just glad Hillary, for the most part is out of the public eye, and so is Bill.  Both are now irrelevant, and even the Democrats don't want them around.  I just can't stand her shrill voice, weird faces, and that crap that comes out of her mouth.  Yes, even fat, ugly Monica was an upgrade. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 27, 2017, 06:43:41 AM »

Again, the alt left progressive movement is a very small group.  The only reason we hear anything from them is the MSM is their mouthpiece.

Yes, the media makes it seem like most of the country is liberal/progressive while the opposite is actually true.  Hence, the Trump election.  They want people to feel guilty for being conservative, or libertarian. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 27, 2017, 05:56:21 AM »
The gay mafia has weaponized transgender disorder because they got the homo wedding thing through the courts and needed a new made up outrage to keep the angry, unfulfilled, and delusional queer money flowing at previous amounts.
It's all,about money and because they have to have an outrage to keep the gay mafia lobby flush with cash, transgender is the current it.
Look no deeper.
It's all about the bucks.

The media loves this stuff.  They live to promote things that are really very small issues, and have no meaning to the vast majority of Americans.  I don't even think most gays care about this crap.

Accident Review/Never Again (I hope..) / Re: Bad one in Ogden UT.
« on: July 27, 2017, 05:54:47 AM »
That's terrible.  I always hate to speculate, but that what discussion boards are for, right?  I rarely filled all the seats in the Tiger or flew at gross weight, maybe because I had it at high altitude in Colorado for several years.  I hate to hear accidents like these.  Ship the luggage UPS, and leave a margin for W&B.  I'm, not saying this guy was over gross, but high, hot, and heavy was never a place I wanted to be. 

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