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Messages - President in Exile YOLT

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I never thought Super Callous Fragile Ego Extra Braggadocios colluded with Russia or intended to do anything illegal at all.  He might be a horrid POTUS,

What has he done to make him a "horrid POTUS"?  Tax cuts?  Historically low unemployment?  Wanting a secure border and to stop the flow of ILLEGAL aliens?  Pro business stance?  Allowing our energy resources to be used more freely?  Removing the penalty from Obamacare?  Putting trade deals in place that are more fair to the U.S.?  What exactly?

I've long said the only good way to be rid of the Mango Mussolini is the ballot box.

Agreed.  If we get Biden, Bernie or anyone else from the Democrat clown car, be prepared for job and economy killing policies, poor housing markets, high inflation, poor stock markets, and unemployment going up from its current historic low. 

It is reversing the progress we have made for 150 years. What's best for cultures is to merge, and become one. And no it does not mean blacks should all become "oreos" and integrate into white culture. It works both ways. Look at jazz for example, and the blues and how that has influenced American art.

When you insist on "preserving" minority ethnicities separately, as opposed to this natural merging and blending, you create friction and inevitable conflict. It's what humans do.
Sadly, I firmly believe that this reversal began on January 20, 2009. 

Pilot Zone / Re: Oshkosh Anybody?
« on: June 04, 2019, 04:02:46 AM »
Who the hell is Rob Thomas?

The guy that started Wendy's.  Disney did the same thing to him they did with Hillary, Biden, Pelosi...…...

Spin Zone / Re: The Emperor has no clothes
« on: May 10, 2019, 07:48:59 AM »
"Aunt" Steingar,  he he he...
Only a fellow PoA refugee would get that.

I loathe the leftists but you have to respect their ability to get people to hate themselves for inherent qualities they had nothing to do with acquiring, or for events in the past they had nothing to do with bringing about. It’s brilliant marketing, really.

By way of contrast, when the left tries to get conservatives to hate themselves, we just laugh and wear our Proud Deplorable shirts. It’s the libs who seem to see virtue in going around with GUILTY tattooed on their foreheads.

It as if they hired McMann & Tate to do their advertising/marketing. 

I'll explain that when you explain the phrase "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".  And by the way, I already addressed this question.  Honestly surprised you missed it.

We've already done that over and over.  You're just trolling.  Try again.

The tearing down of statues and renaming of landmarks, buildings, etc is so reminiscent of what the communist do when they take over..     Coincidence?

Last car I bought from a "dealer".
Nice ride, Huggy Bear.

Spin Zone / Re: Baby Dem Socialist Not Getting DEnough Attention
« on: February 01, 2019, 07:47:05 AM »
Like, I don't even know like what "Cisgendered" is, like is it a new fashion, or type of I Phone?  It sounds like something I would like support, but I can't, like, you know, just like know what it means off the top of my head. 

Spin Zone / Re: Petty Pelosi in action
« on: January 25, 2019, 03:15:47 PM »
Federal employees will get back pay. People killed by illegals won’t be getting their lives back.

Odd that when faced with single handedly storming a shooter, a deputy took cover?  I don’t think it is odd at all. People in combat do all kinds of self serving things and it doesn’t make them cowardly, it makes them human. You never know how you are going to behave when thrown into a situation where duty demands that you will probably die.

Retirement was a good option.  The deputy had discovered his limit.  It should not negate his decades of service because of a human frailty.

Lighten up Francis.

There is no floor for the disgust I have for the MSM but especially CNN and their talking parrots.

They actually fucking ridiculed Melania’s boots that she wore when visiting the troops with her husband.

I’m now convinced that there are no actual “men” in the MSM. None. Not a single testicle among them. All skinny jeans wearing, effeminate little twerps. No real man would criticize Melania like she has been ridiculed, and no real man would create controversy and breathlessness when they could take every opportunity to celebrate what Trump did by visiting our men and women in a war zone.

« on: December 23, 2018, 10:35:18 PM »

"Hogg, get away from that thing!"

Spin Zone / Re: Boy Scouts, as seen by Mike Rowe
« on: December 16, 2018, 01:58:50 PM »
Yes, America was still great IN SPITE of Obama.  He certainly tried to bring us down, and the Fundamental Transformation requirement, and the "You didn't build that!" speech showed he hated his own country.  Then Michelle said the first time she was proud of her country was when her husband was elected President. 

They were BOTH America Haters, and their Svengali, Valerie Jarrett was also.  She ran them like a yo yo. 

Spin Zone / Re: Chuck and Nancy visit the WH
« on: December 11, 2018, 02:19:02 PM »
Oh, I thought I read Sid and Nancy.  Never mind. 

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