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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 306 307 [308] 309 310 ... 896
Spin Zone / Re: It's Time for the Truth
« on: June 25, 2020, 01:08:35 PM »
it can't be both groups are idiots?

Yes, absolutely.  The people actually doing the pulling and the city "leaders" (Mayors, Councils, etc) allowing it and supporting it are to blame. 

Spin Zone / Re: It's Time for the Truth
« on: June 25, 2020, 12:17:24 PM »
Wrong. The people ALLOWING statures to be pulled down are idiots.

Yes, the Democrats in cities and towns are leading the way, but what are the Republicans doing to stop them?  Nothing, because they are afraid of being called Racist by the Dems and MEDIA. 

Spin Zone / Re: NY, NJ, CT Police State
« on: June 25, 2020, 10:30:26 AM »
Tar and Feathering is too good for these clowns.

Spin Zone / Re: Local newspaper opinion column
« on: June 25, 2020, 08:22:33 AM »
Your governor is treading thin ice.  The Seattle city council is being sued because of failing to provide equal protection to everyone, a civil rights violation of the 14th Amendment.  Is your governor doing the same?

I am not aware of any situations other than the continued over zealous virus rules to date.  There was no "illegal occupancy" that I know of in any cities or towns.  However, if there were he would side with the criminals. 

Spin Zone / Re: Local newspaper opinion column
« on: June 25, 2020, 07:23:39 AM »
This thing has devolved into, "all statues must go"

Yep.  Where does it stop?  They originally said they could be put in museums, but NYC is removing the Theodore Roosevelt statue outside a MUSEUM.  Next, they will go after Civil War and Colonial battlefields as they have Confederate monuments, and the Colonials have Washington, etc. 

I live about 100 miles east of Gettysburg and 17 miles west of Valley Forge.  BOTH have lots of statues, and monuments to the guys these Commies love to hate.  I am waiting for reports of vandalism, but both are National Parks and Trump ordered prosecution.   Our Lilly livered, White Obama Governor, pansy that he is, will NOT stand up to these idiots. 

Spin Zone / Re: NY, NJ, CT Police State
« on: June 25, 2020, 05:53:50 AM »

I kind of miss the Berlin Wall and the Cold War.  The only problem is the Democrats are creating it here in the U.S. now. 

Spin Zone / NY, NJ, CT Police State
« on: June 25, 2020, 05:31:28 AM »
NEW YORK - The governors of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut are ordering a mandatory 14-day quarantine on visitors from states with high numbers of COVID-19 cases.  They made the announcement on Wednesday morning during a joint news conference.

The travel advisory is effective starting Thursday.  The impacted states currently include Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington, Utah, and Texas.

The formula announced to make up the list includes states with an infection rate of 10 per 100,000 on a 7-day rolling average or 10 percent of the total population positive on a 7-day rolling average.

Several states have seen a record number of coronavirus cases recently.  New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said last week that he was considering the quarantine order.  It ended up coming as a regional approach.

NY, NJ, CT issue mandatory quarantine for certain visitors
Anyone coming from a state with a high COVID-19 infection rate must quarantine for 14 days when visiting New York, New Jersey or Connecticut.

Cuomo says police will be stopping cars with out of state plates in New York.  He says violators may face a judicial order and mandatory quarantine along with fines.  He also said hotel employees should be questioning guests about their quarantine.

So, get pulled over, and forcibly detained for two weeks against your will if you are from one of the state's on Herr Cuomo's list? 

Spin Zone / Re: No Bubba, it's not a noose..........
« on: June 25, 2020, 05:23:46 AM »
This hysteria we are currently seeing where EVERYTHING is Racist has got to stop.  Are people just missing something in their lives that now drives them to look everywhere for something in which to be offended?  Is it Social Media that has created this?  Smart phones?  WTF is wrong with people today?  MEDIA driven insanity!!!

Wives Anthony. Wives.

You have to remind me?


Spin Zone / Re: Prediction for 3 Nov 20
« on: June 24, 2020, 01:06:40 PM »
This is the end game for some of this.   With the Covid scamdemic, they will use that to bring polling locations to a crawl and discourage voting.   And I think Stan is correct, BLM and ANTIFA will harass voters while the cops and elected officials look the other way.

"Vote By Mail", if pushed forward, will be the biggest election scam ever.  Millions of phony votes will appear, and will be almost impossible to detect the phony from real.   It will turn the election into pure chaos.

Exactly.  It will be the end of our Republic and the beginning of a Banana Republic.  Amerikanistan. 

What do they demand?  “Justice” is as nebulous as a beauty pageant contestant who wants “world peace.”

Hey!  Stop criticizing my future ex-wife!

Spin Zone / Re: another locked thread
« on: June 24, 2020, 11:59:26 AM »
The Purge continues. 

It's all a ruse.

The issue is never the issue.  It isn't about racism, or symbols, flags, statues, monuments etc.  It is about erasing and re-writing history.  Kristi Noem is spot on.  Before you can create a new Socialist (Communist) UTOPIA you must first tear down everything that existed previously.  Look what the Soviet Union and China did.  The STATE replaced religion, and private industry. 

Spin Zone / Re: phrases I don't want to hear anymore
« on: June 24, 2020, 11:23:15 AM »

I dunno.

To me, she just waved a great big red cape in front of Mount Rushmore.  The ingenuity of a lone wolf in causing irreparable damage to the mountain should not be dismissed.

Do you think these Leftist Radicals (mainstream Democrats) don't already have Mount Rushmore on their hit list?  They want to take down all evidence of the Foundling Fathers in Philadelphia or at least start with "Warning Labels" describing how awful they were to own slaves,  and what bigoted racists they were and that they want a "Non-Romanticized" description of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, etc. 

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