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Messages - Joe-KansasCity

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Spin Zone / Re: It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!
« on: January 13, 2017, 06:00:24 AM »
Soros loses a Billion dollars.   8)

I keep thinking that miserable POS can't be far from assuming room temperature, but he has shown no sign of exiting yet.  The world will be much better off without him, eventually.

Spin Zone / Re: The Left at Work Again......
« on: January 13, 2017, 05:51:40 AM »
Something in the same vein is the current battle over the painting portraying police as pigs hanging in the capital.  WTF!!

I see the painting in the Capital a bit differently.  Placing intellectually dishonest and insulting propaganda like the painting in the Capital says more about the the Congressman and his constituents that it does about the police.  Instead of gaining support for their position, there is a rising tide of anger across the country, which will marginalize them and lies depicted in their "art".  IMHO they have the right to prove to the world they are stupid and intellectually bankrupt.

Spin Zone / Re: The Left at Work Again......
« on: January 13, 2017, 05:36:09 AM »
This is pretty disgusting.

Indeed, but not unexpected.

Spin Zone / Re: Bubba works to recruit big donors
« on: January 13, 2017, 05:34:26 AM »
Refresh my memory.  Has the Clinton Foundation ever been fined for self dealing? Oh no, now that I remember, it was another "charitable" foundation whose primary charity was the namesake.

I guess we'll see when Team D isn't deciding where to look for illegal behavior  ;)

Pilot Zone / Re: Video About Our Youth Program
« on: January 08, 2017, 06:30:00 AM »
This one thing I am most proud about the chapter.

Well Done!!! You guys are truly impact those kids in ways they don't completely understand at this time.  I'll say it again...Well Done!

Spin Zone / Re: Obama: It's Fox's Fault, and Rush
« on: December 24, 2016, 11:50:30 AM »
No. i think he's a dick.
A stupid, cowardly, pathetically egotistical dick.
But a dick just the same.

Number7 hits the nail squarely on the head once again....

Obama realizes history will be very hard on him, so we're witnessing his last great acts of defiance.  What a petulant child.

Spin Zone / Re: More Liberal Meltdowns
« on: December 24, 2016, 11:44:21 AM »
Yeah, everyone who doesn't praise the dear leader or his offspring should be shot in the knees.  Oh wait, am I supposed to think you're just using hyperbole?  I forget we're in the Trump era where words don't mean anything.  Advocating violence is not really advocating violence, it just looks that way.

Cue the counter argument that Dems instigated violence at Trump rallies so it's okay.

What exactly would you have done if some tool did that to your wife and kids?  Would you try to understand his rage, or kick his ass? 

Spin Zone / Re: precious quotes from protesters
« on: November 20, 2016, 08:32:07 AM »
The sad part is that he is probably right.  The Darwin effect is no longer applicable t the individual.  It applies to society, and as we coddle these leeches society will get weaker, until we can no longer exist.

Your point is well taken.  However, I believe there is a time coming where snowflakes like him will have to fend for themselves.  The Darwin principle will once again apply to individuals.

Spin Zone / Re: precious quotes from protesters
« on: November 19, 2016, 11:01:42 AM »
OMG. I just watched this. My brain hurts from hearing such utter ignorance.

What a simple, ignorant oxygen-waster.  The concept of risk/reward has never crossed his little communist mind as he's sat on his lazy ass in the faculty lounge and contemplated the meaning of life for the past 20 years.  The good news is the Darwin principle should ultimately purge society of people who have no concept of fending for themselves, or advancing society through personal sacrifice and risk.  When the going gets tough, I'll bet my shoes he'll be at the front of the line hoping someone saves his pansy ass with protection and a handout.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump & Ryan
« on: November 11, 2016, 07:06:36 AM »
That is possible.  Yet, there is no obligation for those companies to return that money here nor is there any way the government could force those companies to spend it in ways that would increase jobs in the US.  More than likely those companies will continue to do what they are now doing, invest the money such that they get the best return.

True, but if the tax burden to bring those earnings back on shore is removed, the best use of those resources may change drastically.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump & Ryan
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:32:34 PM »
Agree that the President-elect is banking on a huge increase in the economy.  Unfortunately, I just don't see that happening.  Coupled with the fact the rest of the worlds economy is stagnant and potential trade tariffs, if the economy doesn't boom big time, the debt will mushroom.  Rolling the dice and hoping for a seven.....  The effect on revenue will be immediate, increases to the economy, if any, will take years.

But, so far it is all talk, I'll wait to see action.

I don't know.... repatriating $2-3 Trillion might give the ol' economy a little bump...

Spin Zone / Re: Why have States?
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:29:30 PM »
Discussing and debating the EC seemed reasonable, regardless of which side your opinion falls on.  Why some people have to behave so immaturely with threads like this is disappointing.

You don't want to rationally talk about something, fine.  But grow up a little.

You still wearing your shorts too tight?

Spin Zone / Re: Not even inaugurated yet, he makes great deals for USA!
« on: November 10, 2016, 05:41:14 PM »

He sure has a way with "sprucing things up" a bit......

I suspect he'll add 15-20 floors with a nice placial penthouse at the top.

Spin Zone / Re: Thousands protesting Trump victory.
« on: November 10, 2016, 05:35:02 PM »
They'll get tired and go home soon.  The lazy fools will need to have their mommies wash their clothes soon.

Spin Zone / Re: Remember 2009
« on: November 10, 2016, 05:33:31 PM »

It's a dangerous precedent to set and even to talk about.  Dems discussed putting Bush in prison over what he did and ultimately decided not to.  And you don't want the standard to become that every person will be put in prison after their service because the next time it won't be you.

There are a couple that I'd like to see pulled in and questioned a little more throughly, but we can also be a little magnanimous.

In my opinion, your attempt at equivalency falls way short.  Bush may have done things that his detractors disliked, but in no way did he do anything that even hints at the level of corruption that has been exposed by Democrats during this election cycle.  The RICO-like activity of the Clinton Foundation, the clear mishandling of classified materials, lying to congress, obstruction of justice, etc, etc, etc....that has been exposed cannot, and should not go unpunished.  Special prosecutors need to be put in place and guilty parties, whomever they may be, need to be held accountable.  I'd prefer hanging on the National Mall, but would settle for any sentence as long as these elitist fools are held accountable.  To do nothing, and let them off without any punishment only propagates the cesspool, and the anger it creates among the electorate.

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