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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 311 312 [313] 314 315 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: New Advertising Paradigm
« on: June 30, 2020, 03:43:54 PM »
Is this the Lily of which you speak? 

Honeymoon pics Anthony? 

Spin Zone / Re: Marxist Lives Matter
« on: June 30, 2020, 03:42:13 PM »
A friend of mine, former Combat Marine Officer, said this regarding the situation that our country is in:

“Stan, the Winds of Civil War are blowing stronger and stronger every day.”

I think he’s absolutely right, and I’m so saddened by it.

Spin Zone / Re: Chief Justice Roberts?
« on: June 30, 2020, 03:32:39 PM »
Which decision specifically?  For the abortion law, it was only a matter of time since an almost identical Texas law was struck down several years ago.  "Undue burden" is a concept called "the Casey test" and it's an important one.  Laws which require so much burden to comply with are illegitimate because they effectively ban what they legislate.  If you'd like a more friendly example, consider some state's gun control laws.  They could be considered overly burdensome and therefore the laws will be struck down.  However the Court has no gotten any such cases recently.

Just because you disagree with someone does not mean you should cancel them, that is what the Left does.  We should continue to respect everyone, even "them".  Maybe especially them.
Roberts indicates he was a textualist in his confirmation hearings. He is not. He’s an activist in that he is looking at meaning beyond what the legislature wrote.

A justice doesn’t need to consistently vote the “conservative” or “liberal” party line.  However, he should vote in the way in which he testified. He has failed that test.

Personally, he should not be a Chief Justice. I think he is playing umpire and calling balls and strikes so that neither party can say he was partisan. He doesn’t want to be excluded from any DC cocktail parties.

Spin Zone / New Advertising Paradigm
« on: June 30, 2020, 01:43:53 PM »
Has anyone noticed a new trend in advertisements on TV?  Almost overnight it seems the majority of the people in ads are black. I saw a T-Mobile as that had 5 blacks and 2-3 other races in the ad. It stood out as unusually pandering.

Check it out and tell me what you are seeing.

I'm not a Bill Maher fan, but he does occasionally call out the Left for their hypocrisy.

I am really tired of White people constantly Virtue Signaling to prove how WOKE they are.
Did you see the video of a white woman in her 50s yelling at people who wanted to tear down a Theodore Roosevelt statue in New York?

Some virtue signaling white punk in an American University ran up to her telling her “fuck your white privilege.” 

Fortunately a black guy in the good side stopped the punk before he got to the white woman. That’s too bad. I think she would have clocked him. She did commence yelling “Is that all you’ve got little boy?”

She seemed like one of the very few things coming out of New York. She had spunk.

Spin Zone / Re: another locked thread
« on: June 30, 2020, 01:25:54 PM »
Your plagiarized piece wasn’t even good. It was a good example of the prose techno music style of leftists and Dems: a repetitive screed using one word over and over like a mallet to the brain, a technique employed by the intelligence-challenged apparently to try and convince themselves of something, in this case that anyone not agreeing with them is stupid. The technique is, of course, ineffective in its intended purpose over the long term, but it does tend to create more Trump voters, so keep doing it please.
Bingo. Being called a racist and white supremacist also has the same cause and effect. More Trump voters.

Spin Zone / Re: Let's talk about good news
« on: June 26, 2020, 11:19:12 AM »
I anticipate fewer flu (and possibly pneumonia) cases this coming season.  That's save some lives.
You’re probably right, for two reasons. I aways get colds in the spring for some reason. This year nothing I don’t wear masks, ever, but I’ve limited being out and about and mostly away from my office.

The second reason though is that any flu or pneumonia cases will probably be called Covid cases.

Spin Zone / Re: replace Star Spangled Banner
« on: June 26, 2020, 11:13:47 AM »
Don't be too hard on yourself.  I like the song, for the most part.  I look at it more from an esoteric perspective.  When I see the Rocky Mountains, or the plains, and other areas of natural beauty, I think we all share them.  I do not mean we "own" it like our home, nor back yard, car, airplane, etc.

I went to Public School in a large suburb of Philly, and teachers were generally "normal" folks, and were patriotic, thought the U.S. was a great country.  Many of the male teachers were Veterans, the female teachers mostly had families and were not "Feminists" nor activist types.
I’ve always liked the Eagles, and the other day my wife and I were watching an Eagles concert on TV from a few years ago. It was outstanding.

However, one song I used to love, but now see the story, is The Last Resort off the Hotel California album. Don Henley is a huge environmental activist and he overdramatized the singing of the song by looking angry. What a twit.

We are pretty much open in Wisconsin. No state orders survived the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling the D Governor’s orders were unlawful because they extended beyond the legislative authorized limit of 60 days.

That being said, they are now trying to give County Health Directors unlimited authority over these things. Citizens are having to show up and fight these at county board meetings.

I’m so tired of playing Wack-A-Mole with these democrats and their unlawful power grabs. 

Spin Zone / Re: replace Star Spangled Banner
« on: June 26, 2020, 08:37:31 AM »
I guess I should have thought that through a little more.
That’s alright. I remember singing that song in Catholic grade school. That verse never seemed to be one that we sang as far as I can recall. 

Spin Zone / Re: replace Star Spangled Banner
« on: June 26, 2020, 07:28:07 AM »
To be honest, other than the spirit of pride and patriotism I feel when singing or listening to it, I have never particularly liked  the song.  So I wouldn't be opposed to changing something that has only been recognized as the Star Spangled Banner for less than 100 years.  If we were to change it, I sort of like "This land is your land".

For one thing, why should we have a National Anthem that nobody can sing properly and nobody knows all the words to?

America the Beautiful would be a good second choice.
Oh good. A song by the Communist Woody Guthrie.

Read the lyrics, like this one:

Was a high wall there that tried to stop me
A sign was painted said: Private Property
But on the back side it didn’t say nothing
This land was made for you and me

Spin Zone / Re: replace Star Spangled Banner
« on: June 26, 2020, 07:23:06 AM »
"Above the fruited plane" is triggering and offensive.  No plane is fruited.  Well, maybe Cirrus.
Lol. I see what you did there.

Spin Zone / Re: It's Time for the Truth
« on: June 25, 2020, 02:52:06 PM »

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