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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: confusing diversity with divisiveness
« on: December 15, 2023, 08:13:51 AM »
The communist left feels that inconsequential things like the law, the constitution, bans against discrimination based on color (no whites allowed), religion, (from the mountains to the sea), and anything that is inconvenient to their agenda have no place in their world.

Those things are only useful when used to discriminate against us.

In other words, nothing says hypocrite like a democrat.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: December 09, 2023, 06:10:09 AM »
The bill needs to add liability for clinics, Doctor offices, and hospitals that ignore patient demands not to be given those drugs. A bunch of California hospitals are guilty of giving the drugs directly against patient directives.

Spin Zone / Re: Some people did something
« on: December 08, 2023, 05:56:13 AM »
Back in the sixties we all got together enough money to send my grandmother to Pearl to visit the Arizona memorial where two of her sons were entombed.

She traveled alone, purchased a wreath to drop over the side of the launch that took the group out to the site, came home and never mentioned a word about her experience.

R.I.P. to all the heroes....

and fuck the democrats who cause all the wars and get our greatest generations killed for profit.

Spin Zone / Re: Where and when.........
« on: December 05, 2023, 11:51:01 AM »
Detroit.... It is happening as we speak.

The criminal jack smith, is demanding twitter turn over all interactions between the twitter account of President Trump and all citizens that responded, or liked posts on any of his accounts.

The criminal jack smith seems to think he can use his office and criminal associates to commit law fare on anyone that dared think outside the pig shit opinions of the communist democrat party.

I sent a brutally, polite email to his office outlining my objections and calling for his indictment and incarceration for crimes against the American people.

Fuck him and his fucking scumbag staff.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 24, 2023, 08:06:58 AM »
nikki haley represents the dying gasp of the romney-mcconnell-mccarthy loser coalition.

Imagine the communist democrat party bragging about how the third place candidate was consolidating the never-obama wing of the communist party.

That is how pathetic and dishonest this story line is.

Spin Zone / Re: The Regime goes after another dissenter.
« on: November 23, 2023, 08:52:45 AM »
It’s pretty bad and obviously banana republic stuff when persecution by the corrupt invalid faux regime makes you feel sorry for a Democrat.

Oh, I do not feel sorry for that pile of shit.

It’s fun to watch them eat their own, though.
The democrat fascist political machine in NY deserves every ugly thing they get.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 20, 2023, 08:27:41 PM »
It is never illegal to hand count ballots.

It is illegal to refuse to insure a legal election occurred.

Democrats are so full of shit their breath stinks.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 18, 2023, 07:43:32 AM »
I'm ok with firing half the federal workforce.

Most federal jobs are little more than make work.

If only those jobs that are actually needed were contracted out, and not to buddies of the communist democrat shit bags, the cost of government could drop by 75%, easy.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 10, 2023, 07:56:01 AM »
Literally every compromise conservatives make is met by ridicule from the liberals. Republicans are Charlie Brown, and democrats are Lucy.

And the only way to end that cycle is for the opposition to fight the communist democrat party the exact same way they fight us.

You don't negotiate with terrorists, and this last 2 weeks have shown the communist/fascist democrat party with their sheet pulled back. They are a party of terror, racism, hate, and violence.

fuck them and their feelings.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 10, 2023, 06:21:08 AM »
The siren song of every mushy middler is that WE must compromise.
When have the fucking liberals EVER compromised?????
Compromise is what gives lefties a boner every time, because compromise to a democrat is they take what they want and we give it to them.

Spin Zone / Re: Some good election news
« on: November 09, 2023, 07:34:41 AM »
And in the area of unintended consequences, we get this: (Remember, follow the science)From Science.Org

How long before the dangerous CLEAN AIR crisis is determined to be a national emergency??


It is not April 1rst.

From NEWSWEEK no less.

A Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader is backing former President Donald Trump to take back the White House in the 2024 presidential election.

Mark Fisher, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Rhode Island and founder of BLM Incorporated, said that he "personally" liked Trump before bashing President Joe Biden as a "deep disappointment" during an interview last week on The Kim Iversen Show, a streaming program on conservative platform Rumble.

Iversen, a self-proclaimed "tell it like it is, no b.s. broadcaster" who has reportedly been called a "conspiracy theorist" by former colleagues, asked Fisher to explain why he chose to go against the grain and endorse Trump.

"Because everybody else sucks," Fisher responded, prompting a chuckle from Iversen. "You know, I like Trump personally and I think right now who we have sitting in the Oval Office is just a deep disappointment ... I deeply have disdain for him and I really dislike the vice president [Kamala Harris] as well."

This is a primer on how to piss off big government/communist/democrats.
Telling the truth is largely illegal these days, and telling the truth on big government communists is grounds for extermination.

I'd look for SWAT and the corrupt pigs of the fbi to immediately start proceedings to 'neutralize' this 'THREAT to democracy,' as soon as possible.

‘The WEF, the WHO, GAVI, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Bill Gates all advocated a global humanity injection by a bioweapon, injecting nano lipids into 5.7 billion people... We can no longer tolerate any entity that promotes poison to be injected into humanity.'

Pascal Najadi, the son of World Economic Forum co-founder Hussain Najadi, called for the arrests of those responsible for the forced COVID-19 “vaccinations” of 5.7 billion people around the world, saying the injections are a bioweapon leading to “democide.”

“Democide” is a term coined a few decades ago that refers to government mass murder and extermination of civilian populations via either direct action or indifference.

“Everything evil in the world related to democide, unfortunately, comes from Geneva,” Najadi said as he listed the global organizations headquartered in Geneva that played major roles in mandating the COVID jab, which has proved deadly to an estimated 50 million souls around the globe and medically debilitating to tens of millions more.

Among those organizations based in Geneva are the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunization (GAVI).

Spin Zone / This Too Shall Pass
« on: October 30, 2023, 11:28:33 AM »
Town Hall published the most interesting article today, by Alan Joseph Bauer.

Unlike the left wing, communist-democrats, when an actual journalist writes an opinion piece, it is not assumed that the lunatic fringe leftist horde of assholes will adopt it as the gospel. The article clearly states it is an opinion piece.
The writer makes so many important points that I can't begin to list them all, but a couple are included below.

Please read the entire piece and see how carefully he makes his point.

When he related that the Saudi's sent burial dress with the aid package, meaning "DROP DEAD," it tells you how the arab world feels about the parasites of hamas.

There is a famous story about King Solomon, the wisest of all men. He asked a jeweler to fashion him a ring that would help him to keep his head straight at all times. The jeweler was overwhelmed by the task given him and did not know what to offer the king. With the deadline approaching, the jeweler made a gold ring engraved in Hebrew, “This too shall pass.” King Solomon was thrilled with the ring. When one finds himself in bad times, he must hold onto himself and remember that the storm will pass and a better day will arrive. When, on the other hand, a person finds himself on the top of the world, a word of caution—this too will pass, so prepare yourself for the day after.

If one watches or reads the news, it would seem that the world has gone mad. Israeli citizens were murdered, raped, and tortured in the most hideous ways possible. More videos and stories keep coming out, as do first-hand accounts of the human-looking animals who took part in the attack as well as those who were first on the scene. Just when one thinks that he has heard the worst, a new story comes out with gruesome pictures of something that one would have thought a human being could never do to another person. The depravity of the Hamas barbarians and their fellow jihadis in the Palestinian Authority, ISIS, Hizbollah, and Iran has been shown to the world, and the world wants to throw up.

Even their brethren Arabs are embarrassed by their behavior. It has been said that Egypt and Saudi Arabia sent traditional funeral gowns in their aid packages allowed into the Gaza Strip. Hamas got the message: drop dead.

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