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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: I'm going to punt this one for 100, Alex
« on: March 04, 2016, 09:15:22 AM »

I thought it was consensual

How old are you? 

The suit wasn't with Monica Lewinski; that was consensual.

Google Paula Jones. That was the sexual assault case that led to discovery that led to Clinton's denial under oath ("It depends on what the definition of 'is' is") that led to his impeachment.

Spin Zone / An Open Letter to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio
« on: March 03, 2016, 01:01:28 PM »
An open letter to Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Marco Rubio:

Gentlemen, I believe the games are over.  You each have sadly taken the bait from the "media" debate moderators, and have attacked each other without remorse.  It has diminished each of you in my eyes, and in the eyes of many Conservatives.  That in turn has made the race for the GOP nomination more of a reality TV show than a process to select the leader of the free world.  This has to stop NOW.  You each, in your own way, carry the Conservative mantle.  I frankly don't care what happened with the Gang of Eight, or who supported what ten years ago.  Those days are OVER.  What matters NOW is who you are as men, and what you will do in the future on behalf of this great nation. 

You are both running against a charlatan.  With the exception of his bravado about the border, Donald Trump has yet to give a full-throated embrace of Conservative ideals.  He embraces the use of Eminent Domain to give one citizen's property to a private party; he recently said we need to "open up" the libel laws, effectively making the First Amendment a thing of the past; he has admitted to "buying" politicians, and has contributed over $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, and hundreds of thousand more to the very politicians who fight to this day against Conservative causes; and he has supported gun control and the assault weapons ban, making the Second Amendment yet another part of the Constitution that would be at risk under a President Trump.

The fight should be against Hillary Clinton, and her socialist/progressive agenda.  However, you have an impediment in Donald Trump that is preventing you from taking the fight where it belongs. 

I implore - no, as my preferred GOP presidential candidates, I insist - that you both cease and desist from the fighting between the two of you, and that you join forces to overcome the impediment in Donald Trump so that one of you becomes the candidate who can defeat Hillary Clinton in the general election. This detent must begin tonight at the debate hosted by Fox News.  The National Review Online article by Randy Barnett provides you both with the way forward, while preserving the right of the GOP electorate to select their preferred candidate, and eliminating the chaos of a brokered convention.

I expect to see two leaders on the stage tonight.  Please don't disappoint me.

Spin Zone / Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 03, 2016, 09:20:45 AM »
Let me see I have this right. The media, educational institutions and the government have brain washed half of America with poisonous ideas with nefarious intent of destroying America and the other half of America just knows what is right and true. So if we want a united people, we just need to force the media, the educational institutions and all the branches of government to espouse only what is right and true, then the misguided half of the country will come around and join the "right" side of the country.

"Special interest" groups seem to be the boogie man to people until it's one of their special interests, then it's a collective voice on capitol hill speaking for the people. Why would people need these groups in the first place? Now I see how unification works for conservatives, just get everyone on the left to think as they do and we'll all be unified. No compromise required.  ::)

Since the beginning of this country, there have been people on the left and people on the right. The founding fathers fought and argued all the time. It is believed that the majority of the people in the colonies in revolutionary times took the conservative position of sticking with the king and remaining royal subjects of the crown. It is those that we hold dear now that were the lefty progressives of that era. What a radical and dangerous idea, that people should have a say in government!!

I agree that the media and particularly the internet, has amplified and increased the intensity of our opinions. They do this because there is good money in conflict. Ultimately though, it is the people that choose to be divided. If there were no TV, radio, newspaper, or internet, we would still have differences of opinion, but likely be much closer together as our positions wouldn't be so extreme and inflexible. There are millions of people in the country like this now. They avoid politics and the political media out there and they are much more open to other ideas. They are those annoying swing voters, or worse yet, those that don't vote at all.

How in the world that a single individual is supposed emerge and overcome the power of the media and all the rhetoric to bring the country together is beyond me. A very tall order for a mere mortal that was placed in that position by practitioners of partisan politics in the first place.

If you can't see that Obama is the most divisive president in my lifetime, and has purposefully and willingly stoked the flames of racial, class, economic and social divides, you are delusional.

The fact that he has an accomplice media and sycophantic supporters in government and among the electorate is simply a bonus.

The president has the ultimate bully pulpit. Unfortunately, Obama used it to further the divides, not bridge them.

Spin Zone / Re: Minnesota Condidates Speak Only Somali
« on: March 02, 2016, 12:54:17 PM »
It seems to me that governance in the United States needs to be conducted in English.

Spin Zone / Re: A New GOP is Born- Pat Buchanan
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:19:13 AM »

I'm honestly of the opinion that the Republic is more likely to survive a President Clinton than a President Trump.

Clinton lacks the charisma to "rule" by force of will.  Trump would be far more likely to make a US version of "Triumph of the Will".  A charismatic populist, without moorings to any principles ("Everything is negotiable") is a dangerous combination for republican governance.

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

-George Washington

Spin Zone / Re: A New GOP is Born- Pat Buchanan
« on: March 02, 2016, 08:54:25 AM »

As someone who lived through Senior's term as PM, I still cannot say the name without needing to spit on the ground afterwards.  Junior is on course to complete many of his father's worst projects.

What is it with these dynasty politicians?  Trudeau, Kennedy, Cuomo, Bush, Clinton, etc.  The offspring or spouses should get a fucking real job.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Receives Another [Almost] Endorsement
« on: March 01, 2016, 12:02:51 PM »
In other news, Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan has invested $10 million with in financier by the name of Henning to investigate "European Banking Interests'" control of the US financial system. 

Spin Zone / Re: Jaybird's reduced participation on PS
« on: February 24, 2016, 08:12:00 PM »

That's a relief. 

I thought you were going to say you were tired of arguing with us racists and that you were going to go away, like Captain did.

When I saw the title I thought the same thing.

Spin Zone / Re: The No Racism Thread
« on: February 24, 2016, 05:24:07 PM »
Thank you!

Spin Zone / Re: Sandy Hook Parents Sue Remington Arms
« on: February 23, 2016, 03:05:48 PM »

That would be a solution to reducing the court's workload only.  In every case, there's a winner and loser.  That would be an absolutist solution that says to bring a suit it would have to be a slam dunk.  Law rarely is that simple.

But it often is, as in this case.

So despite a law preventing this suit, Remington will likely spend millions of dollars on legal defense. That's wrong, and that's why airplanes cost more than many homes.

Spin Zone / Re: NV/SC
« on: February 23, 2016, 10:11:00 AM »

People keep talking about this, but how in the world would it ever happen? My understanding is, you need either a 2/3 vote by both houses, or 2/3rds of our 50 states to call for one. How could you ever get that many senators and representatives to support limiting their parties power and influence? How could you ever get 33 states to call a convention and then get 38 of them to agree to give more power back to the people? The Democrats alone could keep this from happening and they in no way want power to go back to the people. They like the established order just fine, they just desire less Republicans in the way.

Also, I completely disagree with term limits on Supreme Court judges. It just further politicizes the position and doesn't solve much. Just as it would provide more opportunities to toss liberal judges out, it would also provide more opportunities to toss conservative judges out. By making it a life time position, the individual judges can in theory, set politics aside and focus on the law, the constitution and what is right for the country without having to worry about what the electorate think, or the political parties, or the lobbyists, or whoever.

First, and Article V Convention of the States is designed, as envisioned by our Founders, to bypass the Federal government completely. That takes care of your first and second questions.

It also bypasses every governor - it just needs to be approved by the state legislatures.

It will be up to the legislatures to shape the Convention, and then get the stares to ratify any amendments that arise out of it.

It's not meant to be easy. But it is meant to be possible. And because each state gets an equal vote, it eliminates the popular vote from heavily populated states from overriding the will of the other states. It's actually a beautify mechanism.

Many states, including Wisconsin, have 10-year term limits on their Supreme Court justices, and that seems to be working out well.

Given that the survival of the 1st and 2nd Amendments has each hinged on a single vote over the last decade, I think lifetime appointments are a danger to the Republic.

Spin Zone / Re: NV/SC
« on: February 22, 2016, 12:33:48 PM »

I agree that it's a potential issue but the turnout and energy seen in the primaries would seem to counter that. 

I held my nose and pulled the handle in '12 (respected Romney tremendously as a person, just not as a Republican candidate, I liked Ryan but am terribly disappointed in his speakership to-date), and I personally feel that we won't get rid of the establishment unless/until they show themselves to everyone to be as inept as many of us already know/believe them to be - and that would mean losing yet another election by promoting yet another bad candidate and seeing yet lower participation. 

The stakes went nuclear this year with Scalia's passing and I believe conservatives understand that - while I personally was not going to just 'show up' this year if the R's didn't put forward a candidate I could vote FOR, Scalia's passing changed that - I would begrudgingly vote for Cruz or Rubio, hell even Kasich, knowing we would get yet another shit sandwich and continue the influence of the establishment.

Edited to add - with Hillary 'stealing' the primaries from Bernie I think that the Dem coalition may suffer more than usual and their turnout could conceivably be lower than normal - basically the young skulls full of mush will stay home.


I completely agree with every word, but want to add this. Not even Trump can get rid of the GOP establishment. Apparently, and to the disappointment and disgust of Tea Partiers like me, the establishment conducts asexual reproduction, and continues to breed new establishment politicians.

So we can no longer count on outliving the career establishment politicians; they are also converting new conservatives into establishment moderates.

There is only one viable solution left:  an Article V Convention of the States to propose, among other things, term limits on Congress and the Supreme Court. Our elected representatives will not term limit themselves, so We, the People, need to limit the amount of time they spend sucking on he public teet.

Spin Zone / Re: What is a "Snowflake"
« on: February 21, 2016, 09:42:23 PM »
Diversity of Derogatory. Who'd a thunk it?

I'd like to publicly state that I was not acutely aware of the racial component of the term "Snowflake". I used it recently referring to Stan and if it was taken in that manner, it was not intentional. I suppose it's akin to the blackface issue at UW-Whitewater.

Maybe I need some racial sensitivity training (?).

It wasn't taken in that matter, You chocolate chip.  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: I'll Sue Until America is Great Again
« on: February 21, 2016, 10:31:54 AM »

That's how politics in America work. You make a claim and shout it from the highest hill, then it will go viral and a great multitude will believe it with any fact checking. The claim does not have to be true, or based in any fact what so ever.

There is now a certain amount of Americans that will believe that Rubio is eligible because they want to believe that and they will repeat it over and over to their friends and acquaintances. It's a shitty attack on a campaign rival and illustrates how the Donald does business. His art of the deal includes lying, deceit and manipulation, but to the Trumpeteers, the means justify the ends so shout it they will.

I thought people who were in the lead usually acted like it.

He's like Obama. It's not sufficient just to win. He's got to wipe your nose in it.

Spin Zone / Re: NV/SC
« on: February 21, 2016, 09:34:05 AM »

We've got a resident Trumpkin right here.

In terms of understanding it, it's a cult of personality.  Just like Obama, just like Kim Jong-un.

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