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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 442 443 [444] 445 446 ... 895
Spin Zone / Re: The Coup Against a US President
« on: November 26, 2019, 08:07:36 AM »
It depends. What’s the frequency?

Same as Dan Rather's. 

Spin Zone / Re: Holiday table talk
« on: November 26, 2019, 08:06:42 AM »
My adored liberal relative believes, it seems, that people who flip houses are greedy capitalists who take affordable housing away from those who need it. I think house flippers deserve every penny for bringing neighborhoods back to life and rescuing blighted properties. If they’re doing it honestly and in a quality way, bravo.

Then tell them when they sell their house, they should sell if for what they paid for it or less, and to not accept any Capital Gains from stocks nor any other investments.  Are they Pot smokers by any chance?  lol!  :)

Spin Zone / Re: The Coup Against a US President
« on: November 26, 2019, 06:54:24 AM »
Hate to interrupt the thread drift, but a "D" Congress woman has come out not supporting impeachment. Is she the beginning of an avalanche or will she be made to care?

We know what happens to Democrats that waiver even just a tad from the lock step, Fascism that is the Democrat Party today.  Remember what happened to Corry Booker when he said he just LOVED Obamacare, but there was one little part he'd change.  He was made to retract and apologize because the DNC immediately ostracized him and pulled any support for his political future. 

Spin Zone / Re: Holiday table talk
« on: November 26, 2019, 06:14:56 AM »
I have used both of those with my in-laws, and I thought they were effective.  But the problem is that liberals tend not to hear anything they don't want to, and logic doesn't really apply in their world.  As for Ginsburg, they said there would be more cancer survivors if everyone had good health insurance.  As for the Hong Kong example, they refuse to acknowledge that that could happen here.    ??? ::) >:(

The basis for all Progressive thought are lies, emotion, and more lies.  I never start political conversation with my relatives.  If they try to bait me with Trump hate, I will respond, but I never get angry, nor show emotion.  I will respond with facts.  If they ignore the facts, then too bad.  That's on them.  Then later I can mix in some of my NRA "American Rifleman" magazines with theirs on their coffee table, and in their guest bathroom. 

Spin Zone / Re: Wildlife can be interesting
« on: November 25, 2019, 05:17:03 PM »
Well I don't mind sharing.

And that's what I'm talking about.  Talent. 

Spin Zone / Re: Holiday table talk
« on: November 25, 2019, 05:11:21 PM »
We all know pretty much where each of us stands.  My sister greets me with "Happy Genocide Day."  I say "We didn't kill them all, there are still a bunch on reservations."  Have a laugh and then we get on with family stuff.  We tease each other with politics but it stays fun.  We know that we won't change any minds so we just go with it.

I prefer the Steve McQueen line to Eli Wallach in the Magnificent Seven. 

Spin Zone / Re: Wildlife can be interesting
« on: November 25, 2019, 04:32:13 PM »
Can you at least share pics?

For a price. 

Spin Zone / Re: Holiday table talk
« on: November 25, 2019, 04:30:29 PM »
I avoid political talk at family gatherings, I want to just enjoy being family.

I do too.  I have some Jersey relatives.  I mean like ya know, right?

Spin Zone / Re: Holiday table talk
« on: November 25, 2019, 04:29:08 PM »
What immediately came to mind was an image of Edith Bunker going on and on about something or other while Archie Bunker methodically mimed sharpening a blade and then slashing his wrists....

He used to make an imaginary noose and hang himself too.  Classic.  He was great in Kelly's Heroes pre Bunker. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Coup Against a US President
« on: November 25, 2019, 01:56:22 PM »
Odd how "donations" to the Clinton Foundation plummeted when Felonious lost the 2016 election.

Anybody with eyes, and half a brain can see that the Clinton Foundation was/is purely a money laundering operation to finance the Clintons fun, profit and politics.  The fact that they lost $16.5 Million in 2018 since Hillary LOST to Trump (lol!) should tell even the deaf, dumb, and blind something.

Spin Zone / Re: Wildlife can be interesting
« on: November 25, 2019, 06:18:09 AM »
My Grandfather always had shots of Wild Turkey too, but he wouldn't share.  I had to settle for the big-breasted kind.  Oh well.

I never share my big breasted ones. 

Spin Zone / Re: Jeffrey Epstein Dead. Suicide, or another Clinton-A-Cide?
« on: November 24, 2019, 10:42:25 AM »
Prince Andrew didn't kill himself!

LOL!  And Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein's former GF, then Madam) didn't either! 

Spin Zone / Re: Wildlife can be interesting
« on: November 24, 2019, 10:26:53 AM »
I hunted turkey once in Iowa. Boring as hell, sitting in cammo at the base of a tree just waiting.

When I lived in NC I asked why people don’t turkey hunt here. They said that The Carolinas has every poisonous snake in the US. They don’t like the idea of sitting next to trees for hours on end with copperheads, rattlers, coral, and cottonmouths slithering around. I get it!

You have to use turkey calls and call them in.  I don't turkey hunt much and haven't for years.  We have tons of them here though. 

Spin Zone / Re: Brookline - home of the idiots
« on: November 24, 2019, 10:24:17 AM »
They don't want Nuke either. 

In my area the big protest is over a new gas pipeline being put in RIGHT NEXT TO the old one to carry different product from the fracking fields in northern and western PA to Marcus Hook on the Delaware River some of which is to be liquefied and exported.  HUGE boom for the economy and great for energy in general.  They are fighting it tooth and nail for "environmental reasons".  They are too stupid to realize it is much more dangerous to transport by rail, or road, and may make the economics so it isn't worth it.  Duh!  Idiots!

Oh, and the pipeline runs through my development one property over from me.  The one that is already there has been there for almost 100 years. 

I'm in PA, but this isn't my State Senator.  Mine is a far left, woman Democrat first timer in politics as are my state House rep and Fed House rep.  All far left, Soros backed, first time woman.  Same talking points, all rabidly anti 2A, and anti fossil fuels.  All the seats in my area flipped Democrat that last mid term election, then this past election ALL the county and local seats went Democrat.  Clean sweep. 

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