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Messages - President in Exile YOLT

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True, but they are some of the ones that are trying to defeat tax reform because it infringes on their tax deductions, when their taxes have nothing to do with the rest of the country.
They are perfectly justified in taxing themselves, but they have no right to expect the rest of the country to subsidize those taxes.
Your language, just like the language of Paul Ryan, is the language of the left.  Your premise is that the government owns the fruits of our labor, and a deduction ("loophole" to people like you and Ryan) takes from the mouth of FedGov.  How twisted.

You aren't subsidizing shit when someone takes a tax deduction to which they are lawfully entitled.  Many of us live where the jobs are, and don't have the portability of moving to no-tax states. I've lived in 4 high-tax states, three of which are manufacturing-rich states, and I work for manufacturers.

I'm currently in Wisconsin - in 2013 (last stat I saw) it was the top manufacturing state in the nation, with 795 manufacturing jobs per 10,000 people.  Similar results with the rest of the rust belt - Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Kansas.

Wisconsin has been lead by Democrats and Socialists for decades.  I was part of the effort to make Wisconsin purple with brief shades of red, with Scott Walker and a Republican legislature. I'm on the tax Committee and Public Policy Committee of professional and statewide manufacturing group.  Taxes have been going down, but the ability to turn a rust-belt state into a no-tax or low-tax state is extremely difficult if not impossible.

Maybe I can say federal taxes from our Wisconsin manufacturing jobs are subsidizing the sloth in your state.

I'm sick of Republicans buying into the divisive language of the left, whether it's class envy or tax policy.

Spin Zone / Re: Al Frankin should resign
« on: November 16, 2017, 09:30:33 PM »
But wait - he's sorry, and he's a liberal. So that's ok, no harm and no foul.

This is the double standard that passes for ethics.
And that's why the Senate Ethics committee wants to do an "investigation."  So they can say that he's sorry, thus no ethics violation.

It's not a swamp, it's a sewer.

Roy Moore should just change his last name to Clinton and the press will cover this up immediately.

Spin Zone / Re: Another Snackbar Truck Attack, in NYC
« on: November 07, 2017, 03:26:39 PM »
We are coddling our violent felons such that short of a violent rape and murder no one is going to prison anymore. It is not inconceivable that a bleeding heart SJW in the Pentagon thought it was enough that this guy got a dishonorable discharge.

ala; Bergdahl

2016 was a snore fest, from two has-been teams. Look at the line cards stats for both series. First four games of 2016 were never in doubt. Got a lot better last three games, game 7 was outstanding. 2017 the whole series was good. Record number of HRs, two games into extra innings, Springer tied Reggie for HRs in a series, home field advantage change(Dodgers, on the losing end), Houston is a WS virgin. No comparison. One good game in 2016, six good and one great game in 2017.
You're dead to me.

Funny thing this weekend I was reading some far left social media post on the sealed indictments.  They were giddy as kids on Christmas morning and predicting Monday that Trump would be perp walked out of the WH in cuffs.  Prediction after prediction of the Trump WH coming down and the dems being put back in charge.

 Guess Monday morning was like finding a lump of coal in their stockings.............

Spin Zone / Re: Why Should We Care About Crackpot Professors?
« on: October 25, 2017, 10:49:31 AM »
Here's another "professor" only concerned with growing the intellect of her students:
Hey, she wrote a book. I'm sure it met with Steingar's peer review requirement for valid academic research.

Can you imagine that room of white-hating peers all cheering on this "research"?

Spin Zone / Weinstein stuff
« on: October 18, 2017, 10:58:51 AM »
Suddenly they're all coming out of the woodwork.  And it isn't just Weinstein, more and more people are making the accusations, he was far from the first.  Did you notice how few of them are Conservatives?

I was looking over Weinstein stuff and just read this one - encounter in a hotel room, where he turned and just started kissing her.  Then she pushed him away and says "No, please don't do that".  She said she wasn't interested, but he tried to kiss her again, then threw her down on the bed and ripped her pantyhose.  He bit her lip and she start crying and saying "no, no, I don't want this".  Very fortunate he stopped and slunk out the door.

Disgusting behavior.

Oh wait.  That was Juanita Broaddrick and Bill Clinton.  My mistake...

Spin Zone / Re: NYC school salaries. holy - ****
« on: October 17, 2017, 11:14:39 AM »
It's for the children, you sick fuckers. Why do you hate kids? 

Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: October 16, 2017, 05:30:24 AM »
I decided to take a stand and now I'm upset due to the consequences of taking said stand.   ::)

Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: October 16, 2017, 04:21:36 AM »
To bring this back to football[1], look what Kaepernick is doing now! What a TOTAL loser.

[1] Yes, the stock market is risky, but it's the only game in town with the Fed giving away money for nothing. Serfs R us.

Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: October 12, 2017, 04:23:07 AM »
Slight aside, but:

Which begs the questions:

1.) WTF? The guy makes millions a year, why the hell does he need a $2.4M loan?
2.) And why the hell can't he pay the note?

What these guys piss away in one year, properly invested, would keep a normal guy going forever. Which brings me back around to swearing off the NFL, we are truly worshiping false idols.

Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: September 28, 2017, 07:56:51 AM »

Talk about being easily triggered by something so trivial.

You guys sound worse than a bunch of thin skinned millennials.

 You mean like all of the outcry from the Progressives when a woman who owned a bakery refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding? Day after day the MSM had 24/7 coverage of progressives crying about this "injustice".



Spin Zone / Re: So... Kaepernick's Mom Doesn't Like Donald Trump
« on: September 24, 2017, 10:24:29 AM »
So some idiots refused to stand in London for our National Anthem, but came out and stood for the British. Do these retards not know that slavery was allowed by the British when our colonies were founded? What a bunch of morons.

Not necessarily, too many people don't know to keep their yappers shut when dealing with those guys.

Reminds me of the case from last year, maybe 2 years ago, where the court said you have to actually say that you're invoking your right to remain silent.  That's just wrong.

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