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Messages - DJTorrente

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I'd get rid of Spicer, and get a good looking female in to replace him.   ;D

The best Press Secretary I witnessed since I've been watching this stuff was Tony Snow (RIP).  He was smart, knew the issues, was disarming, and had a sense of humor.

If Trump really wanted to make his point with the media, he'd go Caligula on them and appoint a horse as his press representative.

I'm really reluctant to post this, but I couldn't stop laughing when I read it.

Spin Zone / Re: hypothetical health care/insurance
« on: April 01, 2017, 10:58:55 AM »

So you think folks will be fine with premiums and deductibles rising as long as it isn't Obamacare making it happen?

I hate to quote myself, but I've already stated at least one reason I fear premiums are never coming down.

At least one problem that Obamacare caused and repeal can't fix is that the insurers have been shown a new high water mark of how much the public will pay for their product.  Think about market dynamics -- what does a seller charge? As much as the market will bear.  Well, Obamacare -- through lavish minimum benefits provisions; prohibition on rejection for pre-existing conditions; forced community rating price structure -- placed insurers in a position where they raised their premiums higher than they ever dared before.  By and large, the public paid it.  That's a one-way ratchet, and they are never going to forget it.  If I was with a large health insurer (Humana, Oxford, American Health, etc.) I would be thanking Gaia for putting Obama in office every day until I died.

Plus, add in that Government has a piss poor record of success in long-term market manipulation.  Their history looks more like a junkie going to further extremes to repeat the same results.

Spin Zone / Re: The Truth About Islam
« on: March 29, 2017, 11:33:59 AM »
I think they are for those things  because republicans are against them.  If trump announced that he was going to lift all restrictions on Muslim refugees, liberals would be screaming bloody murder.

What I don't understand are women liberals that are silent on the treatment of Muslim women and get so outraged at the idea of fighting radical islam.

And the ironic thing is, for all the leftists whining about Trump's money and income inequality, rich people like Trump would feel it the least were he to do so.  Trump can afford to live in armored compounds and travel with professional armed security; most people can't.  Trump's job isn't about to be taken by an illegal willing to work sweatshop conditions for half the pay without complaining. 

So which party is it that is looking out for the little guy?

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 28, 2017, 06:01:32 PM »

Of course some 11M all but an statistically insignificant handful of those
11M that did not have insurance are actually on Medicaid, so we are paying for their insurance.

You would still be correct as modified.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 26, 2017, 04:37:37 PM »
Improvement, but the establishment GOP won't let it go forward.

Meaning the GOP leadership were only willing to vote for it when they knew it didn't have a chance of becoming law. 

The funny thing is, that's how we got Obamacare, too -- When Scott Brown won the special election to replace Ted Kennedy and became the 41th vote against cloture on Obamacare, he forced the Democrats in the House to pass on the version of the bill that already passed the Senate. It was a version that most never expected to become law as it read -- they always believed it would be "worked out" in conference committee between the two houses.  Alas...

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 26, 2017, 03:58:53 PM »
So now that (ding, dong) the Ryan bill is dead, how about this option from Rand Paul, which has already passed Congress once in 2015?

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 25, 2017, 02:59:53 PM »
The Freedom caucus is the reason we still have Obamacare. 

Not even wrong. Obama, Pelosi and Ried are the reason we have Obamacare.  And the incremental changes that were the AHCA would not have changed that.  Meaning -- but for the Freedom Caucus -- we STILL would have had Obamacare, with the added "benefit" that its impending collapse could be plausibly blamed on the GOP.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 25, 2017, 01:34:53 PM »
Oh, yeah, and if the Democrats are lambasting the GOP for not passing this bill, why wouldn't a single one of them vote for it? 

Seems to me they are really lambasting the GOP for not being a autocratic collective with out a modicum of individual thought -- just like the Democrats are.  Nancy P says vote for it, the the little D-bots fall right in line.
 They'd prefer to not read it -- that gives them a plausible excuse later.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 25, 2017, 12:56:00 PM »
Trump, Spicer and some others are saying that after the GOP failure to pass a new health bill, the Democrats OWN Obamacare.

I disagree.  I think they owned it before.  Now, the Freedom Caucus shares ownership with the Ds.

Absolutely not.  Failing to vote for a half-assed O'care-lite does not mean that the Freedom Caucus "owns" Obamacare.  To the contrary, had they passed this bill and O'care-lite predictably cratered anyway, then the GOP would have owned its failure.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 25, 2017, 06:16:52 AM »
Jumping back over the abortion tangent to the bill itself, my understanding is that the bill purported to do away with the parts of Obamacare that were unpopular (like the individual mandate and its associated penalty tax); but kept the expensive parts of Obamacare that people liked -- no restriction on pre-existing conditions; no lifetime caps on benefits.

This bill was a recipe for disaster -- it would have done nothing to reduce premiums or deductibles.  All the bill would have accomplished was to accelerate the obvious impending collapse of the health insurance market.  And then, both of those outcomes would have been plausibly blamed squarely on the GOP.  The Freedom Caucus saved Ryan's ass this week.  Its funny to hear the Dems crowing about this, when it was the conservatives who were responsible for stopping the bill, and when they eventually get will be something the left likes even less.

At least one problem that Obamacare caused and repeal can't fix is that the insurers have been shown a new high water mark of how much the public will pay for their product.  Think about market dynamics -- what does a seller charge? As much as the market will bear.  Well, Obamacare -- through lavish minimum benefits provisions; prohibition on rejection for pre-existing conditions; forced community rating price structure -- placed insurers in a position where they raised their premiums higher than they ever dared before.  By and large, the public paid it.  That's a one-way ratchet, and they are never going to forget it.  If I was with a large health insurer (Humana, Oxford, American Health, etc.) I would be thanking Gaia for putting Obama in office every day until I died.

Spin Zone / Re: hypothetical health care/insurance
« on: March 21, 2017, 05:44:36 AM »
Obamacare was designed to fail.  After it did, the "only" option left would be single-payer.

Nothing "good" (broadly speaking, there are certainly isolated winners and losers) usually comes from governments trying to remake markets into what some people wish that they would be. 

Spin Zone / Re: hypothetical health care/insurance
« on: March 20, 2017, 02:06:34 PM »
My opinion is that health "insurance" fails the simple tests that would confirm that it is an insurance product.

You can't (profitably) insure against an inevitable occurrence.  "Obamacare" style health insurance as currently mandated is as bad a deal as whole life insurance; and I thought most people above room temp IQ know what a bad deal that is (for the subscriber -- people who sell it LOVE the stuff).

Spin Zone / Re: hypothetical health care/insurance
« on: March 20, 2017, 04:43:26 AM »
Although I often use the Google-Wiki combination for a quick primer on issues, it is not authoritative. The full Wiki article on US health insurance describes medical accident insurance offered in the 1850's.

But put that aside, and just work through the logic.  Think about the mechanics of the medical market with and without insurance.  Absent widespread (employer-based) health insurance, would individuals save an amount equal to their premiums each year to be available for medical expenses?  Some might; still others might save generally, but not as much and/or not dedicated only to health expenses; most will save little or nothing and attempt to cash flow their needs.  This would greatly reduce the medical industry's pricing power. 

Now, even for those who saved the full measure, once that individual pool of money is exhausted, would doctors have any ability to access the saved funds of others (outside perhaps immediate family members) in order to pay for extraordinary care?  The insurance model necessarily means that funds from those who don't need services are used to pay for those who do.  Ergo, doctors/hospitals/pharma can charge more to those who do need it, and those people have a resource from which to pay the amount charged.

Listen, I'm a capitalist.  I'm not necessarily ascribing a sinister motive to any of this or putting red horns on your neighborhood family doctor.  But if we are going to seriously discuss any attempt to "fix" the system, aka, provide health care services to people who can't otherwise afford it, or more generally reduce the cost of health care overall ('bend the cost curve'), then pursuing a model that is designed and operates to increase cost doesn't seem logical, does it?

Spin Zone / Re: hypothetical health care/insurance
« on: March 19, 2017, 02:07:22 PM »
Before anyone says word one about public policy towards "health care" and/or "health care coverage" in America, honestly demands -- DEMANDS -- that you admit and acknowledge this one thing: Health insurance exists because the medical profession created it, and wants it to continue and grow.  It exists because it permits individuals to pay various and sundry providers of health care goods and services more for their wares than those people would otherwise be willing or able to afford without it. 

Against that backdrop, sloganeering like "Health Coverage is a RIGHT!" sounds rather silly, doesn't it?  It sounds a lot like "PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT TO GET FLEECED AT THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE".  Which is particularly odd coming from dedicated leftist socialists who are prone to such outbursts.

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