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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: January 03, 2017, 10:25:19 AM »
So please provide the links you have proving who else had access to the Podesta and DNC emails.   Seems to me you are now just making it up as you go to keep the narrative going.
Please provide specific links to lamestream news stories claiming other than Wikileaks as source for the Podesta/DNC subject - CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc.

We'll wait but won't be holding our breathe. 

The whole unmasking of the alt-left government-media-complex was specifically by Wikileaks, and Wikileaks has repeatedly come out and stated the Russians (government) were not involved.

Funny how when Wikileaks was fucking with W that Assange was a hero but as soon as he turned on Obama he can't be trusted.

I will say it again, the only people for whom there is actual evidence of electoral collusion and manipulation is the DNC and the alt-left government-media complex - first they fucked crazy Bernie and his supporters over with the rigged primary system, and then they openly colluded (and were caught) weaponizing the mass media against one candidate and to overtly favor another - THIS is what should piss everybody off, our representative republic only functions as-designed with an informed public and that requires a free and independent media.


Spin Zone / Re: Bubba works to recruit big donors
« on: January 02, 2017, 11:45:12 PM »
Its tough to run an influence peddling racket without any influence to peddle.

Spin Zone / Re: Bubba works to recruit big donors
« on: January 02, 2017, 08:49:23 PM »
So, he is offering to take money from one of his pockets and put it in the other if you will help him fill the pockets?

Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: January 02, 2017, 08:15:38 PM »
The fury that comes back when anyone doubts the made up nonsense about Russian hacking is remarkably the same as that which automatically follows when one doubts the man made global warming lies.
How interestingly convenient...

Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: January 02, 2017, 07:56:19 PM »

Do you feel the same way about the U.S.?  Should we not be hacking other governments?

BTW, is it really hacking when one of the people that was hacked, Podesta, handed over his credentials?

This, Podesta was phished, he is dumb as dirt.   When I think hacking I think high tech probing, password breakers and lots of programming to defeat safeguards.   Podesta fell for a scam barely more sophisticated than the Nigerian Prince email.  He is a dope, I can only imagine when he logged in to the fake site and entered his credentials, what a dope.   Did I say he is a dope?

Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: January 02, 2017, 07:36:32 PM »
The proof of Hillary's misdeeds, corruption, and illegality is much more convincing than any of this crap about Russian hacking, yet the libs believe one but not the other.  Very strange.

Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: January 01, 2017, 06:02:09 AM »
Biggest FAKE NEWS story of 2016 - Russian Hacking.  Get a life Dems, and stop blaming everything and everyone else but Hillary, Obama, and your FAILED, and DESTRUCTIVE policies.

Maybe ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz to lunch?

Spin Zone / Re: Trump rejects new Air Force 1
« on: December 31, 2016, 08:56:35 AM »
Like anything that comes out of this mouth....  first thing that comes to his brain.

Boeing and others are still trying to figure out how on earth, he arrived at that number.

It doesn't matter where the number came from, or if it was pulled out of thin air (probably was).  It sends a message, that it is no longer business as usual to f*ck over the taxpayer.

Spin Zone / Re: Prof Calls Election "Terrorism;" Gets Threats
« on: December 30, 2016, 10:49:37 AM »
Steingar, it is remarkable how easily you redefine what is acceptable free speech and what isn't based entirely on your personal opinions. That is exactly what the the left has done for decades by taking all sorts of discussion off the table by declaring those topics non PC, racist, discriminatory, or simply unacceptable and now you are defending your bigotry by declaring those who have opinions and firm opinions that disagree to be bigots and heretics.
You are exactly what you pretend to hate.

The one and only thing I can give Obama is he had to deal with a crisis.  In 2008 we were staring down a depression.  I can't blame the POTUS or Congress for sending us into debt to deal with a crisis.  What I don't like is that we're not dealing with a crisis, we're at peace (more or less), and we're still deficit spending.  Problem is there is no easy way to address this.  Everyone has to pay.  Since no one wants to pay our politicians keep kicking the can down the road.  Given the big promises made by the POTUS elect during his campaign I expect to see lots more kicking.  That guy is clearly comfortable with lots of debt.

I hate to break this to you, but we've just been through another depression.  In the 30's most didn't have the perspective to call it "The Great Depression" (  That came later.  Not to mention I dare say the media was more decentralized, and far less (willingly) under the control of the (Democratic) administration, so they were not nearly as willing to hide the ball in their reporting. 

In this depression, Obama played the part of Herbert Hoover -- ascending to office on the cusp of a existential challenge, and entirely inadequate to meet the task before him.

Spin Zone / Re: How long for this one?
« on: December 27, 2016, 07:34:19 PM »
It'll be good until JimmyCooper finds it.  He kills more threads there than anyone

Spin Zone / Re: Soldiers of Odin!
« on: December 27, 2016, 04:59:14 PM »
Are you asking whether the establishment clause is in the Constitution? And remember, the government may not endorse or advance a specific faith. Whether a Nativity scene on public property is unconstitutional or not depends on a number of factors. It has been before the Court a couple of times.

Couldn't answer the questions, could you?  Let's just go with one, which bill has passed Congress establishing which religion as the state religion?

Spin Zone / Re: Obama claims...
« on: December 27, 2016, 04:52:40 PM »
But,but didn't Obama tell us that Hillary was better than he and Bill?

Spin Zone / Re: Obama claims...
« on: December 27, 2016, 02:52:23 PM »
Actually, they might be a bad idea.  Where will the leadership come  from for all the new people occupying those posts?  No doubt special interests would be happy to show the way.
And how would that be worse?  The incumbents are already indebted to the special interests, and every day they are in power, they become more indebted and less idealistic.

Everywhere I have seen term limits implemented, they have worked well, from our City Commission to our County Council and the Presidency.  Everywhere we don't have term limits, we have a bunch of ensconced, crooked, self serving career politicians.

Spin Zone / Re: Obama claims...
« on: December 27, 2016, 12:51:02 PM »
Then why was he not able to articulate the message well enough to get some Ds in the house and senate?

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