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Messages - Lucifer

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1501 was her turn!!   It was hers!  She deserves this!!!

 Power hungry sick tired old crook.  She won't go away until the media stops fawning over her.

Her entire message, if she actually had one, was paradoxical.  It was four more years of Obama, yet things were so terrible (after eight years of Obama) that we needed her communist agenda to fix things.  WTF?

The MSNBC people were right though, she really had no story to tell beyond "it's my turn".  She is the ultimate LOSER. 

Spin Zone / Re: Micro v macro
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:49:10 AM »
Good point.  To the left, microagressions are a real thing. To the right, microagressions are laughable and juvenile. How to convince the left to let the concept go might be a better question.

another topic would be how to avoid crying wolf so often that real aggression is pooh-pooh'd and overlooked.

Spin Zone / Re: Chewbakka Feels Hopeless
« on: December 19, 2016, 12:30:05 AM »
I do not think the wookie that calls himself Michelle Obama gets to decided for the country whether we feel hopeful, or not.

She is upset that Obama's legacy will be erased in a few months by Trump.  The illegal aliens pouring in, Obamacare, the EPA, DOJ, IRS over reach, all those Executive Orders, etc.  Gone, all gone.  Obama will go down in history as the worst President.  In addition, no more taxpayer paid vacations, and world travel.  She will be irrelevant, and insignificanct, and most of the country is saying GOOD RIDDANCE.  That's why she has no hope. 

Don't let the door hit you in your fat ass Michelle. 

Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: December 18, 2016, 08:07:37 PM »
This topic has gotten rather ridiculous.

The indignation from the left  comes across as false.  Maybe they are really upset over Russia's interference, but
1) they haven't shown the same feelings about George Soros's meddling.
2) it isn't like Russia doing this is new.
3) the US is not the sole focus. 

Grow up already. 

Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: December 18, 2016, 03:40:04 PM »
You really expect Putin to admit or put forth the reasons for interfering with internal American politics?  I don't really care what his reasons were.  I don't really care whether Democrats were targeted or Republicans were targeted or Rosie O'donnell was targeted.  The Russians have no business meddling in our business.  I'm relying on what our intelligence agencies have concluded with high confidence. 

I don't care about any "charge that the leaking of DNC emails by Wikileaks affected the election."  I care that Putin directed hacking into American systems and his intent. The intent can be derived by anyone with a brain by what was released from the hacking.  You all have shifted the focus to what was hacked and it's effect on the election--the focus should be on Russia doing anything to interfere regardless of whether it was effective or not.  Your continuing focus on what was hacked makes me believe that you think it's okay because it reinforces your case against the godless Democrats. In your world it would be okay for cops to break into a home and search it without a search warrant provided they find evidence of a crime.  Seems like you would do well in Nazi Germany of the 1940s and any talk about the sanctity of our Bill of Rights is just eyewash as long as you benefit from looking the other way.

Witmo, you are being taken for a ride.  This wasn't putin, it was a disgruntled Bernie supporter in the dnc for one for one of the leaks and phishing scheme by some putz who got lucky because Podesta is a moron and exposed his gmail account, apparently for months for the other leak.   The dems have tried 4 or 5 different narratives since Trump whooped Hillary, this one has got a little traction because liberals are so gullible. 

Spin Zone / Re: Take a good look
« on: December 17, 2016, 09:35:01 AM »
I read this morning that party was described as "a wake with a band.

Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: December 16, 2016, 08:28:40 PM »
Once again, Obama and all his sycophants have accomplished their goal, which was to divert attention from the content of the emails to the source of them.  The emails themselves are damning evidence of corruption at the highest levels and prove unfitness to hold high office.

And EVEN IF ( a big IF) it was the Russians who did it (unlikely), that in itself shows the total incompetence of the people entrusted with our national secrets.

Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: December 16, 2016, 08:23:21 PM »
So you don't believe Congressmen from either party or press statements from the current administration or NPR or the Washington Post but when Trump vomits out words on Twitter, you take it as gospel. I don't think they (intel agencies) will publicly release the evidence they have especially if it involves classified sources and methods but I tend to believe the conclusions of knowledgeable people who see the evidence if they arrive at a consensus with a high confidence factor.  Every day more news stories come out citing intelligence sources developing more and more evidence linking the Russian government with deliberate attempts to corrupt an American election and instead of voicing outrage, many of you continue to attempt to kill the messenger.  I can recall only one post where someone actually agreed that Russian interference in a American election would be a bad thing so apparently most of you think its acceptable.  God help us all when we've become so partisan that some Americans accept foreign attempts at manipulating the American political system.

Don't confuse rejection of the politically motivated crap coming from the administration with agreement that Russian interference in our election isn't bad.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's hidden asset: rural -- but not poor -- voters
« on: December 16, 2016, 07:26:12 AM »
Newsflash: The world is (mosty) round, the sun comes up (mostly) in the east, and people who can't pay their bills, have lousy credit, and are looking for a handout vote democrat.


Spin Zone / Re: Two Democrats Stuck on an Escalator
« on: December 15, 2016, 08:08:56 AM »
That's a classic, keeps making the rounds.

I just still can't get over how we elected someone who not only associated with people that hate America, (Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall Davis, etc), but told us in his book, and speeches that the U.S. was an evil empire, exploiting the world for our own benefit.  In fact we are so bad that we needed FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION from our racist, homophobic, capitalist, sexist, colonial past to a new model where only Democrat/Communist cronies can succeed Solyndra (failed), unions (more fail), and the unconnected working person is IGNORED. 
This is why Trump won.  ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES Barack, Michelle, Valerie, Hillary, Huma, Loretta, Eric, etc.

Well if people had read Obama's book "Dreams of my Father", they would have known all this prior to his election.  He really does hate America, as does his wife.  They have a huge chip on his shoulders.

The person who calls himself Michelle Obama is an embarrassment to the country.

Spin Zone / Re: Fake News
« on: December 13, 2016, 08:55:49 AM »
I really don't think HRC has anything to do with the intelligence community findings on the actions of the Russians.  I don't really think many in the intelligence community supported her but that's just a gut feeling.  The conspiracy theorists are those, like you, who see a conspiracy against Trump whenever something comes to light that sheds a negative shadow over your savior.

Others have gut feelings, too. I have never been a conspiracy theorist. Ever. My gut feeling is that Hillary will glom onto any shred of thing that will deflect her loss onto someone or something that isn't her. Same with O and his legacy failures. Even you are doing it, Witmo. You want to see Trump as shunted into place by idiot "believers" who worship him as, to use your word, their savior.

Happiness over escaping a Hillary presidency should not be misconstrued as worshiping Trump. We're all a little nervous about him, I think. But less nervous than we'd be about Hillary.

Spin Zone / Re: Is Presdient-Elect Trump channeling Tom Clancy?
« on: December 11, 2016, 10:10:46 AM »
[Edit] That's Trump, on how he doesn't need a daily intelligence briefing.

Well, Hillary doesn't need an intelligence briefing.  That's for sure.  lol!

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