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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 113 114 [115] 116 117 ... 134
Spin Zone / Re: Your 2016 Presidential Vote:
« on: October 30, 2016, 08:55:54 AM »
She respects the 2A as a GOVERNMENT only right, not an individual right.  Of course she has armed guards 24/7 so her rights are guaranteed.
Her SECURITY is guaranteed.  She would gladly waive her rights because of it, even though the rest of us have no such option.

She believes no rights exist unless government grants them.

Voter fraud is real!!!!!!  ;D
Hey you two - get a room! 

Spin Zone / Re: It Should Have Taken Her Down
« on: October 28, 2016, 11:40:58 AM »
I'm a deplorable, thank you very much.
Well played, sir.

Spin Zone / Re: It Should Have Taken Her Down
« on: October 28, 2016, 11:39:00 AM »
It appears Comey is reopening the investigation of Hillary, based upon new information  - 10 days before the election.

Spin Zone / Re: It Should Have Taken Her Down
« on: October 28, 2016, 09:59:27 AM »
More of "The laws don't apply to us, only to the little people"
Nothing to see here, move along. RACIST!!!!!

Spin Zone / Re: It Should Have Taken Her Down
« on: October 28, 2016, 07:43:21 AM »
Yep, the millionaires and lawyers that populate congress will never let term limits be passed, never.
Get your state legislators to get off their ass and pass a resolution to participate in an Article V Convention of the States, and a term limit amendment will bypass Congress entirely.

That's the beauty of what the Founders gave us. They knew that this day would come, and they gave us a second way to assert the power of the People.

Spin Zone / Re: It Should Have Taken Her Down
« on: October 28, 2016, 07:40:07 AM »
I disagree.  Having a former president or secretary of state on trial might be exactly what we need.  We are rapidly heading toward the destruction of the rule of law if we are not already there.  A slap on the wrist is not what we need, we need a reaffirmation that everyone is a citizen first.  Nobody gets a pass.

But I agree that it is unlikely to happen.  Keep your powder dry, you're going to need it.
I agree on all counts. The lawbreaking isn't even covered up anymore.  The left just "knows" that they won't be held responsible.

Spin Zone / Re: It Should Have Taken Her Down
« on: October 27, 2016, 03:28:35 PM »
A private server run by the RNC is not subject to FOIA.  That is the whole point of a private server.
No, but it's subject to subpoena if it is being used to avoid FOIA or for any other unlawful matter.

Spin Zone / Re: Megyn Kelly Slapdown
« on: October 26, 2016, 07:48:10 AM »
I saw that last night after the game.

Gingrich was completely correct. She has a massive chip on her shoulder, and is incapable of being the "journalist" that she purports to be. What a bitch. She is no better than the MSNBC hags, and is probably auditioning for MSNBC or CNN when her contract expires on 11/9.

Spin Zone / What would gun confiscation look like?
« on: October 25, 2016, 05:49:34 AM »
I don't think they will. Regardless, the path to gun bans in the US would be markedly different than Australia's.
Have you not read the dissent in Heller? 

"The majority’s conclusion is wrong for two independent reasons. The first reason is that set forth by Justice Stevens—namely, that the Second Amendment protects militia-related, not self-defense-related, interests. These two interests are sometimes intertwined. To assure 18th-century citizens that they could keep arms for militia purposes would necessarily have allowed them to keep arms that they could have used for self-defense as well. But self-defense alone, detached from any militia-related objective, is not the Amendment’s concern."

Read that again, and tell me that Justices Breyer and Ginsburg would change their opinion, or Justices  Sotamayor, Kagan, and a new justice appointed by Hillary wouldn't agree with Souter and Stevens in this dissent. 

To summarize:  FOUR USSC Justices did NOT see an individual right to keep and bear arms. FOUR. IT WILL TAKE ONLY ONE MORE, and another Second amendment case, to reverse Heller.

It is either insufficient or disingenuous to just say "I don't think they will."

Spin Zone / Re: It Should Have Taken Her Down
« on: October 24, 2016, 01:47:59 PM »
When you hand them as much material to use as Trump has, of course they'll ignore Clinton.  Any other candidate would let the news cycle run out of material about them and the media will need to fill airtime with Clinton.  But every time something comes out about Clinton, Trump goes out and grabs the news cycle by saying something stupid.
You're right. The press ran out of shit to say about Romney, after they got done with the George Stephanopoulos-created "Romney's War on Women", his binder of women, his treatment of some kid in high school, and of course his cruelty to animals after putting the dog in a rack on the roof.

The fact is that ANY GOP candidate will draw fire from ANY DEM candidate given the accomplice media.

Your Precious 2nd amendment isn't going away, despite all the scare tactics the NRA likes to spread. (But go ahead and keep fooling yourselves)
Why isn't it your 2nd Amendment as well? 

If you haven't read the Heller dissents, then you haven't paid attention as to how the Second Amendment could be easily gutted as to render it irrelevant.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary's Latest Attack is Faltering
« on: October 22, 2016, 07:35:14 PM »
You are confusing cutting tax rates with cutting tax revenue.  As Kennedy and Reagan showed, cutting tax rates can and does lead to increased economic activity, increased personal incomes, and increased revenue to the government.  More jobs means more income earners means more people paying taxes.
People seem to forget how Carter establishes the "malaise" as the new normal, and sat in the Oval Office in a sweater telling how America needed to turn down the thermostat and wear a fucking sweater.  That's how defeated America was. 

Spin Zone / Re: Tax returns for emails?
« on: October 20, 2016, 08:55:24 AM »
We also point out how Hillary tried to cover up Bill's illegal activity, and then promoted it, and smeared the female victims. 

Hey Jeff, it is not only about Bill, it is what HILLARY DID TO COVER IT UP, then PROMOTE IT, and SUPPORT IT, AND WHAT SHE DID TO THE VICTIMS.  But you refuse to acknowledge that.
I'd rather have Orange Julius in the Oval Office than Orange Jumpsuit.

Spin Zone / Re: Tax returns for emails?
« on: October 19, 2016, 11:23:11 AM »
It's a matter of degree.  Neither party is squeaky clean but Trump takes corruption and institutionalizes it.  He publicly brags of bribing officials.  He takes money from his foundation and illegally contributes to a State Attorney General who decides to look the other way in the Trump University controversy.  He publicly incites followers to commit violent acts and then attacks the Democratic party for some fringe element doing the same and tries to connect this fringe element by innuendo to the main stream. He's a hypocrite who can't STFU no matter the consequences.  He's taken lying to a whole new level.  It's ludicrous to dismiss his level of lying by comparing it to the opposition--it's several orders of magnitude worse.
Wow. Good thing the DNC talking points aren't copyrighted, or you'd be in trouble.

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