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Topics - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 73 74 [75] 76 77 ... 111

WASHINGTON --  By the 2020 presidential election, 16 and 17-year-olds may be able to vote in the nation's capital.

Washington, D.C. may lower the voting age for federal and local elections to 16. The legislation was introduced last Tuesday by D.C. council member Charles Allen (D-Ward 6), who said he was inspired by the high schoolers that came to D.C. to protest at the March for our lives.

Advocates of the measure say they have the support of seven of 13, a majority of D.C. Council members.

"I think people are getting excited about this, especially with what's going on in the nation right now in terms of youth leading social change. So I think that people are going to be very excited about it and want to get on board," said Alisha Chopra, 18, a senior at School Without Walls.


The Department of Justice Inspector General report on the “lack of candor” by FBI deputy Director Andrew McCabe also documents for the first time the Obama administration’s effort to shut down the bureau’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation, according to a review of the report by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group.

The inspector general (IG) confirmed in its long-awaited report released Friday that in 2016 the FBI had ongoing field investigations of the Clinton Foundation in New York, Los Angeles, Little Rock, Arkansas and Washington, D.C. The multi-city investigation was launched when agents found “suspicious activity” between a foreign donor and Clinton Foundation activity in the Los Angeles area, as TheDCNF reported in August 2016.

The report, authored by Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, an Obama appointee, chronicles the Justice Department’s effort to to shut down the FBI’s investigation on Aug. 12, 2016. The pressure allegedly came in the form of a phone call to McCabe from a Justice Department principal associate deputy attorney general (PADAG) who pressed McCabe on the continuing investigation. The IG did not identify which PADAG made the call.

Spin Zone / Special Prosecutorial Abuse
« on: April 16, 2018, 04:41:26 AM »
Excellent read!

So, he’s the victim, albeit not a very sympathetic one, right? Nope. The Justice Department reportedly seized Cohen’s files on the grounds that paying these women off in 2016 was some sort of election finance violation. That’s a legal theory so pedantic, so goofy, really, that one would think it came from Twitter -- or whatever online listserv replaced the notorious “journo-list” chatroom where liberal members of the media and Democratic Party operatives exchanged talking points. So let’s put this down there where the goats can get it: When a married man who is worth several billion dollars funnels a couple of hundred grand through his lawyer to two women threatening to rat him out for past indiscretions, that’s not a campaign contribution. That’s common sense.

Spin Zone / Gunny Ronald Lee Ermey
« on: April 15, 2018, 05:23:21 PM »



It is oft debated the transformative effect President Donald J. Trump has had on the platform and principles of the Grand Ol’ Party, but according to former RNC chairman and former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, President Trump has not changed the GOP much at all. In fact, he apparently told a group of Georgetown University students that it will “basically return” to its platform prior to Trump once he leaves office.


Spin Zone / Pure Political Theater
« on: April 09, 2018, 10:41:27 AM »

You can't make this stuff up.

An epidemic of stabbings and acid attacks in London has gotten so bad that London mayor Sadiq Khan is announcing broad new "knife control" policies designed to keep these weapons of war out of the hands of Londoners looking to cause others harm.

The "tough, immediate" measures involve an incredible police crackdown, a ban on home deliveries of knives and acid, and expanding law enforcement stop-and-search powers so that police may stop anyone they believe to be a threat, or planning a knife or acid attack.

Good read.

 The corruption of Sessions, Rosenstein and Mueller, among others, is staggering.


As much of the national security establishment pushes back against President Donald Trump’s calls for a swift withdrawal from Syria, officials are again leaking details of the president’s classified meetings to the media.

The president recently stated that the U.S. will be leaving Syria “very soon,” but the Pentagon, State Department, and CIA reportedly all support long-term involvement in Syria, with senior leadership expressing concerns about the ramifications of a hasty withdrawal from the war-torn country. The president became “testy” and signaled “his patience is running out” on the Syria issue during a meeting with the National Security Council at the White House Tuesday, CNN and The Associated Press, citing officials familiar with the situation but not “authorized” to discuss it, reported.

 Everyone who was in that meeting should be sequestered and put under investigation by the DoJ.   I welcome John Bolton's arrival as NSA to the WH, because Bolton will not tolerate this treasonous crap.

Spin Zone / Pelosi on Trump's National Guard Move
« on: April 05, 2018, 02:04:53 PM »

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) slammed Trump Thursday over his decision to deploy the National Guard along the southwest border.

“His needless militarization of the border is motivated purely by political calculation, not our national security,” Pelosi claimed.

 Seems the senile old hag has forgotten that her beloved Obama as well as GWB also deployed NG to the southern border while they were in office.

 And we would all like to hear why the democrat party is so opposed to National Security?

That's gonna leave a mark.......

“Literally, something like 85 percent of our immigrants are nonwhite,” Tucker shot back. “It’s not a question of white or nonwhite. It’s a question of whether Mexico gets to use the United States as its welfare system. By the way, there were two black Mexicans just deported from Mexico, ’cause they were black, to countries they’ve never been to. That’s what it’s like to be African-American in Mexico. So, let’s just stop with the race stuff.”

Spin Zone / Expect Rabid Mouth Foaming Today from Progressives
« on: April 02, 2018, 06:18:52 AM »

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

 The Alt Left Progressives will be back at their Wyle E. Coyote tactics today since everything else they've slung against the wall just bounced back at them.

Spin Zone / Proof Gun Control Works!
« on: April 01, 2018, 02:19:58 PM »
I mean after all, London has very, very strict gun control laws.  Just like NY, Chicago, Baltimore, etc.

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