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Topics - Number7

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What started in whispers is now appearing in print…American Thinker, Market Watch, Huffington Post, Washington Times, National Review, Daily Wire, Breitbart, Real Clear Politics, and The New Yorker, among others. They are writing about the possibility of a second civil war in this country, a redo of Democrats’ nullification of federal law, the insistent opposition and rejection of the lawful election of a president, the movement of many of our citizens to a more agreeable state, and acts of violence.

These elements of civil war are now with us once again…nullification, separation, rejection, and violence. We can argue on the order, but the same elements that 159 years ago transported this country from peace and unity into the hell of armed conflict have reappeared, complete with a great social issue of our own…abortion.

The Democrats’ past subversion cost 750,000 lives with hundreds of thousands wounded in a country of 31 million…an entire generation of sons nearly wiped out and/or maimed.

The current political environment does begin to resemble that of 1856. Now like then, democrats are fighting a losing battle to keep large segments of society in bondage, for the purpose of controlling them and stealing their rights. The level of delusion is just as high, as it was in 1859.

The democrats level of bigotry is every bit as toxic and their propaganda just as violent.

Spin Zone / Who Do You Think Will Be The Communist (dem) Nominee?
« on: January 30, 2020, 05:31:10 PM »

Who you got?

Queer Pete?
Nanny Blooming-idiot?
Senile Joe?

I think it should be comrade bernie, shown here singing in his underwear on his honeymoon.


President Donald Trump is in the first category.

nancy, chuck-you, schiff-head and company are DEFINITELY in the second.

Spin Zone / That FUCKING John Roberts Strikes Again
« on: January 30, 2020, 07:53:14 AM »
Ever the tool of the establishment swamp...

Justice Roberts Blocks Sen. Paul from Naming Whistleblower

Spin Zone / Is Her Name Ilan Omar???
« on: January 29, 2020, 09:06:22 AM »
Most Wanted Female Terrorist Lives in Freedom in Jordan Despite Extradition Request for Bombing That KILLED Americans

Ahlam Ahmad al-Tamimi is the most wanted woman in the world, with a $5 million bounty for information that leads to her arrest or conviction.
Tamimi is accused by U.S. officials of conspiring to use--and using--a weapon of mass destruction, and masterminding a brazen Hamas terrorist attack that killed 15 – including eight children and two Americans, one of whom was pregnant.

Sounds like a good use of a drone to me.

Bitch even looks a little like the minnesota bitch.

Spin Zone / You Only THOUGHT You'd Heard Everything
« on: January 20, 2020, 08:16:14 AM »
TO prove there is no depth of stupidity to which democrats (communists) are willing to descend to, nbc news (that is a misnomer if there ever was one) has published an opinion piece promoting the idea that White voters who vote, voted, will vote for Donald Trump are doing so soley out of racist motives, which makes those votes and voters ILLEGAL under the constitution.

I've often wondered if anyone at the msm has graduated from grade school, because of insane bullshit like this, but we are often subjected to steingar's prolific bullshit, rantings and now seconded by another loopy lib on our board, that it seems evident that education has failed to expose democrat communists to the slightest shred of either reality, or civics.

“Rather than excuse racist voters or try to figure out how to live with their choices, he argues that racist voting is not just immoral, but illegal. The government, Smith says, has the ability, and the responsibility, to address it …,” Berlatsky writes of Smith’s radical ideas.

He adds that according to Smith, “voters who pull the levers to harm black people are violating the Constitution” …

But how would the government determine whether a voter is racist?

Through Berlatsky’s brand of logic, of course.

“Trump’s unprecedented, compulsive, easily documented lying during the 2016 campaign made him an irrational choice. It’s reasonable to conclude that voters were willing to swallow the falsehoods because they liked what they heard: overt racist appeals and incessant lies about rising crime rates,” he explains.

The msm has become so devoted to lies, hate, and racist bigotry, that it has become a meaningless gathering place for stupid and gullible failures to give them a place to blame everyone else for their failures, just like modern feminism has become a shell movement where ugly and otherwise unapplealing women can join together to blame men for their own lack of relationship successes.

Spin Zone / WARNING Signs About Glaciers Melting Removed by Park Service
« on: January 09, 2020, 04:30:37 PM »
Liars, Lunatics, and Liberals have been getting kicked in the dick for decades as their every prediction fails.
Now the Park Service has to remove warning signs proclaiming that mmgw is the cause of the glaciers meling BY 2010.

Spin Zone / Iran: How Does It Come Out?
« on: January 04, 2020, 08:27:46 PM »
I’ve been pondering the cleverness of President a Trump with regards to how he handled the Baghdad attack.

Whacking the general and several of his top officers, but stepping back without bombing Iran’s facilities seems both wicked, and distracting.

How do you see this coming out?

Spin Zone / Liberal Logic 101
« on: January 04, 2020, 08:41:48 AM »

Spin Zone / 2020 - what will we make of it?
« on: December 31, 2019, 11:22:27 PM »
I hope for less ignorant corruption from the left, less racism and Jew hatred from democrats, less bigotry from the swamp and less government in general.

What say you?

Spin Zone / Democrat (Communist) Candidates Not Polling Well
« on: December 30, 2019, 03:34:46 PM »

Let's see...

John (fucking) McCain...
Mitt(ens) Romney
hilary clinton
john kerry (commander kerry reporting For Duty...)

all have one thing in common.


President Donald J. Trump won and they will never get over losing and living with the fact that America chose PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump (not hilary) over them.

Spin Zone / AOC: President Trump is 'Afraid' of Strong Women...
« on: December 24, 2019, 10:34:03 AM »
Another in the never ending, babbling barbie-ites, that can't seem to find anything productive to do with their freshman term in congress.

Babbling idiot, Occasio-Cortez is now trying to label the one politician who has no fear what-so-ever of assholes like her, as frightened and insecure.

Knowing the weak minded, nut-job filled communist party (democrats), liek we all do, that means the exact opposite and the asshole - girl knows she is over matched by the President.

She will be an exceptional replacement for senile, corrupt, nancy pelosi as soon as the communist members (democrat) of congress finally fire her ass.

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