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Topics - Number7

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Spin Zone / 2020 - what will we make of it?
« on: December 31, 2019, 11:22:27 PM »
I hope for less ignorant corruption from the left, less racism and Jew hatred from democrats, less bigotry from the swamp and less government in general.

What say you?

Spin Zone / Democrat (Communist) Candidates Not Polling Well
« on: December 30, 2019, 03:34:46 PM »

Let's see...

John (fucking) McCain...
Mitt(ens) Romney
hilary clinton
john kerry (commander kerry reporting For Duty...)

all have one thing in common.


President Donald J. Trump won and they will never get over losing and living with the fact that America chose PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump (not hilary) over them.

Spin Zone / AOC: President Trump is 'Afraid' of Strong Women...
« on: December 24, 2019, 10:34:03 AM »
Another in the never ending, babbling barbie-ites, that can't seem to find anything productive to do with their freshman term in congress.

Babbling idiot, Occasio-Cortez is now trying to label the one politician who has no fear what-so-ever of assholes like her, as frightened and insecure.

Knowing the weak minded, nut-job filled communist party (democrats), liek we all do, that means the exact opposite and the asshole - girl knows she is over matched by the President.

She will be an exceptional replacement for senile, corrupt, nancy pelosi as soon as the communist members (democrat) of congress finally fire her ass.

Spin Zone / President Donald Trump Gives America Back Its Lightbulbs
« on: December 22, 2019, 07:54:03 PM »
In ANOTHER move towards reducing government nanny meddling, President of the United States (not hilary) eliminated the ban on incandescent light bulbs.

Liberals will surely hit the ground SCREAMING tomorrow that people are going to die because Americans are being allowed to decided for themselves they like.

I have no doubt that Stupid People are already sharpening up their drama queen level outrage at the insensitivity and racism involved in allowing American citizens to make their won decisions about heir lighting needs. Nothing stirs up a progressive (communist) like freedom to decide things, free speech, freedom of religion, freedom to own and bare arms, freedom to petition the government for redess of wrongs, etc... Just imagine the azures and steingars of the world waking up tomorrow in an America where people are FREE to go tot eh store of their choice and BUY the light bulb they think is right for them, instead of asshole liberals deciding for them.

Spin Zone / California Governor Blames GOP For His State's Homeless Problem
« on: December 21, 2019, 09:10:19 AM »
Isn't that like blaming the weatherman when you hate the forecast?

Liberalism must make you stupid.

Anyone believing a single word a liberal says should go back to grade school and start all over again.

Like every other problem facing California, the governor takes zero responsibility and calls on others to take action. Democrats have been at the helm in California as the homeless problem has spiraled completely out of control. But somehow it's the Republican Party and Trump's fault. I guess it's just too hard for the Democrats to blame this one on climate change.

Spin Zone / Supposed Witness to Ukraine ‘crimes’ Found Dead in DC
« on: December 20, 2019, 01:25:28 PM »
I’ve deleted the post with the link.

Spin Zone / Just Out Of Curiosity...
« on: December 20, 2019, 07:29:35 AM »
How Many Morons Does It Take To make Up The Democratic Party?

There's the Hypocrisy Hall Of Fame Members

Nancy Pelosi
Chuck Schumer
John Kerry
Joe Biden
bathhouse barry

Then there's the Honorable Mention Candidates

adam shit-head
lizzy warren
Maizy Honrono
hilary 'cankles clinton

Then there's the Moron of the year winners:

hank“My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.”  johnson
maxine waters "I'm afraid that if North Korea fires nuke at us, President Trump might start a war with them."
bathhouse barry ''I've now been in 57 states — I think one left to go.''
al gore 'A zebra does not change its spots.''
bimbo eruption bill clinton "I would never approach a small-breasted woman." About Kathleen Willey

'Can you help flesh out my list?

There is a huge Amazon warehouse within a few minutes of our home. It employs a lot of people, changing constantly as Amazon seems to go thru employees like adam schiff goes through impeachment claims.

Knowing many current and former Amazon employees and hearing the stories of the utter rejection of wage and hour, OSHA safety regulations and general abuse of employees by the company, I have to wonder why anyone would want to buy from them.

The abusive, near slave like requirements imposed on people that work there have me scratching my head as to why the DOJ and State Attorneys General don’t go after them, but then I remember the taxpayer funded gifts given to Amazon by his little highness, princess obama.

Many forget that we gift Amazon with $1.41 for each package they ship as part of that package given to one of the princess’ biggest supporters.

In our home, we refuse to purchase anything that comes from Amazon, no matter what it is,,or where it comes from otherwise. Doing so feels traitorous to American working families and I won’t support Amazon any more than I support Venezuelan oil.

Remember all the hoopla from the phony, lying, incompetent left, about how the impeachment hearings would be the end of President of the United States, Donald J. Trump?

Remember all the predictions of a tsunami of evidence and testimony burying the President?

Remember all the other lies the communist party press offices at MSNBC and CNN told?

Well... the numbers are in and they tell the truth instead of the made for TV fantasies of kristen and company.

At No Time during the fake impeachment non-hearings did CNN draw even one - million viewers,a nd knowing how many televisions are preset to TiVO, it was probably much lower.

Shit for Brains, Jeff Zucker’s fake news outlet is such a discredited failure that even during impeachment far-left CNN could not attract a million average viewers.

The cable television ratings for November are in, and CNN is in far-last place in the cable news wars… again.

Catchy name... TheDonald.Win

Sure to trigger snowflakes and trolls.

Spin Zone / Thanks to All Veterans on Veterans Day
« on: November 11, 2019, 07:21:42 AM »
To all who served....


Spin Zone / Why Are Democrats Umoved By The Facts
« on: November 07, 2019, 07:05:38 AM »
Interesting analysis making some of my arguments far better than I could.

"Why are Leftists so unreachable by reason? You can point out holes in their arguments but they are unmoved.  And some of their claims are entirely out of touch with reality." 

John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D) of Dissecting Leftism asks and then answers the question. He suggests that "sometimes people need false beliefs to make them happy with themselves and with life.  Not everyone can face reality head-on." 

Later on in his introduction to another piece he posted, he cites Freud in calling what leftists do "displacement," meaning that, in their minds, their anger is always caused by something outside of themselves, like injustice for example.  Leftists do not want to solve problems though, they want to "luxuriate" in them; they need problems to explain their anger. 

And finally, he notes that such false beliefs tend to be deeply entrenched.   "The Leftist needs his angry beliefs.  He cannot afford to let go of them because compared to his needs, logic/reason is a weak force."

How many times will the progressive pigs answer for their many, many lies about President a Trump?

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