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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: The End Game Is Upon Us
« on: January 31, 2021, 03:28:18 PM »
Those who sold us out are not our own.  They are loyal to Israel, not us.

I’ll disagree on that.  We have been sold out by the establishment class within the beltway for their personal gain.   Career politicians that have made fortunes as “public servants”.  Xiden and his family have made a huge fortune from China as an example.  McConnell and Pelosi are a couple more.  The list is long and includes former presidents like Clinton. 

Xiden is the CCP dream realized. 

Spin Zone / Re: The End Game Is Upon Us
« on: January 31, 2021, 03:21:48 PM »
The only reason China was able to do any of that is because (((they))) allowed them to.  Just LOL if you think China did this all by themselves when barely 20 years ago they were nothing but backwards fish farmers.

 China has been on the rise.   Once they figured out how to use capitalism it pretty well set them on their way to expansion.  Their stated goal is to be the superpower of the world, and they are very close to achieving that.

 And yes, we’ve had many in government on both sides that have enabled the CCP to expand in our country and affairs.  We’ve literally have been sold to the CCP by our own people.

Spin Zone / Re: The End Game Is Upon Us
« on: January 31, 2021, 03:09:12 PM »
Guess who owns all the media, hollywood, wallstreet, and social media?

Hint: It's not the Chinese.

They don’t own it, although they do have sizable holdings in the entertainment industry.  The big tech does have numerous Chinese National employees with ties to the CCP. 

As for MSM, while not owned by the Chinese, they have been steadily infusing CCP ideology and techniques into their operations. 

Plus we do know the CCP has numerous people scattered throughout all levels of our government.  Even His Fraudulancy and his crime family are severely compromised by the CCP. 

BTW, thanks for the post and contributing.

Spin Zone / Re: The End Game Is Upon Us
« on: January 31, 2021, 02:57:01 PM »
Yeah it's the Chinese and not the smallhats  ::)

Some of you are seriously delusional.

So care to expand on that?

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: January 31, 2021, 01:23:58 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: The Great Realignment
« on: January 31, 2021, 08:17:27 AM »
Yep, and that's how the powerful keep their power.  The masses are so divided and fighting among themselves that they don't have any energy left to focus on the 1%.  That's what the powerful want.  Keep the masses divided and distracted.  Until last week when a few banded together and hit the stock market.

 In a former life I've dealt with that.  It was commonly referred to as "Divide and Conquer", an old strategy that works quite well.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: January 31, 2021, 08:15:14 AM »
We would all be better off if they did nothing, just left us the fuck alone.

They can't.   Covidiocy is the greatest gift to the leftist.  It has accomplished in weeks what they couldn't accomplish in decades.

We are now stuck under this crap which will keep evolving, unless people wake up and put a stop to it.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: January 31, 2021, 07:15:58 AM »
So His Fraudulancy had a "great plan" to control the scamdemic, he just couldn't tell us about it until after the election.

Now we have found out there was no plan, and it's a total shit show in the Xiden Administration with His Fraudulancy throwing in the towel.

Now we have this shit show

 (note: Politico is a left wing site)

Joe Biden promised he’d bring in a competent, tested team to run the pandemic response, set ambitious vaccination targets and impose strict public health guidelines.

His team arrived at the White House with a 200-page response plan ready to roll out. But instead, they have spent much of the last week trying to wrap their hands around the mushrooming crisis — a process officials acknowledge has been humbling, and triggered a concerted effort to temper expectations about how quickly they might get the nation back to normal.

After a week on the job, Biden’s team is still trying to locate upwards of 20 million vaccine doses that have been sent to states — a mystery that has hampered plans to speed up the national vaccination effort. They're searching for new ways to boost production of a vaccine stockpile that they've discovered is mostly empty. And they're nervously eyeing a series of new Covid-19 strains that threaten to derail the response.

“It’s the Mike Tyson quote: ‘Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth,’” said one person with knowledge of the vaccine effort who’s not authorized to discuss the work. “They are planning. They are competent. It’s just the weight of everything when you sit down in that chair. It’s heavy.”

Biden officials leading the coronavirus response launched a series of regular briefings this week to keep the public informed on the state of the pandemic and government efforts to contain it and rush vaccines out to as many Americans as possible.

But the briefings were short on details. And behind the scenes, officials say, the team was still struggling to get a handle on basic information, liaise with the career government workers who have been running the response and build out a long-term strategy for bringing — and then keeping — the virus under control.

Spin Zone / The Great Realignment
« on: January 31, 2021, 07:01:57 AM »

If you are like most Americans you probably feel like the world around you is more than slightly off-kilter these days. The very ground under your feet may seem to be shifting. Things you knew were true have turned out to be lies. Institutions, like Congress, the media, and even the FBI have not only disappointed you but in many cases betrayed you.

You are disillusioned. You are disoriented. You are unsure where all this is going.

There is a very good reason. We are in the middle of what I will call the Great Realignment, and our lives will never be the same.

For many decades in American politics and public life, the divisions in politics seemed relatively clear. Republicans stood for individual freedom, free enterprise, small government, a strong defense, and lower spending. Democrats stood for a much more activist government, which was focused on helping the disadvantaged, domestic social programs, and a general liberalization of society and social norms.

If you think back to popular images of the divisions in our society during the Vietnam War you can form a snapshot picture of how that all looked. It will be as all simplifications are in many respects inaccurate, yet it will still capture essential truths. This is the America that was but is no more.

A great many things have changed. First and foremost, though, our economy has changed. We were a nation decades ago defined by the middle class, which represented the great preponderance of Americans and was based on an industrial economy the likes of which the world had never seen. That economy ceased to exist long ago. In its place, we now have something fundamentally different. We are no longer a nation of prosperous middle-class households. We are increasingly a nation of serfs and feudal lords.

Republican and Democratic leaders may continue to pay lip service to old issues and utter the same stale platitudes, but the truth is there is virtually no difference between many of them. They are the Uni-Party, and their loyalty lies not with the people or with a cause but with the Almighty Dollar.

The median American family income is roughly $70,000 a year. Adjusted for inflation that figure has hardly changed in fifty years. Keep in mind that fifty years ago that family income was in most cases coming from the salary of a single breadwinner. It is now increasingly taking both parents in a family working to bring home the same amount of money.

Among the top 1% of American families, the average annual household income is $1.7 million.

Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, alone made almost $600 million last year.

As the economy has changed and been hollowed out in recent decades vast amounts of wealth that would otherwise be held by the middle class has flowed into the hands of the rich. Estimates are that the top 1% now hold at least $50 trillion that would otherwise be in the hands of average Americans.

As the elite has grown ever richer and less and less attached to the idea of the United States as an independent nation-state its goals and ambitions have become less and less attached to the welfare of the average man or woman. Increasingly, what the elite wants is in direct opposition to what the average American wants. You may pine for the days when the things you bought were made nearby at the factory where your uncle worked, lasted a lifetime, and could be bought from a local mom and pop business. Amazon has absolutely no interest in undoing a business model, which has made its founder, Jeff Bezos, one of the richest men on the planet.

It is not just that this class of oligarchs is richer than anyone ever imagined possible, however. With this money, and with the capabilities of new technologies, these modern-day robber barons increasingly have the power to steamroll any opposition, manipulate any outcome and crush all opposition. If you speak against them, you will be canceled. Your Twitter account will be blocked. Your Facebook posts will be censored. In the very near future, almost certainly, you will find that your email accounts have been shut down.

Figure out a way to trade stocks that works to the detriment of the filthy rich hedge fund managers? Your ability to buy and sell stock will be terminated.

Expose electoral fraud and the theft of an election? You will simply be silenced.

Find a laptop detailing the Biden family’s worldwide business of corruption? Any mention of that fact will be scrubbed from the Internet.

It may seem hopeless. It is not. I said earlier the ground is shifting under our feet. That is true for the average American. It is true for the oligarchs as well.

Donald Trump’s recent “defeat” did not represent the end of anything. It marked simply another battle in a war that is only just beginning. This is a war between the forces of populism, of the average American, and the shameless, power-mad, self-appointed elite that thinks it now owns this country. The oligarchs may believe they can win this war. They cannot. No force on earth can stand against the will and the strength of the American people once awakened and focused on a goal.

Admiral Yamamoto, Commander of the Japanese Navy in 1941, is said to have written after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, “I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.” The authenticity of the quote is in doubt. The accuracy of the observation is not. The attack on Pearl Harbor did not lead to Japanese victory. It led to the destruction of Imperial Japan.

So, too will the gross overreach by the forces of the oligarchy now on display. Americans are waking up. They see the elite for what it is and understand now that we are not all in this together. The average American exists in the eyes of the oligarchy to do what he or she is told, toil away for meager wages and buy vast quantities of goods produced in factories in China and elsewhere by workers who are at best one step above slavery.

The system does not exist to better the average man or woman. It exists to make a very select few filthy rich.

That system is about to be rocked. The Great Realignment is already underway within the Republican Party. The GOP will either be fundamentally transformed into a true populist party serving the people or it will be torn apart from within and a new entity will emerge.

Just as clearly, such a reckoning is coming for the Democrats as well. Pelosi and her henchmen are quite happy to continue to pay lip service to social justice and equality as they milk the system and continue to get filthy rich. Out there in the street, though, are a great many people, who feel truly disenfranchised and actually believe in the slogans they are chanting and the causes they are supporting. They aren’t willing anymore to simply go home, sit down, shut up, and wait to be called upon again in four years.

They want change too.

The nation is aligning itself politically on a fault line. On one side are a handful of very wealthy, very powerful people. On the other side is everyone else.

The Great Realignment is underway. True populism is rising. The nation will never be the same again.

Spin Zone / Re: laying the groundwork for continued lockdowns
« on: January 30, 2021, 09:11:49 PM »
In reality there’s nothing in the constitution that says a state cannot secede.   There was a SC opinion in the 1800’s that had some cockamamie logic that said states were forbidden from secession, but good luck on making that hold water. 

Lincoln went to war to keep states from splitting off, and on many grounds it was an unjust war.  Today is much different than the 1860’s.   The free states hold much of the wealth and resources.  The blue state shitholes are laden in debt and decline. 

Keep in mind that much of California outside of LA and SF is conservative.  Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon is also conservative.   New York State outside of NYC and Albany is conservative.  Michigan outside of Detroit and Lansing is conservative.   Point is, even in the blue states there are a large conservative base. 

People are going to have to get fed up to the point of forcibly (legally) removing these despots from office.   Career politicians have sunk this country. 

 A good start would be a constitution convention of the states.

Spin Zone / Re: laying the groundwork for continued lockdowns
« on: January 30, 2021, 04:18:11 PM »
Remember Brexit?

  We were told that it couldn't happen, and if attempted dire things would happen.

 It didn't.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate Crisis Coming
« on: January 30, 2021, 04:15:48 PM »
Will the firearms in the hands of conservatives emergency actions be taken before the climate emergency actions?

 States like Texas have already declared they will become a "second amendment sanctuary" if fedgov tries to overreach.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate Crisis Coming
« on: January 30, 2021, 04:14:00 PM »
You don't think they'll send the military in and "occupy" us? Take all our guns? Or try to....

 Nope.  I think they will threaten and sabre rattle, but in the end the state will prevail.

 Entirely different times today than the 1860's.   

 I do believe we are going to see the breakup of the US as we know it.   The next 18 months will decide our fate.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate Crisis Coming
« on: January 30, 2021, 04:05:51 PM »
What are we going to do if DCP in DC simply says, "Nope. You can't leave."?

 What will happen is the federal government will threaten to cut off funding if states don't comply.   A state like Texas will say "So what, cut it off".   The fedgov will ramp up even more by wanting to penalize the state, and Texas will say "bring it on, take it to court".

 Back and forth it will go, but in the end, fedgov can't really do anything.   DCP is good with making threats to it's own shitholes, not so good with the free states.


Spin Zone / Re: laying the groundwork for continued lockdowns
« on: January 30, 2021, 04:01:08 PM »
How? Elections? They’re rigged. Lawsuits? Corrupt or cowardly courts. What else? How about shaming on social media? Censorship.

What else?

 I hear you.

 We need to put the fear back in the politicians.   It's obvious they have lost that fear since now they don't fear the voters, and they know the courts are on their side.

 For the free states, we still have the ballot.   Plus we do have laws to recall those who refuse to represent the people.  Judges can still be removed at the state level (again, free states).

 We have to keep in mind the DCP is really not that big.   Just look at the map, and while they control shitholes like LA, SF, NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, etc, much of the country and states are indeed red and free.

 Secession talk is ramping up.  Texas has a bill before the legislature, Eastern Oregon wants to join Idaho, Californa has a very active contingent that wants to ditch LA and SF.

 For all of his talk of "unity", Xiden is doing the exact opposite.  His handlers are just pissing more and more people off.   

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