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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 59 60 [61] 62 63 ... 156
Spin Zone / Re: Afghanistan defeat
« on: August 20, 2021, 10:27:53 AM »
Following up on the POA thread - can anyone thing of anything that would get Biden to go back to Afghanistan?  Or has he completely fucked us all over over because he's a pansy ass coward with regards to standing up to anyone?  If you wanted to break his spine, you'd have to shove a broomstick up his ass first. 

No, I'm still not over this.  Not sure I every will.

Did N7 hack your account?

But to answer your questions:  No, Yes

Spin Zone / Re: what's the goalpost now?
« on: August 20, 2021, 08:22:11 AM »
When numbers return to lower levels.  The definition of lower has not been set, just like it wasn't set before. 

I do see some positive news in the tracking graphs of cases.  It appears some states might have reached their peak and started heading down, but we'll need a few more days of decreases to know for sure.  It might just be a reporting glitch from Sunday and it will be back up tomorrow.

The great thing about freedom and the structure of the US - if you don't like your situation, you can change it.  Multiple states have no mandates.  Go there.
Or point out to your state and local government that they have no authority to shut down churches and businesses like they have done, and advise them that they will be punished at the next election.

Spin Zone / Re: what's the goalpost now?
« on: August 19, 2021, 08:20:10 AM »
With various cities, towns, states going back to lockdowns and mask mandates, has anyone seen ANYONE articulate what would be sufficient to end the new lockdowns and mask mandates?


Mass refusal to comply will end this!

Spin Zone / Afghanistan defeat
« on: August 18, 2021, 03:54:05 PM »
Too soon? 

You’ve been warned.

Alright, here you go.

Spin Zone / Re: Indoctrination of government schools
« on: August 18, 2021, 01:16:19 PM »
She is no longer employed at Alpine School District.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA thread about to be locked
« on: August 18, 2021, 11:39:39 AM »
He does lurk here.   And you are correct.

That is funny.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Sold Out America----to try to get more votes
« on: August 18, 2021, 10:50:25 AM »
There is a huge difference between retreating while under attack by superior forces and what we are seeing here.  We had the superior force.  We made the decision to withdraw for reasons other than being defeated.  This could have been planned and executed in a much more orderly fashion.  This was not inevitable or unavoidable.

And why the fuck did we abandon all the weaponry and ammo, including a modern air force and artillery and tons of explosives.  That stuff should have been rounded up and detonated with a missile.  They would have heard that explosion in Tehran.

We could take out the entire Taliban leadership with one Tomahawk aimed at the former embassy.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA thread about to be locked
« on: August 18, 2021, 07:37:02 AM »
Exactly.  Anything controversial where their LIES and HYPOCRISY may be exposed is OFF LIMITS.  No Free Speech allowed and that is why they want to limit or repeal/replace the First Amendment and ban "hate speech" which is anything in which they disagree.

They are following the same censorship as social media, censoring discussion of medical subjects. That’s not politics. It was made political by the very process of censorship and demonizing medical treatments because Orange Man Bad.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA thread about to be locked
« on: August 17, 2021, 01:30:37 PM »
Did you miss the "by proxy" part?

Yep that’s how they are going to get around it. That’s how they’re getting around the first amendment right now, using “private” entities to do their dirty work. It’s how we will end up with totalitarianism while they claim we are still a constitutional republic with private property rights.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA thread about to be locked
« on: August 17, 2021, 07:08:58 AM »
If we had a UFO full of aliens land, or if we detected a huge asteroid about to wipe us all out, the MC over at PoA would lock threads on the subject because it would get political.

Spin Zone / Re: “Domestic Violent Extremist”
« on: August 17, 2021, 04:02:31 AM »
bwahahaha "interpertive reading"....

kind of like thinking of plagiarism as creative writing

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Sold Out America----to try to get more votes
« on: August 16, 2021, 07:06:27 PM »
The Taliban don’t have air support. You would think a 300,000 person army would have more than two testicles among them.

I think they could fight back if they wanted to. Instead, I saw military-aged men at the airport trying to evacuate their country, leaving their women to the Taliban.

I’m guessing your husband, or any other man you know, would not allow that to happen to you.

What the rank and file were facing was not the well equipped 300,000 person army the news would have you believe. It’s coming out that those numbers were inflated. There was corruption among the officials who took salaries for “ghost” soldiers, and who did not pay the real ones. There were food shortages. There were threats and propaganda from the Taliban who also started finding and executing the most trained among them well before the surge started. There was very low morale. This opposed to the well motivated guerrillas of the Taliban. We, the American public, have been misled because our billions of tax dollars were funding it.

Each one of them is facing certain execution probably not quick and painless. It’s a rare person with enough balls to face that certainty by yourself when all those around you are fleeing. The failure was the leadership in the military and the politicians. You can criticize the soldiers for lack of balls, go ahead, but it pissed me off when Biden, more filthy and corrupt than all <300,000 of the rank and file soldiers in Afghanistan put together, accuses them of cowardice from the comfort of the White House.

Spin Zone / Re: “Domestic Violent Extremist”
« on: August 16, 2021, 05:52:00 PM »
It's called interpretive reading. Try it sometime.
That works in fiction. In the real world, all words matter.  Inserting 2A in the conversation is your interpretation, unconstrained by reality.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Sold Out America----to try to get more votes
« on: August 16, 2021, 02:23:30 PM »
I guess the Talaban had a better air force than the one we gave the government troops.

Oh wait!

Stan and Biden are right.  The Afghan army, and their fleeing politicians, should be thrown under the bus.  I'm happy Biden did it.
Please don’t ever say something like they again. I almost threw up in my mouth.

That being said, Biden abdicated all responsibility for his Saigon, and blamed EVERYONE but himself or his cabinet. Fucking loser.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Sold Out America----to try to get more votes
« on: August 16, 2021, 01:04:07 PM »
So you're saying that we should never negotiate with our enemies?  But beyond that, the author of your article has no idea what was going on, and has only speculation:

Biden had six months to back out of whatever agreement Trump made with the Taliban, if any.  Biden wiped out most of Trump's executive orders, so why stick with it?  If it went OK, then Biden gets all the credit.  Now that it went bad he can blame Trump.  Despite a month ago saying that everything was under control and Afghanistan is in great shape.

Jaybird, you’re on the wrong side of the argument once again. When an article says the meeting at camp david was “essentially a surrender agreement”, the authors essentially don’t have any clue what they are talking about.

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