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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: Today at 06:29:31 AM »

Pilot Zone / Re: Aircraft Spruce bought out Wag Aero
« on: Today at 04:22:12 AM »
Just the parts part.

(*slurp* coffee.)

I had a thoracotomy in 2005.  For several years following the surgery, I would occasionally have the distinct sensation that the skin on my stomach was wet.   a strange sensation...

When my feet are bare I still feel like I have socks on.  I was recently told I have moderate peripheral neuropathy in my feet and can't feel cold sensation anymore so I bet that's what's going on there. The doctor wants to put me on a ZERO carb diet. No low, zero. I still don't have diabetes, just pre-diabetes but apparently that can cause PN too.

And to continue the numbness... my surgeon warned me about numbness after my foot surgery.  It's numb around the scar, but the tip of my big toe is numb as well.  Kind of strange.

One of the reasons I went with the old posterior approach for my hip replacement is that the new anterior approach has the risk of permanent numbness down the outside of your thigh.  Half a thumb is one thing, half a thigh is quite another.

Although some days it's the middle finger that's the most used.

Ah, the zings!  Right up the finger if I move just wrong.  It's better now that it's just numb.  Nerves are pretty amazing things.

The numb is better but also disconcerting. I cut my thumb just a few years ago on the same hand and it severed a nerve so the left side of my thumb has been numb ever since.  That’s been nine or ten years. At the ER that time, he gave me a choice, either let him just stitch it up, or call in a hand surgeon and go to the ER and let the guy open it up, find the ends of the nerve and stitch them back together but the surgery option came with greater risk of complications. So I opted for him to just close it up and let me go home, knowing the numbness would likely be permanent.

Spin Zone / Re: another one bites the dust
« on: May 09, 2024, 07:50:29 AM »
No matter how you look at it, liberalism is a mental illness.

Pretending liberals are just different thinking people is pure Pollyanna bullshit.

It is literally. On average, rates of anxiety, depression and psychopathy are higher in liberals than in conservatives.

Ow ow ow!  I hate those hand sticks.  Once in the emergency room they had a hard time finding a vein.  Tried to stick between my thumb and finger and hit a nerve.  Five years later and it's still numb there.  I truly appreciate medical professionals, but sometimes they miss.

Yes they do. Years ago I had a serious injury to the index finger on my right hand, arguably my most important digit. The second joint was torn open to the bone.  At the ER they stitched it all up, bandaged the whole finger and sent me home. A few days later I removed all the gauze and discovered that the very tip of the finger had also been cut, just under the nail and they had completely missed it. It had started healing around the gauze and I ripped the gauze out which hurt like hell.  It never healed right and to this day it’s like there is a raw nerve just under the skin which zings if I hit it just right, and the nail grows kind of bent.  Been like that for over 40 years now. 

I also truly appreciate medical professionals but they are only human, and it that case it’s not like I noticed the other “little” cut either. The open second joint kind of grabbed all the attention.

I have a blood clot in my hand right now!  I’m sure the vax I took 2 years ago is the cause.

Kidding, TTS is actually caused by this vaccine which is the one that uses chimpanzee virus as a vector; it’s not like the mRNA vaccines. Don’t misinterpret that statement as me saying the mRNA ones are safe.

My blood clot was caused by a technician sticking an IV needle through a valve. Damn hand vein needle sticks.

Spin Zone / Re: another one bites the dust
« on: May 09, 2024, 05:25:10 AM »
In all of human history the sexes have had their own spaces. My breastfeeding group for example. Women only! Men’s clubs, women’s sewing circles, etc. etc.

It started with feminists pushing their way into men’s clubs and now the reverse, men forcing their way into women’s most private and protected space: the locker room!  Simply by claiming they identify as a woman.

Now they’re doing it to little kids. Denying the boys and girls their segregated spaces which is part of their normal development. Having been a little girl I know what girls talk about when no boys are around and it’s not the same dynamic as when the sexes are mixed, even before puberty before you start talking about grown up things. I’m sure it’s the same for boys. There is a type of socializing that is learned and honed with a group of your own sex.

We are denying this most normal part of childhood to our kids.  It’s part of the general fucking up of the whole binary reproductive system that was established in living organisms 2 billion years ago. It’s going to lead to extinction except maybe some theocratic tyrants will take over as a direct reaction to this Western insanity, like Islam, forcing the sexes back into an overblown exaggeration of separation. I suppose these woke leftists will be happy then. They’re actually outright asking for it right now on college campuses!  Fucking morons.

Spin Zone / Re: The United Methodist Church Goes Woke
« on: May 09, 2024, 05:06:38 AM »
What's interesting is that the Girl Scouts are retaining the Girl part of their name.  That's clearly sexist and non-inclusionary.  But let's see what happens when a 40 year old man that identifies as a 10 year old girl tries to join.

Guess it costs too much to rebrand "Girl Scout Cookies".

Exactly. They are erasing biological sex entirely. It’s like they want the human species to go extinct.

Spin Zone / Re: RFK Brain Worm
« on: May 08, 2024, 12:59:51 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: The United Methodist Church Goes Woke
« on: May 08, 2024, 08:47:27 AM »
In related news, the Boy Scouts are removing the term “boy” from their name.

I’m so sick of this shit.

Spin Zone / Re: Biden forgives $10,000 in student loans
« on: May 07, 2024, 05:16:51 AM »
where men are men, people take responsibility for their mistakes and bad decisions, and...

Where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.   ;D   An old one, I know.

Spin Zone / Re: Who says men can't breastfeed...
« on: May 07, 2024, 04:46:33 AM »
I believe that the new gender-neutral term is "chestfeeding".  Ew. And Yuck.

The idea makes me want to upchuck.  I hope to God they at least get rid of the chest hair.  🤮

Spin Zone / Re: Biden forgives $10,000 in student loans
« on: May 07, 2024, 04:16:35 AM »
It's different today, especially with the technology they use. No more thinking. The phone does it all. Now, back to the video games, where they can continue to live in a non-reality, fantasy world.

Hey, there’s something to be said for non-reality fantasy worlds.   ;D

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