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Messages - Number7

Pages: 1 ... 288 289 [290] 291 292 ... 543
Spin Zone / Re: Epstein Autopsy: Broken Bones in Neck
« on: August 15, 2019, 07:02:40 AM »
I'm sure

I guess it was very thoughtful of the clintons. She was surprised to find her suicide note carefully planted on her iPad...

Spin Zone / Epstein Autopsy: Broken Bones in Neck
« on: August 15, 2019, 03:54:37 AM »
Expert explains broken bones consistent with strangulation....

Epstein had painting of bill clinton wearing blue dress hanging at pedophile island.

Cell mate transferred at last minute. Epstein was alone in cell.

Guards were not regular guards, supposedly sleeping and logs fraudulently altered to make it look like prisoner checks were made properly.

Yep. This looks like suicide by clinton.

V-Tails are sexy.  Even when their gear is up.  I think tail draggers look dorky.

Dorky is as Dorky does...

Tailwheelers are RRRREAL pilots..

Eventually progressives always end up eating their own.

I LOVE tail wheel aircraft, but realize that most pilots aren't skilled in them.

Tail Wheel pilots are SEXY!

Nose wheel pilots, not so much....   :o

Pilot Zone / Let's Pretend:
« on: August 12, 2019, 09:03:08 AM »
Let's pretend you're a democrat...

The field is the current crop of democrats (communists) running for the democratic (communist) party nomination.

Who would you pick and why???

I would vote present., because I'm not stupid enough to think there is a democrat (communist) running that cares even a tiny bit about America, jobs, the economy, or the greater good of anyone by themselves.

Having said that, I am interested in other opinions, which sounds like a paradox.

Spin Zone / Re: Rally attendence for President Trump
« on: August 12, 2019, 08:21:54 AM »
 Immunized (Democrats) think of the world as a zero sum game. Their intellectual blindness and mass hypocrisy keeps them from understanding that the campaign organizers will issue many times more tickets than the venue can hold to allow as many people who wish to attend can fill the place.

The petty, whining ignorant left is stuck in a make believe world where only they are permitted a free. voice.

Guess What???

There's NO VIDEO of the incident.

They were all turned off....

Do I need to buy stock in tin foil?  They took hi. Off su Code witch a week or two ago.

If you want to go down this route, the better question is why was he locked up to begin with?  What NY had him for was two accusations  from 2005 and 2001(?) for which lawyers in Florida had made a non-prosecution agreement.  Whether lawyers in NY are bound by those agreements was never questioned. Additionally, there is almost no way to ensure that evidence used by NY did not come from a 5th amendment violation out of the non prosecution agreement. So the entire case is probably a poison tree but Epstein’s lawyers never made a single motion to dismiss.

So...were Epstein’s lawyers and the DA conspiring together to get him into jail so he could be suicided?  And if so, who were they protecting?

The sheer number of convenient deaths that follow hilly and billy should give any sane person cause for concern.

In case you have been living off the grid, here is a list:

Epstein had been taken off suicide watch.

So they say....

They also claimed that those folks in Waco had to be attacked because sanitary conditions might deteriorate...

I wouldn’t accept anything coming out right now as more than ass covering.

Next thing will be the suicide of the young victim that has been testifying all week.

The lying, murderous democrats will claim that she was overwhelmed with grief over the crimes committed against her by.... Trump, but they can’t prove it because she will be so conveniently dead.

Look for an announcement that the jail video malfunctioned and no one knows why.

And why did the DOJ attach to the testimony into the prior epstein sickening pedophile ring sweetheart sentence, the statement claiming that “the parties INTEND this testimony to remain private”?

The very same people who proclaimed that our President caused the recent mass shootings will join arms and deny that this is the most convenient death in history.

The ignorance of communists (democrats) is painfully psychotic.

...yesterday the news comes out that bill clinton, serial rapist, hosted private parties on epstein’s Pedophile island.

 More news works itself free that chelsea had what is described as a “special” relation ship with epstein’s son.

Today jeffy magically dies in a cell while on suicide watch...


Arkanside is alive and well.

SO many damned progressive child molesters can rest easier knowing that this will all be swept under a very large rug.

He’ll be at ark-can-cided real soon.

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