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Topics - Rush

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Spin Zone / I feel a break coming on
« on: October 21, 2018, 05:44:48 AM »
Christmas is looming and like an idiot I've decided to make stuff to give everyone. Last year it was cranberry relish. This year, candles. I haven't learned yet.  :-\

Spin Zone / Shammalamadingdong
« on: September 27, 2018, 07:45:14 AM »
What say we?

Spin Zone / Why???
« on: September 21, 2018, 03:04:16 PM »
Thread lock?  No politics, no bad language, not even completely sure it's a troll.

Spin Zone / Honor, Dignity and Victimhood
« on: September 04, 2018, 03:43:15 PM »
I'm interested in what you university people think of this.  I found it interesting.  Also the bubble wrap helicopter parent thing.

Spin Zone / Stupid feminist questions
« on: August 21, 2018, 07:16:21 PM »
Mansplaining truth and reality to idiot feminists:

Spin Zone / How to escape North Korea?
« on: August 18, 2018, 07:14:36 PM »
For some reason I find this video fascinating.

Spin Zone / Quartz thinks millennials aren't all leftists
« on: August 02, 2018, 11:28:55 AM »
But do they think this is a good thing or a bad thing?

So natürlich I want to see what this outlet, "" is all about.  I find in "about us" the following:

Quartz was created for a “post-national” readership: people who are curious about the world far beyond themselves, reject nationalist ideology, and believe that all cultures play a vital role in the global economy. These are also values of our journalism and of our staff. We hire people who bring new perspectives, cultures, experiences, and languages. We reject racism and xenophobia, among our own employees and in the broader political discourse. We believe a more open and connected world is better for everyone.

I agree with every word of that statement.  Unless they mean we shouldn't have borders or countries. For example I am all for BlockChain in a "post-national" world, allowing parties to do business directly without outdated institutions like banks and governments obstructing and confiscating.

But does that mean I want hoards of refugees pouring into my country illegally?  If not does Quartz think I'm "xenophobic"?

Spin Zone / This Russian gun rights chick
« on: July 20, 2018, 05:27:48 PM »
Tell me if I'm too far off base here.  I feel like this girl was arrested and is being held without bail because she is associated with the NRA and went to a "prayer breakfast" and hence is on the side of conservatives, and that is what makes her "suspicious" as a dangerous Russian spy.

This feels to me like a political imprisonment.  It feels like we are doing what the Soviet Union did, imprisoning someone for their beliefs.

Is this the FBI and the DOJ going ahead and becoming the American version of the KGB?  Or do they have anything legitimate against this girl?  Or is it their version of throwing a tantrum, take it out on some innocent girl who happens to look like a smelly Trump voting deplorable, because they can't get Trump himself?

What's going on here?

Spin Zone / Trump is a narcissist
« on: July 17, 2018, 06:23:55 PM »
But so was Obama. 

I just watched a documentary on Trump. I suspected he might be anyway, but now I'm more convinced than ever.  But at this point in history, I think it takes a narcissist to have the supreme level of confidence to stand up to the sustained attacks from the media, the deep state and the hysterical left. He simply refuses to be bested by them. Maybe you have to have a narcissistic belief in yourself to withstand all that.

Obama's narcissism was a fake image (messiah-like) promising a utopia that he never could bring.

Trump's narcissism is fueling a drive to succeed as President against all these enemies - I truly think the more they attack him, the more resolved he is to come out on top.  In his prior life he tended to construct monuments to himself.  Now, he is constructing the biggest monument of all - his legacy as President, and he is trying to make it as great a legacy as possible, and fortunately for us, how he is doing it happens to align with what is good for America.

From his business experience, or his advisers, or where ever, he came up with his campaign promises, and now he is fulfilling them, almost like he made plans for a building, and now he is constructing them.  Fortunately, much of what he's doing is very, very good for America, whether he truly cares, or whether he's just doing it for his own glory, doesn't matter.

Maybe it was only chance that he ran on the Republican ticket, and listens to conservative advisers. Maybe if things had been different, he would have run as a Democrat or a liberal. Maybe he cares less about which side he is on, than about what will uplift him the most. Maybe he simply has enough brains to know that conservative economic policies are what will build America, and hence his own legacy.

In any case, I'm enjoying my tax cut.

Spin Zone / Hannity PLEASE STOP
« on: January 03, 2018, 03:33:09 PM »
interrupting your guest!!

Oh my God.  He's got this fascinating Iranian guest and he keeps asking him questions and then cutting him off in the middle of the answer. I love Hannity but it drives me nuts when he does this.

Anyhow this guy just restated what I said in the other thread: the radical Islam rulers are a minority, most of the people in Iran are not religious fundamentalists, hate them and want them gone. They've been persecuting and torturing their own citizens for over two decades.

And he said that the uprising is exceeding what he expected and alluded to Trump's promise to support the Iranian people against the Mullahs, UNLIKE OBAMA who basically supported the Mullah's by sending them cash.

I wonder if it's going to really happen this time, and if so, if the very fact Trump is in the White House and the whole damn world can see Trump isn't going to cow tow to Iran government, unlike Obama, is it possible that is what's giving these people the courage to do this?  They all risk a horrible death by protesting.

Spin Zone / Dare I?
« on: November 25, 2017, 08:15:48 AM »
My husband suggests I give this to our 10 year old nephew for Christmas. His parents are rabid leftists.  ;D

Spin Zone / If you are really bored
« on: November 12, 2017, 09:57:11 AM »
Here is a long but interesting story:

It's aviation related because the guy was a PPL.

TLDR version:

Eccentric exotic animal owner frees around 50 animals (lions, tigers, bears) and then commits suicide by shooting himself in the head after smearing himself with chicken blood to encourage the cats to eat his body.

The animals start roaming the neighborhood and need to be killed.

The man was a Vietnam vet who was well liked by friends but seemed to have issues after coming home from the war.

He had recently served a year in prison for illegal possession of unregistered firearms. He had had run ins with the law over animal complaints and not wearing a seatbelt but apparently never hurt a person (in civilian life).

He had a long marriage with a woman who shared his love for the animals but since he went to prison his wife must have had an affair and was making plans to leave him.

This incident led to Ohio passing a law restricting private ownership of exotic animals.

I'm interested in armchair quarterback opinions. My opinion about the animals is: as a libertarian I'm loathe to restrict people from having the pet they want, but as a sensible person I don't want my neighbor owning big cats or bears that could escape and eat my grandson, so I must reluctantly agree with such laws, but I am open to discussion about whether they just drive such ownership underground and create a worse situation.

In general, wild animals do not make good pets and it's possible the pet trade contributes to their extinction threat, but again, I'm not sure banning them doesn't just force the pet trade underground while hurting efforts to legally breed them in captivity just to avoid them going extinct. Captive breeding is not ideal (in China the tiger breeding program has morphed into a complete disaster) but for some species like the bonobo is it preferable to losing the species altogether? I don't know the answer.

My opinion about the guns: apparently the guy was no danger to the public from guns. Unlike animals, the guns would never escape and go around killing people on their own. His collection was no different from many gun enthusiasts' collections except some were technically illegal. He had formerly owned a gun shop and was a hoarder, never let anything go. They sent this man to prison for no reason insofar as protecting the public.

The prison stay apparently wrecked his marriage and broke his spirit, it being the second traumatizing event of his life. The first being drafted and sent to Vietnam.

People with a hoarder personality often have trauma in their history. This man hoarded animals, guns, cars, never could part with anything. Maybe what is missing here is that he should have received some kind of intervention and treatment after he returned from Vietnam. Have we made progress since then taking care of the psychological needs of our veterans?

Spin Zone / Texas constitutional amendments
« on: November 07, 2017, 08:01:09 AM »
Gotta vote today. Prop 1: give property tax breaks to partially disabled veterans. Yes!  Opponents say that's favoring specialized groups whereas we should lower taxes for everyone. Oh dear, the special groups problem.

Going to have to study up both sides on all these before I go vote. Be informed.

Spin Zone / That does it...
« on: November 05, 2017, 02:03:39 PM »
I'm never going to church again without my you know what.

Spin Zone / Christian filmmakers
« on: November 05, 2017, 08:01:26 AM »

The second link quotes their spokesperson saying what's to stop us forcing an atheist to sing religious hymns or a democrat to write speeches for Trump?  He nails it, this going too far.

I would have quoted it for you but I can't get my copy paste to work on this iPad.

Anyone know if there are any Muslim bakers and photographers being sued for not doing gay weddings?

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