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Messages - EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist

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Spin Zone / Re: Mother's body / child's body
« on: December 07, 2016, 05:54:18 AM »
Dunno what came over me. Christmas spirit? Wait, I'm sorry, in lieu of "Christms" I really meant Nondescript-and-wholly-non-denominational-festivus-time.  ;D

And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you

(don't forget my last name...)

Spin Zone / Re: Mother's body / child's body
« on: December 06, 2016, 09:52:37 PM »
wait, this is the interweb.  What's with the make nice stuff?


Dunno what came over me. Christmas spirit? Wait, I'm sorry, in lieu of "Christms" I really meant Nondescript-and-wholly-non-denominational-festivus-time.  ;D

Spin Zone / My tears are salty
« on: December 01, 2016, 02:00:00 PM »

Democratic donors stung by Hillary Clinton’s upset loss in the presidential race feel like they just set their money on fire.

“I may very well be done with political giving entirely,” said John Morgan, an Orlando attorney and one of Clinton’s top fundraisers in Florida. “My message to anyone reading this is, ‘Don’t call me, I’ll call you.’ From here on out, I’m giving to charities. I’d much rather give money to build a new Boys & Girls Club than to give to the [Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee].”

Pays to read the comments on those videos, first, before spreading them with incorrect info.

One comment had a link to where the video is longer and described as taking place in Egypt - not Sweden. And the video was posted back in January 2016 with the event claimed  to have occurred on January 12. Weeks after Christmas. So either the Muslims were really tardy in getting their mob properly disorganized, or the video isn't at all what it is claimed to be.

Here's a question for those who think there may be some validity to the attack claim: how many Christmas trees do you know of anywhere that can be climbed by half a dozen people and not topple over or quiver in the slightest? The tree appeared to be built to be climbed.

 I'll post a link to Snopes  last cause they're considered lying liberals by some on here, so this is for the rest:

Spin Zone / Re: Electoral College
« on: November 29, 2016, 05:55:12 PM »
I'm waiting for Democrats to come out and say they will block all Trump appointments to the bench until a President is elected with a public mandate, ie. majority of popular votes.  After all, didn't the Republican's say that very thing before the election to justify not acting on BHO's nominee?  They didn't mention anything about waiting until the electoral college has spoken--it's always "The People."

I've said this before and I'll say it again--Republicans and Democrats are more alike than different.  They use the same arguments but twist their wording to fit their agenda.  I do hope Trump pushes through term limits or some other means to shake up the system otherwise it's gonna be more of the same.

Spin Zone / Do Liberals EVER Tire of Showcasing Their Hypcorisy?
« on: November 28, 2016, 03:50:46 PM »
Hillary Clinton’s lawyer Marc Elias announced over the weekend that the Clinton campaign would participate in the Wisconsin election recount even as he actively fights against recount efforts in a North Carolina governor’s race where the margin of victory was less than 5,000 votes.

In North Carolina, where Republican Gov. Pat McCrory filed for a recount after he lost to Democrat Roy Cooper by just 4,772 votes, Elias is singing a different tune.

“Instead of attacking North Carolina voters and undermining our democratic process, Governor McCrory needs to accept his defeat and concede,” said Elias, who also represents the Cooper campaign.

The party of failure, unemployment and food stamps is also the party of never ending hypocrisy on almost every topic.

Spin Zone / Re: Be careful what you wish for...
« on: November 21, 2016, 01:09:18 PM »
I have noticed a Yuuggggeee decrease in liberal participation since the election.
Gotta give credit to Mark and Asecrest for hanging with us deplorables, though.

I think you mean irredeemable deplorables!  ;D

Spin Zone / JeffDG
« on: November 21, 2016, 07:32:51 AM »
I can't speak for everyone on this board, but I for one miss your participation.  I know we disagreed on Trump and his relative strength vs Hillary, but I still respect your in depth knowledge of our political system and (most) of your opinions.  And I really do agree with you on most topics.  I have learned a lot from you.

So, if you still  monitor this board, how about chiming in and letting us know you are still here, and telling us when you think we are wrong.

Spin Zone / Re: Separated at birth?
« on: November 18, 2016, 04:25:54 PM »

Spin Zone / Where's JeffDG?
« on: November 17, 2016, 11:23:04 AM »
JeffDG is alright. I was for Ted Cruz from day 1, and I think he supported Cruz also, but I could be wrong. I also pushed back against Trump from his entrance into the race, and was against him from Conservative and personality grounds. Both of those criticisms remain valid. 

Jeff was as against Trump as lucifer was for him. Sometimes it got heated and ridiculous, but it was like that with lucifer and me as well.   

Where we split, however, is that I left the never Trump movement once it was clear that Hillary the Criminal would escape her crimes for political expediency.

The split became a permanent divide when that bitch called my friends, and indirectly me, irredeemable deplorables. Well fuck her. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so I began to support Trump. I didn't fund his campaign or have a yard sign, but I supported some of the things he stood for. And since his victory, I've been pleasantly surprised.

I will still hold his feet to the fire if he goes libtard on us, but I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt right now.

So, Jeff couldn't get there. So what. He usually raised valid points, though at the end it sounded counterproductive, as most never-Trumpers sounded at the end.

Spin Zone / Re: This just in!
« on: November 16, 2016, 08:48:07 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Not an Election - it was a REVOLUTION
« on: November 16, 2016, 07:03:15 AM »
But it is getting tiresome and unproductive, this back and forthing, don't you think? Defeat, retrench, chip away at everything the other party does, demonize them, lie about them to defeat them, regain power, rinse and repeat.

It's destructive and paralyzing. Net gains are small.

Yes, I'm tired of the vicious campaigning. But I would say that, in large part, the US is set up structurally for this perpetual back-and-forth -- these incremental changes. And, perhaps, a chipping away of them during the subsequent four years. And if we were to take a close look at history, we might find that modern campaigns are not much more vicious than some in our history, but that technology and the 24 hour news cycle disseminates the viciousness to a wide audience (edit: and exacerbates it).

Spin Zone / Deportation
« on: November 15, 2016, 05:35:40 AM »
There is a lot of drama going about deportation of illegal immigrants.

Has President-elect Trump called for the deportation of immigrants?

Isn't the truth that President-elect Trump called for the deporation of illegal immigrants?  In fact, hasn't he called for the deportation of criminal illegal immigrants?  I know that seems redundant, but I'm using the term "criminal illegal immigrants" to refer to those illegal immigrants who have committed crimes (especially violent crime).

Do people really want to have "sanctuary" places for illegal immigrants who have committed violent crimes?

(never mind that those illegal immigrants demanding a "path to citizenship" are being grossly unjust to those people that are trying legally immigrate to the USA... come to think about it, there is a path to citizenship, that is, follow the process just like everyone has to)

Spin Zone / Re: How could we split up the country?
« on: November 12, 2016, 11:11:28 PM »
The divide is mostly urban vs rural.  I am coming to the realization that it's cultural more than ideological. The urban culture has become completely disconnected from people that live closer to the earth and in small communities. Paradoxically they claim to care about the planet, but they are now generations away from having to grow their own food. They don't actually have a relationship with nature yet they see themselves as protectors of their ideal vision of "the environment" (a vision based in fantasy).  They do not supply their own energy, it comes to them over wires and they barely have any understanding of how it gets there. They feel superior to "country hicks" and "rednecks" and with every generation the separation becomes wider. The overwhelming majority of people have barely any understanding of the economy, couldn't give you a definition of "socialism" if their lives depended on it. They vote Democrat simply because they are surrounded by others who vote that way, and are steeped in media that paints conservatives as the Face of Evil.

This country is in reality a huge red mass with small spots of blue, but the small spots are so densely populated, and so ignorant of the people in the red areas, that they exist in a seething self important bubble. The big shock of the Trump win is that they were forced to recognize that real people exist in that empty "flyover country". These inferior "rednecks" forced them to take notice by denying them the assumed first female President. It's just taking a toy from a toddler is all. I'm convinced that the great majority of rioters and cry babies have no real clue about the policy differences between Trump and Hillary, they are simply shocked that people they so look down upon were able to take away their expected result.  I don't even think they give a crap about Hillary.  Their real problem is they feel like a parent swooped in and took something away from them, and that parent is the horrible, racist, unenlightened stupid person they have, until now, forgot existed. The cities don't like being reminded we exist because without us, they have no food and no energy. This is their deep subconscious fear. Their hatred of us is due to their dependence on us.  Like a toddler resenting his dependence on mommy and daddy. But it's worse. It's more like masters who depend on slaves to work the plantation, or royalty in a medieval castle who have serfs that must turn over a large portion of their crops and goods. They are most comfortable pretending we don't exist, as long as they get their food and energy (and tax dollars).  You can expect extreme efforts to overthrow the Electoral College, because the EC is what gives us large red areas power.

There is no possible way to divide the country. It will be the Big House with no fields or woods. The Castle with no hunting lands or tenants.  The blue areas cannot separate and survive, even the blue states are mostly red when you look at it by county.  For a long time now the trend has been for the population to move from rural to urban and as far as I can see, that imbalance will continue to grow.  That may mean if Republicans continue to win by EC, the popular vote will go the other way more often, until even the EC won't be enough for Republican wins.  As people move to the cities, their children are "absorbed" into the urban culture.

So I expect this nation will go Democrat again before long. If we're lucky we'll have eight years of Trump and an economic boom, but it will all be reversed again because Democrats don't grasp economics. They don't see the connection between lower taxes and individual prosperity; they vote on emotion and "causes" not based in fact and reality.  We'll eventually decline into socialist Hell and probably break apart into fiefdoms, or be forced to stay together like the Soviet Union.

Spin Zone / More people protesting than attended hillary rallies?
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:34:04 AM »
Does it seem that more people are protesting President-Elect Trump's election than attended hillary's campaign rallies?

(I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist)

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