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Messages - EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist

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Spin Zone / Re: Anti-Semitism On Campus
« on: September 21, 2016, 10:07:19 AM »
Progressives have become what their politics emulate which is Nazi-ism.
Progressives are far more comfortable placing limits on the free exchange of ideas than they are of allowing non-progressive ideas to have equal access and respect.
Look at the pro-life movement. It has become torturous to try and promote prolife ideals because progressive politicians and judges use the bench to thwart free speech at every turn.
Schools and particularly universities stamp out mmgw skeptics with impunity and attack those who dare to speak out about the elimination of alternative theories and science.
Government constantly plays favorites with grants and regulations to benefit only one side of the argument and academics (communists) support criminalizing dissenting opinions.
Progressives are moving rapidly towards pogroms. Their entire movement is towards violence against those that they have been told to hate and Jews just happen to be part of that core. Pro-lifers, Christians, Conservatives and business owners are also among those in that "basket' of deplorables.
Wait for it.
One day soon the psychotic piece of shit, Farrakhan will become even louder and uglier about hating Jews and progressives will sit on their hands and remain mute until the killing starts.

Spin Zone / Let's just get this out onto the table
« on: September 16, 2016, 05:25:54 PM »
I am completely done with trying to be all nice to people who keep honking and screeching and hiding behind a giant technicolor facade of some kind of weird moral superiority, claiming people who are not racist are racist.


I am going to call it out wherever it appears, and in my real world experience, it comes chiefly and most loudly from the left.

Left, you are being outed more every day.  May the true racists be defeated November 8 so their divisive, manipulative sham will be exposed and we can move toward living together reasonably, not artificially polarized.

Spin Zone / Re: Border Truth
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:21:55 AM »
Yeah, Johnson is far more leftist than I would like.  But he also has some views that I can strongly agree with.

Hillary has nothing that I agree with.

I agree with a lot that Trump says, but Trump says an awful lot that he may not really believe.

I think Johnson is honest.  He will admit a mistake whereas Trump will double down on a mistake and Hillary will lie and blame someone else.

Why would you think politicians would only say what they believe in?  Trump did that and depending on the day he either came across as a lunatic or all over the map. 

Trump is honest too, you're just expecting him to be something that he isn't.  He is a business man.  He is a deal maker.  As president, he will make deals to get things done that contain both good and bad for both sides.  That's the way deals are made by adults, they compromise.  I promise you that a Trump president will both delight and dismay you in the first 100 days, possibly with the same event.

The way deals are made with fanatics is that they aren't.  Fanatics are inflexible bigots who do not compromise.  They refuse to give in and frankly remind me quite a bit of 2 year olds and the (Mine, Mine, Mine) seagulls from Nemo.  That is what we have in Congress and the White House right now, a bunch of fanatics.  Fortunately they don't agree and nobody can get them them to see the opportunities so nothing gets done.

The fanatics in Congress are about the only reason Trump won't be able to get anything done.  But I think he knows how to influence people, he knows how to understand both sides of the table and see what the each side wants.  The question then becomes a value proposition, whether or not everyone is willing to take the deal.

Spin Zone / Re: CNN Headline Equates Blacks with Felons
« on: September 02, 2016, 08:43:19 AM »
Read the fucking case. Also, Bob's comment was not about this, so please try to keep up.
You know, last time this went to the Supreme Court, voter ID was found to be OK.

Mainly because in a state wide, 2 year trial, the opponents were unable to produce sufficient* cases of disenfranchisement as a result of the law.

*And by "sufficient", I mean one single case, in an entire state.
After discovery, District Judge Barker prepared a comprehensive 70-page opinion explaining her decision to grant defendants' motion for summary  judgment.  She found that petitioners had "not introduced evidence of a single, individual Indiana resident who will be unable to vote as a result of SEA 483 or who will have his or her right to vote unduly burdened by its requirements."
Next, noting the absence of any plaintiffs who claimed that the law would deter them from voting, the Court of Appeals inferred that "the motivation for the suit is simply that the law may require the Democratic Party and the other organizational plaintiffs to work harder to get every last one of their supporters to the polls."

Next up...but...but...some conservative court ruled for the Republicans...majority opinion quoted above that of Justice John Paul Stevens.  One of the most liberal justices to ever serve.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Immigration Speech
« on: September 01, 2016, 05:24:06 AM »
On a related story, Hillary Clinton was asked why she didn't go to the invited meeting with the President of Mexico.  Mrs. Clinton's response was "The President of Mexico hasn't been a contributor to the Clinton Foundation, and when he finds time to make a donation then I will be happy for him to fly to New York and meet with me at my residence in Chappaqua".

Spin Zone / Re: WTF??? Pence escaped? Recaptured?
« on: August 28, 2016, 09:39:44 AM »
When the only argument you have to vote for Trump is "But, but, but...HILLARY", then the fact that your Cheeto Jesus does precisely the same things you decry is a valid criticism.

Whatcha got other than "But...HILLARY" for an argument?
Frankly, that is sufficient.

Hillary is an evil crook that will lockup the SC for years to come with liberal judges.  She will sell government access to the highest bidder for personal gain and she will further divide our country along racial and economic lines.  Her brand of socialism has never worked and it never will.

So "not Hillary" is good enough for me.

Trump is far, far, far from perfect.  He may even be dangerous, but I don't know that.  I think he has some of the right ideas and is willing to express them.  He knows how to make an organization move rather than stagnate.  And even if he does piss off a lot of foreign leaders, that is something we should not be afraid to do and perhaps if we stood our ground more in the past we wouldn't be in the position we are now.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton, For The Defense
« on: August 27, 2016, 04:31:50 PM »
To me, it's not what she did.  She is legally and ethically bound to do everything she can within the bounds of the law to protect the interests of her client.  It's how she felt about it afterwards.  She was proud of her accomplishment in getting the scumbag off.

Most defence lawyers I know would have done the same, but at the end of the day, they would most certainly not been proud of their accomplishment.  They would have been resigned to the fact that they did what they had to do, not happy that they had the opportunity.

Spin Zone / Re: Reactions to Louisiana Flooding Crisis
« on: August 22, 2016, 11:19:13 AM »
Which is one reason I don't think we're likely to see a lot, if any, debates.

There are 3 scheduled, but I would assume she would try to duck them.

Maybe she will tell the MSM that Colin Powell advised her not to do them.

Spin Zone / Re: State Level Polling
« on: August 18, 2016, 01:14:10 PM »
When Hillary gets elected, I am going to blame the GOP and most particularly the tea party section of the party that is my-way-or-the-highway rigidity.  They cling to the notion that they are a majority in this country and that if others like them went to the polls a deeply conservative GOP candidate would be elected President.  This borders on delusional.  The truth is that low voter turn out helps the conservatives.  If everyone eligible went to the polls, we would have a Dem in the White House and a Dem Congress too.  Thank god they don't all turn out.

Unless the Conservatives in this country abandon their magical thinking that the only way they lose is through a media conspiracy, which doesn't exist, they are going to keep the GOP split and the Dems will rule.  They need to lose the divisive social crap and focus on small federal government and state's rights.  With the latter, they might actually get some of their social goals.  With the Dems in control, they will get nothing.  Half a loaf is better than none.

Spin Zone / Re: Obamacare
« on: August 17, 2016, 01:43:49 PM »
No need to worry, congress holds the purse strings and can simply defund Obamacare.  Just leave it up to Speaker Ryan, he'll take care of it.

Spin Zone / Re: Soros Hack Reveals Plot Behind Europe's Refugee Crisis
« on: August 16, 2016, 01:49:51 PM »
If nobody minds, I am going to comment on the George Soros thing.
If the progressives (communists) are this blunt about their intentions, then I would suggest that they have - or think they have - the entire structure of several governments sufficiently under their control to protect them from any blow back.
I am thinking about it along the lines of the utter corruption of the FBI by Comey and the complete criminalization of the DOJ by Loretta Lynch when I say that.
Most of our press corps and many of our courts have become the willing slaves to the progressive agenda and now it looks like the election will be hijacked and the corrupt leftists feel certain that they control enough of the government to insulate themselves from any push back.

Spin Zone / Road Sign
« on: August 16, 2016, 10:43:54 AM »
In South Carolina

Spin Zone / Re: Milwaukee Riots
« on: August 15, 2016, 03:45:57 PM »
"The police acted stupidly."

Where it all began...

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary's health
« on: August 12, 2016, 05:50:44 AM »
You can't even see what you have wrought, can you?  Pathetic lack of vision.   

You're pathetic Stan.  When you were growing up every time you got a bad grade or lost at a baseball game I bet your standard response was "it's somebody else's fault!"

As for lack of vision, God talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

 Your beloved RNC couldn't produce a message, couldn't produce any unity much less a candidate people could get behind and endorse. 12 plus years of acting like a bunch of lying bumbling idiots pitching the same old tired mantra.

 Are you soooooo ignorant you can't see why people decided to bring in an outsider?  Lies Stan, lies!  People are sick and tired of career politicians making promises to get elected only to sit back on their asses and let the donors call the shots and let the executive branch run wild.

 Regardless of what you think of Trump, it's your "ilk" that produced this situation.  Stupidly trying to blame the voters is childish at best. And the Republicans working to sabotage the election are only driving more people away from the RNC. With these shenanigans going on what will the next election cycle look like for the Republicans?  The RNC is starting to resemble a third party (which may not be a bad thing). Get over your butt hurt.

 Like the famous movie line "Get busy living, or get busy dying".


Spin Zone / Re: A Place Where the World Isn't So Polarized
« on: August 11, 2016, 10:08:41 AM »
PS - I am literally unable to remember a day that I consciously thought about being in an interracial relationship. As far as I care, I am in a normal relationship with a woman who has lovely golden brown skin.

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