Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Lucifer on March 14, 2017, 05:51:05 PM

Title: Madcow
Post by: Lucifer on March 14, 2017, 05:51:05 PM
So that guy on MSNBC named Madcow supposedly has Trump's 2005 federal tax return.

I thought it was illegal to obtain and publish an individual's tax return without their consent?
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: PaulS on March 14, 2017, 06:54:04 PM
They're saying that he made $150m and paid $38 m in taxes.  The guy is a fricken genius and this blows up all the speculation about him not paying taxes.  Oh and if you think an individual paying $38 million in taxes in one year is not paying his fair share you are an asshole.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Jim Logajan on March 14, 2017, 09:16:02 PM
So that guy on MSNBC named Madcow supposedly has Trump's 2005 federal tax return.

I thought it was illegal to obtain and publish an individual's tax return without their consent?

It's deja vu, all over again. Last fall his tax documents for 1995 were published by the NY Times and the issue of legality was discussed then; e.g.:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/10/02/the-new-york-times-risked-legal-trouble-to-publish-donald-trumps-tax-return/?utm_term=.ae0d7852c539 (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/10/02/the-new-york-times-risked-legal-trouble-to-publish-donald-trumps-tax-return/?utm_term=.ae0d7852c539)

October yielded 1995, March yielded 2005, so at 10 years every 5 months Trump's 2015 returns should appear sometime around August.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Number7 on March 14, 2017, 09:44:20 PM
Is MSNBC still the on the air?
I thought all 17 people that watched it had died of boredom....

Actually I have used it for white noise from time to time, but never when the dyke is on.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: acrogimp on March 14, 2017, 10:18:07 PM
Whenever I see Maddow or stories about Maddow I hear the following:

Does that make me a bad person?

Not that I care.

Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Jim Logajan on March 14, 2017, 11:14:55 PM
Whenever I see Maddow or stories about Maddow I hear the following:

Does that make me a bad person?

Not that I care.


Recorded in 1977. 40 years ago.
I think that may make you an old fart.
I was 21 in 1977. I was not an angry young man then. I'm a laid back old fart now.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist on March 15, 2017, 05:25:13 AM
So Trump paid 25% in taxes.  Either absolutely no one watches MSNBC or this was truly a nothing burger since I'm seeing nothing form my lefty friends about this.  Doesn't fit their agenda I guess.  ::)   I'm surprised that it wasn't spun as a forgery since there is no way Trump could have paid that much.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: President-Elect Bob Noel on March 15, 2017, 05:40:03 AM
So Trump paid 25% in taxes.  Either absolutely no one watches MSNBC or this was truly a nothing burger since I'm seeing nothing form my lefty friends about this.  Doesn't fit their agenda I guess.  ::)   I'm surprised that it wasn't spun as a forgery since there is no way Trump could have paid that much.

must be a forgery, because Trump isn't dumb enough to pay that much in taxes.

Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Anthony on March 15, 2017, 05:48:03 AM
must be a forgery, because Trump isn't dumb enough to pay that much in taxes.

The Alternative Minimum Tax screws us all, even the rich sometimes, but mostly middle income earners.   ;)

Rachel Maddow is the face of the leftist/progressive Democrats.  She is the ALT LEFT, and another reason why so many voted for Trump.  She is, nor never will be mainstream, and should be an embarrassment to the media IF they had any scruples at all. 
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: DJTorrente on March 15, 2017, 07:30:07 AM
Not bad; really not bad at all.  Its just that I prefer this one:

Whenever I see Maddow or stories about Maddow I hear the following:

Does that make me a bad person?

Not that I care.

Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: DJTorrente on March 15, 2017, 07:32:52 AM
Rachel Maddow is the face of the leftist/progressive Democrats.  She is the ALT LEFT, and another reason why so many voted for Trump.  She is, nor never will be mainstream, and an embarrassment.

My thoughts exactly.  I see the left doubling down on everything that cost them the election and it might as well have a chyron on the bottom of the screen saying "Brought to you by the Committee to Reelect Trump 2020".
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Anthony on March 15, 2017, 07:38:59 AM
My thoughts exactly.  I see the left doubling down on everything that cost them the election and it might as well have a chyron on the bottom of the screen saying "Brought to you by the Committee to Reelect Trump 2020".

I firmly believe the reason we have such a deep, political divide in this country is mostly because the left has become so FAR left, and the Democrat Party has adopted a radical, far left political view point that the media, and education PROMOTES, and is trying to mainstream.  Many have fallen for the talking points, and believe these positions, are kind, and altruistic.  They are truly the useful idiots.  The people pulling the strings know the real deal.  More reliance on bigger, and bigger government, and more government programs funded by higher taxes, and debt to "help" people allows more control of the populace.  Pure and simple. 
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: PaulS on March 15, 2017, 07:55:00 AM
Whenever I see Maddow or stories about Maddow I hear the following:

Does that make me a bad person?

Not that I care.


It's means you have great taste in music.  I saw them plus Don Felder in Vegas in January they are great. Will see them again this summer. Just wish they would get over their egos and bring Deyoung back.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Little Joe on March 15, 2017, 08:09:37 AM
I have a liberal relative that constantly complains that Republicans are racist.

The other day, he actually said that one reason he supports abortion is that if more blacks were able to get abortions, there would be less crime.

WHO is the racist?
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Number7 on March 15, 2017, 08:16:57 AM
Many of the people who promote the far left - alt left platform are paid to do so by George Soros and his ilk.
Most of those people are not smart enough to come to the conclusions they embrace on their own and rely on their masters to tell them what to be outraged about.

We saw that from wikileaks when documents surfaced showing that networks were paid to promote certain agendas and we know
Obama had tax money used to 'encourage' their viewpoints ahead of others - like the truth, for instance.

We know Donna Brazille gave debate questions to Hilary prior to the debate so she could have her answers scripted for her, since she obviously doesn't / didn't have a clue as to her so called positions.

The real question is when are people going to shut down the fake (alt left) news industry and by dearth of ratings, kill it once and for all?
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: DJTorrente on March 15, 2017, 08:53:25 AM
Maybe she should do another solid wall-to-wall month of coverage about scandal of Chris Christie closing a lane on the George Washington Bridge -- that will pick her ratings up. O_o
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: President-Elect Bob Noel on March 15, 2017, 09:40:07 AM
Maybe she should do another solid wall-to-wall month of coverage about scandal of Chris Christie closing a lane on the George Washington Bridge -- that will pick her ratings up. O_o

might even double it....from 0.00001 to 0.00002

Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: President in Exile YOLT on March 15, 2017, 11:00:13 AM
It's deja vu, all over again. Last fall his tax documents for 1995 were published by the NY Times and the issue of legality was discussed then; e.g.:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/10/02/the-new-york-times-risked-legal-trouble-to-publish-donald-trumps-tax-return/?utm_term=.ae0d7852c539 (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/10/02/the-new-york-times-risked-legal-trouble-to-publish-donald-trumps-tax-return/?utm_term=.ae0d7852c539)

October yielded 1995, March yielded 2005, so at 10 years every 5 months Trump's 2015 returns should appear sometime around August.

The AG should indict Madcow, her producers, and the network.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Little Joe on March 15, 2017, 11:09:13 AM
The AG should indict Madcow, her producers, and the network.
Would they send her to a men's prison or women's prison?
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: President-Elect Bob Noel on March 15, 2017, 11:22:57 AM
Would they send her to a men's prison or women's prison?

Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: nddons on March 15, 2017, 11:57:27 AM
Recorded in 1977. 40 years ago.
I think that may make you an old fart.
I was 21 in 1977. I was not an angry young man then. I'm a laid back old fart now.
I was 17. That was a good year.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Number7 on March 15, 2017, 12:54:11 PM
it wasn't that long ago that the dyke at msnbc made a big deal about Marco Rubio selling an investment home and - wait for it - using the profit to PAY OFF HIS STUDENT LOAN.


They want to make up scandals because they lack the brains, or energy to actually look at things and figure them out for themselves. It's easier for a snowflake to just invent reality to suit their mood.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Anthony on March 15, 2017, 12:58:43 PM
The left in the media, and Democrat party (all of them) are desperate to find something on Trump they can make stick to stop him from doing what he told the American people he was going to do.  He was elected on these promises, and unlike other politicians is actually making good on his promises.  What a concept!  Since they can not find anything legitimate, they invent stuff.  There doesn't seem to be much accountability when they are wrong, or purposely make up stuff. 
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: asechrest on March 15, 2017, 01:01:23 PM
My thoughts exactly.  I see the left doubling down on everything that cost them the election and it might as well have a chyron on the bottom of the screen saying "Brought to you by the Committee to Reelect Trump 2020".

Quite a few sensible liberals (how dare you chuckle) agree with this, including me. I had to stop talking politics with my own brother after he suggested Trump was instigating a bloodless coup.

I mean jeez, folks. He won the election. We lost badly and we lost to someone who would have been an incredibly poor candidate in many previous elections. We got audio of him talking about grabbing pussies and we STILL lost. A bit of introspection is in order!
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Gary on March 15, 2017, 01:25:58 PM
The left in the media, and Democrat party (all of them) are desperate to find something on Trump they can make stick to stop him from doing what he told the American people he was going to do.  He was elected on these promises, and unlike other politicians is actually making good on his promises.

That of course brings up the question of whether those promises were good for the country or even feasible to deliver on.

What a concept!  Since they can not find anything legitimate, they invent stuff.  There doesn't seem to be much accountability when they are wrong, or purposely make up stuff.

They don't need to make it up, the Administration provides question actions on almost a daily basis.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: DJTorrente on March 15, 2017, 02:02:46 PM
Quite a few sensible liberals (how dare you chuckle) agree with this, including me. I had to stop talking politics with my own brother after he suggested Trump was instigating a bloodless coup.

I mean jeez, folks. He won the election. We lost badly and we lost to someone who would have been an incredibly poor candidate in many previous elections. We got audio of him talking about grabbing pussies and we STILL lost. A bit of introspection is in order!

There are SO MANY on the left who are just that unhinged.  They can't accept having lost an election, so therefore it must be a "coup"; or the Russians; or awiens (https://memegenerator.net/instance/55760110).  And to someone who may not be as invested in their ideology as they themselves are, that disinterested observer might be justified in asking if these are the kind of people that should be in charge.  Which is why I say that the best antidote for leftism is more exposure to unfiltered leftists -- the only times in modern memory the left has won is when they've truly tacked rightward (Clinton), or successfully lied with the willing assistance of the mainstream media outlets (Obama - "You can keep your doctor.").
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Anthony on March 15, 2017, 02:08:10 PM
That of course brings up the question of whether those promises were good for the country or even feasible to deliver on.

Personally, I think what Trump ran on is very good for the country, such as:

Lower taxes, and lessor unneeded regulation to stimulate the economy.  Create Jobs!
Make foreign trade deals more fair to the U.S.
Smaller, more efficient government, less deficit spending, lower debt
Repeal/replace Obamacare so you can keep your plan, and keep your doctor, and lower cost.
Secure borders to keep illegals, and bad guys out.

I really don't see anything wrong with any of that or anything that would be "bad" for the country. 

They don't need to make it up, the Administration provides question actions on almost a daily basis.

Trump certainly can tweet or say some silly things, but I think he is improving on that.  Also, the temporary restriction on immigration from certain countries could have been cleaner from the get go, but I think they've corrected the issues.  Don't know if that is what you're referencing. 
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: President in Exile YOLT on March 15, 2017, 03:09:47 PM
Quite a few sensible liberals (how dare you chuckle) agree with this, including me. I had to stop talking politics with my own brother after he suggested Trump was instigating a bloodless coup.

I mean jeez, folks. He won the election. We lost badly and we lost to someone who would have been an incredibly poor candidate in many previous elections. We got audio of him talking about grabbing pussies and we STILL lost. A bit of introspection is in order!

Right! Only previous Democrat presidents and Hollywood moguls and lebesians like Hillary are allowed to grab pussies.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: asechrest on March 15, 2017, 03:19:42 PM
Right! Only previous Democrat presidents and Hollywood moguls and lebesians like Hillary are allowed to grab pussies.

Is a "lebesian" an Asian lesbian?  ;D
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God) on March 15, 2017, 03:57:09 PM
Is a "lebesian" an Asian lesbian?  ;D

A common mistake; the correct term is "lesbasian."

Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Number7 on March 15, 2017, 04:44:34 PM
We lost badly and we lost to someone who would have been an incredibly poor candidate in many previous elections. We got audio of him talking about grabbing pussies and we STILL lost. A bit of introspection is in order!

How come all you whining liberals didn't have a problem when Bill Clinton did far worse???

(Hint) It had ONLY to do with the letter after his name.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: President-Elect Bob Noel on March 15, 2017, 04:53:05 PM
How come all you whining liberals didn't have a problem when Bill Clinton did far worse???

oh heck, you can kill someone and still be the darling of the liberals (hint:  teddy)

Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: President in Exile YOLT on March 15, 2017, 05:26:22 PM
Is a "lebesian" an Asian lesbian?  ;D

No, lebesian is the proper term, as used by the Doctor of Common Sense, ET Williams.


Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Anthony on March 16, 2017, 06:33:53 AM
No, lebesian is the proper term, as used by the Doctor of Common Sense, ET Williams.

As opposed to a Thesbian?  Same, same round eye.  :)
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: asechrest on March 16, 2017, 10:45:14 AM
How come all you whining liberals didn't have a problem when Bill Clinton did far worse???

(Hint) It had ONLY to do with the letter after his name.

Welcome to politics. You must be new here.
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Anthony on March 16, 2017, 02:12:20 PM
Welcome to politics. You must be new here.

It is true.  G*d forbid a politician does what is right for the country vs. what will advance their political agenda.  However, I do think Trump is stupid enough to believe he can do what is right, and actually get support from his own party.  :(
Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God) on March 16, 2017, 05:30:44 PM
oh heck, you can kill someone and still be the darling of the liberals (hint:  teddy)
Darling? That dissipated murderer was the titular head of the party!

Title: Re: Madcow
Post by: Anthony on March 17, 2017, 06:14:34 AM
Darling? That dissipated murderer was the titular head of the party!

I forgot about him.  Yes, Teddy was a murderer, and an alcoholic, but had huge power to the point even GWB bowed to him during the Prescription Drug fiasco.  I could have puked.