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Messages - DJTorrente

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Spin Zone / Re: Someone please take Trump's twitter account away
« on: January 10, 2017, 08:58:28 PM »
TDS is real, folks.

Spin Zone / Re: Someone please take Trump's twitter account away
« on: January 10, 2017, 08:50:38 PM »
And yet it's perfectly alright for a minority of Americans to impose its will against a majority?  Got it.

Good, because that's exactly the way the framers planned it.  Forgive me if I give them more credit that I give you.  The electoral college is, in part, anti-democratic BY DESIGN.  It is more important that the successful candidate have a broad base of support throughout the country, than that any candidate be a "favorite son [daughter?]" of any one state.  So yes, California doesn't get to pick the president even if it votes 100% Democratic.

Oh, by the way, I relish your disgust if all it takes to disgust you is to exercise my constitutional right to express my opinion.

Its not the fact of the expression that is disgusting, but rather what is being expressed.  How hypocritical that you bathe in "minority rights" guaranteed under the constitution and your own precious right to free expression, but you want to trash the electoral college.  The constitution framework is a system, not a buffet. To paraphrase Prof. Instapundit on the matter of support for constitutional freedom of expression:

If you only favor constitutional provisions that are popular, you're a coward.
If you only favor those that help your side, you're a hack.

Spin Zone / Re: Someone please take Trump's twitter account away
« on: January 10, 2017, 01:08:16 PM »
You must really be math challenged if the fact that almost 3 MILLION more Americans voting for Trump's opponent doesn't indicate that a great many Americans do give a $hit about the sentiments expressed by Meryl Streep.

And you are (not must be, but are) severely constitutionally challenged if you do not yet appreciate that we do not elect the president by a direct popular vote in this country.  But the election results are in, they are conclusive, and Hillary lost convincingly.  But you just can't swallow it, can you?  TDS is real.

I suspect the supporters of HRC feel quite marginalized when their candidate wins more votes but loses the election

How exactly do you become a functioning adult in this society but not come to realize that there are a vast many ways that our constitutional system defining a federal government of limited and enumerated powers has a vast many ways that a raw majority cannot simply exercise its will to oppress the minority?

but that fact doesn't make their disgust with the winner any less real.

Well, here we agree -- Politically speaking, leftists like Streep and yourself are quite disgusting.

Spin Zone / Re: Someone please take Trump's twitter account away
« on: January 10, 2017, 10:20:49 AM »
Struck a nerve, did she?

Puh-leese.  If Americans gave a $h!t about what Meryl Streep and her Hollywierd ilk thought about our (Our!) politics, then we'd be preparing to inaugurate President Hillary Clinton in a few days.

Spin Zone / Re: Bubba works to recruit big donors
« on: January 02, 2017, 11:45:12 PM »
Its tough to run an influence peddling racket without any influence to peddle.

The one and only thing I can give Obama is he had to deal with a crisis.  In 2008 we were staring down a depression.  I can't blame the POTUS or Congress for sending us into debt to deal with a crisis.  What I don't like is that we're not dealing with a crisis, we're at peace (more or less), and we're still deficit spending.  Problem is there is no easy way to address this.  Everyone has to pay.  Since no one wants to pay our politicians keep kicking the can down the road.  Given the big promises made by the POTUS elect during his campaign I expect to see lots more kicking.  That guy is clearly comfortable with lots of debt.

I hate to break this to you, but we've just been through another depression.  In the 30's most didn't have the perspective to call it "The Great Depression" (  That came later.  Not to mention I dare say the media was more decentralized, and far less (willingly) under the control of the (Democratic) administration, so they were not nearly as willing to hide the ball in their reporting. 

In this depression, Obama played the part of Herbert Hoover -- ascending to office on the cusp of a existential challenge, and entirely inadequate to meet the task before him.

Spin Zone / Re: possible good uses for politician's charitable foundations
« on: November 20, 2016, 05:43:46 AM »
I doubt the FBI will investigate where the Clinton Foundation dollars go.  I'm not aware of investigating charities being in the FBI job jar.

Frankly, I doubt you would accept anything less than hillary going on TV and confessing.

edit:  tyop

Actually, non-profit fraud is typically policed by the IRS, since it is essentially tax fraud.  Considering how scrupulously non-partisan the IRS is... what could possibly go wrong?

Spin Zone / Re: Wonder what she's "studying"
« on: November 08, 2016, 10:09:29 AM »
Obviously a student of peaceful, non-violent persuasion techniques.

Spin Zone / Re: 269-269 - who?
« on: November 04, 2016, 08:09:07 AM »
Unfortunately 4 members of my family will be voting democrat, and for Hillary this election. 

I love and respect my grandparents decisions, and even though they were life long republicans before passing away 20+ years ago.

Watching game 7 of the World Series Tuesday night, I was struck that no one remembers what it was like in Chicago when the Cubs last won a World Series 108 years ago... except for several thousand Democrat voters.

Spin Zone / Re: Undecided voters
« on: November 02, 2016, 06:56:58 AM »
Pence 2020

To me, that assumes that Hillary wins '16.  This isn't 1976 anymore.  I don't think we are still in a country where either party will tolerate a serious challenge to an incumbent president.  Particularly as a sitting VP, Pence would never challenge Trump in '20. 

Presuming she wins '16, there is no way she 'loses' '20 -- she stops and will stop at nothing (legal, ethical or not) to maintain her hold on power.  She needs it too much -- Who's going to give Bill, Hillary or Chelsea anything much less millions in no-show jobs and $250k/hr. speaking fees once she can't influence policy anymore?  She'll pull out all he usual tricks: Her rallies are sparsely attended because the dead don't rise until Halloween -- at which point they all vote Democratic; Her opponent will be tarnished as Hitler incarnate (like each and every Republican was called before them); the media will once again prostitute themselves to the Democratic candidate.  And, this country will be four years further down the toilet towards a Venezuelan strong-man (woman) socialist dictatorship -- elections not withstanding.  She's already on record in favor or rigging elections (in Palestinian territory) -- why wouldn't she do the same here to ensure her own profit?

Spin Zone / Re: George's note to Bill
« on: October 20, 2016, 11:16:06 AM »
...Trump, who may not even accept the results of the election ...

"At a private fund-raiser in Los Angeles for Democratic Sen. Jean Carnahan of Missouri, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton told the crowd that President Bush merely had been "selected" president, not elected, Newsweek reports in the current issue." (linky)

Cue the media histrionics about "not accepting the results of an election". Leftism is nothing if not a case study in psychological projection.

Spin Zone / Re: What is bias and what isn't bias
« on: October 11, 2016, 10:01:32 AM »
The most persistent form of bias in media today is in the selection of what is and is not reported.  This avoids the provable charge of biased reporting, or dishonest reporting, though there is much of both as well.  If a story would hurt Illary, but never gets reported -- vastly reducing the number of people who hear/know about it -- does the story really hurt Illary? 

As a rule, Democratic scandals only hit the news after the target of the scandal has been forced to apologize for it.  That way the apology leads the charge.  An astute reader who gets their news from MSDNC, CNN, NTY or WashPost would be forgiven for asking "Why didn't I read about this earlier?"  Then again, astute readers don't get their news primarily from those sources.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Campaign?
« on: September 20, 2016, 01:43:31 PM »
What few plans the Donald has laid out area as unrealistic as they are expensive.  If he realizes any of them the deficit will expand even more rapidly than it is now.  I give Hillary this much, after being in government as long as she has she understands the possible.

On the other hand you guys would probably love a Trump administration.  Lots more gridlock, because the only folks who hate Trump worse than the Democrats are the Republicans.  Like you guys like to say, the government that governs least governs best.  You'll get lots of that in a Trump administration.

And it'd be fun to watch.

I don't know what's worse: the thought that the Hillary campaign cares enough about out little corner of the Internet that they'd put someone like you on their "Ministry of Love" payroll to spout her propaganda; or the thought that you'd prostitute yourself in that way for free.

Spin Zone / Re: Betsy Ross Flag Is Racist
« on: September 16, 2016, 01:23:09 PM »
Jeez, the topic is racism not gay rights!  :P

A wee Britishism, mate.  Some blokes still fancy a fag after a good shag.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary gets a case of the vapors
« on: September 16, 2016, 07:28:58 AM »
Your "Turning Point of the 2016 Election":

"Deplorables" has stronger legs than Illary herself.

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