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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / One of the secrets of being old
« on: June 08, 2017, 05:23:56 AM »
Do you remember when you were young and told an old person something and they had this stupid blank look on their face?  And you knew it was because they couldn't relate to what you just said and they were so stuck in the mud they would never be able to grasp the wild incredible thing you just told them about? So you just dropped the subject because they were so old fashioned they had no clue what you were about?

That happened to me a lot when I was young. Now I'm an old person and now I know what was really going on behind the face.  The stupid blank look is boredom because you have already been there done that and know more about it than the young person can possibly imagine and you are so over it.

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: June 04, 2017, 06:32:28 AM »
Wait a minute. How can we trust the Elections Office? Texas' Secretary of State - the state's Chief Elections Officer - is appointed by the Governor. An un-elected official running the voter registration system? Sounds like a recipe for voters of a certain political affiliation to have their registration forms mysteriously misplaced. I actually don't think we can trust any government entity. I propose voter registration be removed from the purview of any governmental agency of any level, and instead be handled by private corporations and churches.  ::)

Oh absolutely.  We can't really trust anyone completely, but to involve additional unnecessary steps increases the risk.

Why don't you come up with details that would work?

Because unlike liberals, I don't go around creating solutions looking for problems.  The fact is that not being registered is not why people don't vote. So there is really no reason to do this, except for people who want to move responsibility away from the individual and to the Federal government. No matter the details, this will require the creation of yet another huge federal agency and that means increased cost to the taxpayer. The feds have no experience doing this; the states are the experts on voting. Let them work out the solutions to whatever problems currently exist.

I think Scott Adams nails it in this blog:

This is just a little teaser of where he goes here, but I absolutely think he gets to the jist of the issue and why Kathy Griffin and a team of people not only thought this was a good idea, but thought at the end of the day most people would like what she did.

"You and I get to live in the movies in our heads until your script and mine come into conflict."

That's a really good way to describe how this country is splitting in two in terms of culture and beliefs and sets of information sources. Like we're watching two completely different movies.  We are living in two entirely different realities, like parallel dimensions simultaneously occupying one country.  I watched it happen during my lifetime, it was not this way when I was young, not even in the 70s when I was in college. The young generation was rebellious, but you still spoke the same language. You watched the same TV shows. The ideas in something like Star Trek were simultaneously traditional and progressive. You had utopian ideas of man having overcome war but at the same time you respected conservative values like the flag of the United States. There were only the three networks so everyone saw the same news. Now I guess liberals and conservatives watch different news shows and for the most part avoid each other's territory so that the divide grows bigger and bigger. I watch CNN now and I don't even recognize it, it's like they're talking about another planet.

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: May 31, 2017, 04:07:27 PM »
No. This is a Republic of States.  To have Federal automatic voter registration would be a major undermining of states powers. One more step to making the U.S. an empire instead of a federation of states.

Good grief.

Lol, in what world is she "little-known"?  If she was so insignificant, she wouldn't have made headlines everywhere parodying a Game of Thrones photo shoot. 

Personally, I think it's in poor taste, but hardly anything that anyone should be outraged over.  Conservative republicans looking like the snowflakes getting their feelings hurt on this one.

I recall seeing Obama hung in effigy a while back and I was just as outraged.  I hated Obama and am thrilled he's out of the White House, but people who do that sort of thing are suggesting violent insurrection. It's encouraging people to have thoughts about assassination of a sitting President and THAT is sedition.  I don't tolerate it from anyone toward any President. It's got nothing to do with "snowflake feelings".  What she did is extremely hostile and promoting hate, very lamely disguised as "comedy". It's atrocious, just like anyone suggesting we hang Obama was atrocious. But the anti-Obama sentiment NEVER reached the levels we're seeing out of the left today toward Trump and anyone supporting him. The liberal left is a runaway train of hatred unlike anything I've ever seen in my life, and I saw the KKK burning crosses in the 1960s.

I think the bigger issue is the hypocrisy of the left. Lucifer posted several instances where someone made fun of Obama and they were demolished for it but so far there's been a lack of backlash over this. We'll see if CNN fires her from the New Year's Eve gig but I won't hold my breath.

Yep.  This is the left signalling in effigy that they would back a bloody coup, a physical beheading just like the sick Islamic terrorists. This is at core WHO THEY ARE.  I hope the Secret Service tears her a new one.

Spin Zone / Re: RealID coming next year for airport travel
« on: May 28, 2017, 10:15:48 AM »
My God you're absolutely right.  Real ID standards discriminate against blacks and poor white trash. We need to get DHS to back off that shit. Otherwise commercial flying won't be like Greyhound anymore.

Spin Zone / Re: Your 4th Amendment Right........
« on: May 25, 2017, 07:35:50 AM »
The government likes to keep you frightened.  The media likes it too, sells cars and breakfast cereals.  Fact of the matter is you are far more lily to die of a plethora of mundane causes than be harmed by a terrorist. I say this having had a terrorist attack at my home institution.  Freedom is more important than security.

This is true but the problem with this line of argument (to support not discriminating against ideologies associated with terrorism) is your assumption that this rate will remain static.  As we saw pre WWII in Germany, very small problems can escalate and spread into all encompassing problems. If Islamic terrorism is not nipped in the bud, it will become much more widespread.

The second problem with your line of argument is that while the odds of being a direct victim of terrorism is very small, the attacks result in very significant social changes that do impact us all in a negative way, such as the creation of TSA as DJ points out.

He's an idiot. The closest thing to ethnic cleansing in this country is the liberals insisting the poor (blacks) get free abortions.

Spin Zone / Re: 'culturally appropriating Mexican food and jobs'
« on: May 24, 2017, 03:29:30 PM »
Do you think if two black women had gone to England and learned how to make scones and clotted cream, then came back and started a business selling it, that social media would have destroyed them for "appropriating" British culture?  There's never been anything wrong with learning a culture's dishes, then going elsewhere to cook and sell them.  This is a problem of social media being used by people with an agenda (chip on their shoulder) to arbitrarily victimize targets.  Mob mentality in cyberspace because white people are hated.

Spin Zone / Re: Obama's sex secrets laid bare
« on: May 23, 2017, 02:28:15 PM »
There is truth in that certainly, though I actually haven't disparaged him for his skin color, but what he did to it.  The former is indefensible, the latter somewhat ribald.

I'm lost, what are you talking about?  Trump did something to make his skin more orange?

I don't think Michelle is ugly. I think she is ANGRY.  And I know there have been studies showing that white people mistake black people's facial expressions as more angry than they really are, but I doubt that's the only thing happening in her case.  I believe she is genuinely angry, just from the hateful things she has said like not being proud to be American most of her life.

I don't like to make comments on people's physical appearance that they can't help. Her body is what God gave her, and for physical features alone, I think her face is quite pretty. She could stand to lose some weight but then so could I, so I wouldn't dream of mentioning her fat ass.

But her attitude is deplorable. If she is ugly, that is what shows through. She should read some Thomas Sowell.  Most blacks today in America are better off than blacks in Africa today. As it turns out, if your ancestor was brought here on a slave ship, you lucked out.  Your ancestor certainly didn't luck out, but generations down through time, his great-great grandchildren did. Even inner city blacks have potable water and indoor plumbing, and the majority of blacks in America are not impoverished.  I'm not saying this, Sowell does in his book "Race and Culture" if memory serves, and he is an African American and by that I mean a black who grew up here whose ancestors came on slave ships. So if you think I'm saying something racist, take it up with Thomas Sowell. Blacks in America have steadily improved their lot over time, and we have abolished slavery, while in many other parts of the world, including Africa, slavery still exists. (

If you ended up as a U.S. citizen, no matter how horribly your ancestors were brought here, you could appreciate the freedom and the plenty this country offers you TODAY, because if you don't, why don't you emigrate back to Africa?  Don't want to live in a shack with starving babies covered in flies?  Thought not.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump speech in Saudi Arabia
« on: May 21, 2017, 04:27:20 PM »
I think that's a pretty ballsy speech, in a good way.

Spin Zone / Re: Roger Ailes dead at 77 - Former Fox news chief
« on: May 20, 2017, 10:22:07 AM »
But I do think the right to vote should be restricted to those over 30.

YES YES!  I have been thinking this for a long time.  If this country is wise enough to require a president to be at least 35, then it recognizes a certain amount of wisdom comes with life experience, so why are we allowing very young people with no life experience to vote the president in? I'd make an exception for anyone who has served in the military.

I don't think anyone who doesn't pay taxes should be allowed to vote.

I agree with this also.  It's another reason I favor a tax system that taxes everyone, even the very poor, even if the tax they pay is only one penny.  EVERYONE should shoulder some responsibility and have some skin in the game as Anthony says, no matter how little.

I don't want to speak for Rush, but I think what SHE is referring to is the inherent volatility, and emotional state, and swings of SOME women.

Yes I am a she and yes I am serious.  Women vote by a higher margin for things that are destructive to this country, such as left wing socialists (Obama), gun control (anti-second amendment), environmental regulations that destroy the economy and the energy industry in the U.S., they vote against military spending, etc. etc. in other words they vote liberal/progressive by a higher margin than do men, for whatever reason.

Anthony supposes I think they do because of "inherent volatility, and emotional state, and swings of SOME women" but I don't know whether this is the case.  These things (PMS swings) are stereotypical of women and like any stereotype they have more than a little truth at core, but whether they are a liability in making political decisions, I don't think they necessarily are.  I myself certainly fit the stereotype, with mood swings all over the map in a single day. Yet I vote with a cool head after careful logical analysis of the facts. So I would disagree with a man saying I should not have the vote because I am more moody than a man.

What I think is more relevant is that women in general, throughout history, have not been the main breadwinners; men have.  By biology or by culture, men's overriding concern has always been, can he support and protect his family?  This leaves men much more knowledgeable and concerned about caring for a thriving economy, and with a greater innate understanding of the need to maintain access to physical resources and to project strength to potential enemies.

Women on the other hand have a better sense of empathy.  I think it comes from the need to get inside the head of helpless infants, and it transfers to anyone. This isn't a bad thing at all. But it does leave them vulnerable to manipulation by those who would use social causes as a means to gain power. Because men tend to think more linearly, they seem better able to predict unintended consequences than women, who often are too focused on current suffering, and unable to look to the long run.

I'll bring up prohibition again as the perfect example. It was women who led the dry movement, because they saw real suffering caused by alcohol, but they completely miscalculated that the consequences of banning alcohol would be even worse.  However, once those terrible consequences came to be, to their credit, it was again women who led the movement to repeal prohibition.  Women had to see for themselves the suffering prohibition had caused before they "got it".  It's just too bad the whole country had to be jerked back and forth in the process by these females, and we are still left with a bad template for dealing with substance abuse.

All of this of course is generalities.  You can't draw a conclusion about any individual.  No, I don't actually think women should be denied the vote just on their gender any more than I think blacks should be denied the vote based on their skin color. I said it was a mistake to give women the vote, I didn't say I would have disagreed with making that mistake. And it would be wrong to deny blacks the vote just because they too vote more liberal.

In an ideal world I would say in order to have the vote, you should be required to have had a job yourself (not your husband) in a field involving basic physical resources, such as farming, energy production, construction, manufacturing, or the military. In other words, a job contributing to the enrichment of the economy or the protection of the country. Paying taxes isn't enough because you can pay tax on your welfare check and it's not the same thing as understanding where that money comes from.  Until you have contributed with your own hands what it takes to keep a society physically alive, you shouldn't qualify to vote, because survival of the nation is really the only thing that matters in the end.  If the nation doesn't survive, there's nothing to vote for anyway.

Spin Zone / Re: Roger Ailes dead at 77 - Former Fox news chief
« on: May 18, 2017, 09:24:41 AM »
Sexual harassment charges mean nothing to me these days.  I can't speak to whether he is guilty or innocent in this specific circumstance, but in general, "sexual harassment" has been so weaponized it has lost all meaning.   It's an insult to real victims of sexual assault.

Just like racial "microaggression" it is a new way to transform the most basic and benign human behavior, such as facial expressions, or a compliment, into a comparison with the worst kinds of atrocities.

Asking a woman for a date is equivalent to rape by a stranger in a dark alley.

Crossing the street when you see a black, even if that's not WHY you crossed, is equivalent to horsewhipping a slave pre Civil War. (It was subconscious!!)

This is absolute witch hunt hysteria on so many fronts, and usually (though not always) targeting white males. (Black males if they are conservative or rich.)

Basing racism or sexual harassment on the FEELING of the "victim" rather than the intent of the actor is taking us down a horrific road in which anyone at any time can be accused of a crime for virtually ANY act.

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