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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: Did Trump Fuck Up...
« on: April 09, 2020, 12:31:13 PM »
Not yet.
I agree. While I think a Trump waivers between businessman and president, he has his three eldest children as his advisors, who are there to remind him of the business economy.

He still believes this has to stop, despite enormous pressure from the “experts.” 

I think he’ll make the right decision and end this idiocy.

Spin Zone / Re: How a Police State is Born
« on: April 09, 2020, 08:59:00 AM »
Gee, how prophetic.
Here’s more from the article:

No. Sorry. You don’t get to stand over the corpse of the American economy and brag about all the lives you saved. That should turbocharge the public outrage to come, not tamp it down.

There has been far too little pushback against this economic lockdown, and that doesn’t say good things about the America we currently live in. Far too many people have played the role of sheep, relentlessly echoing the media-driven hysteria of the Wuhan virus and slavishly adhering to the social-distancing mantras while tens of millions of livelihoods have been lost.

But redemption, and the reckoning, is close at hand. And those who have butchered this economy in the face of an overblown hysteria deserve nothing less than the full comeuppance from the public they’ve manipulated and abused.

Let’s get it going. The sooner the better.

Spin Zone / Re: Bernie drops out
« on: April 08, 2020, 03:38:41 PM »
I disagree.  I think Biden is committed to the Party's stance on just about everything and will go gleefully down the Far Left Progressive path.
Obama. Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton. Algore.

All ran the General from the middle, well at least as far to the middle they could go. Bill Clinton and his advisor Carville wrote the book on it and its been practiced ever since.

Biden will look like a centrist starting now.

Spin Zone / Re: How a Police State is Born
« on: April 08, 2020, 11:17:23 AM »
A "reckoning" as in an armed revolt or a Trump landslide reelection?

Spin Zone / Re: Wisconsin primary
« on: April 07, 2020, 02:40:55 PM »
Why did Wisconsin Republicans contest rulings that would have extended voting in the primary?  All I can find in the news are the personal hardship stories of people having to go to a reduced number of very crowded polling places and the risk that puts everyone under.  I hear none of the rationale of the Rs for position.  Just that they objected to extensions.

What is the MSM not reporting?
A far left lib college buddy asked me about this. He lives in Chicago. Here was my email to him. Maybe this helps.

This election fiasco is a giant clusterfuck, and its because Tony Evers is trying political gamesmanship. 

Last fall US Congressman Sean Duffy resigned - they had a daughter born with special needs and he needed to be home.  His district is a massive district up in the North Woods, covering something like 26 counties.  That area is mostly conservative. 

Evers could have put that election for Duffy’s seat as part of tomorrow’s election.  But he didn’t want to do that.  So he initially scheduled a primary for MONDAY December 30, with the general on MONDAY January 27.  Who schedules elections on Mondays?  Those dates were thrown out by the courts.

The most major election so far this year is tomorrow.  The presidential primary is important, but the big election is the Wisconsin Supreme Court election between Justice Dan Kelly and a liberal judge challenger Jill Karofsky.  Evers didn’t want to have a large conservative turnout to vote for Judge Kelly, so he deferred the vote for Duffy’s seat until May, hoping that not a lot of Republicans will show up because the Trump primary has no challengers, so they won’t come out to vote for Kelly. 

Milwaukee and Dane Counties (heavy liberal turnout) had early voting a week earlier than any other county.  Typically that gives democrats a huge advantage for early/absentee balloting.  So as late as last Tuesday, March 31, Evers said the vote should go on on April 7, and he also said that even if he wanted to he couldn’t change the date. 

So what changed?  Not Covid-19.  The situation is no different than last week.  The only thing that changed was conservative collar counties outperformed in absentee and early voting - Tarianne and I early voted the week of 3/16.  So then Evers calls on the legislature to meet on Saturday - 3 days before the election - to postpone it.  They did not agree to make such a radical change 3 days before the election.  Then today - 1 day before the election, he made the illegal move to cancel the election and move it to June.  The Wisconsin Supreme Court decided today that Evers had no Constitutional authority to make a change in the election.  And the US Supreme Court today reversed the Seventh Circuit that last week added a week to the election for absentee ballots, so people could literally vote AFTER Election Day.  That was a ridiculous overreach, and SCOTUS agreed. 

It’s a mess.  I agree with the election being finalized tomorrow. 

Spin Zone / Re: Chinese Lab Bat
« on: April 07, 2020, 12:38:37 PM »
Well, this is interesting.

Asked about Anthony Fauci, the White House medical expert who for weeks has been predicting significant numbers of COVID-19 deaths in America as well as major ongoing disruptions to daily life possibly for years, Wittkowski replied: “Well, I’m not paid by the government, so I’m entitled to actually do science.”

Spin Zone / Re: Chinese Lab Bat
« on: April 07, 2020, 08:50:16 AM »
Like I said.  My work here is done.
This isn’t an airport. You don’t have to announce your departure.

Spin Zone / Re: Chinese Lab Bat
« on: April 07, 2020, 08:49:29 AM »
Like I've been saying, this is utterly typical of the denizens of this board.  You've all decided that you're experts at virology and bioweapons production because you listened to a talking head on TV.  In the meantime you have an actual scientist telling you how it is.  But that doesn't jive with your viewpoint, so you reject it in favor of your imaginary narrative.  I think this is what's happening to the nation at large, all the way up to Trump not listening to the virologists and epidemiologists at his disposal and instead deciding he was the big expert.  Now we have a deadly disease creeping across our land that should have been kept out in the first place.  And we don't even have serology.  I can't believe after all this time we haven't any serology.  What a clusterfuck.  But you guys still give Trump the thumbs up because, well, Trump.

The only one I'm impressed with is my own governor, because he isn't brain dead like some of you.  He listened to the medical community, got in front of the damn thing and it isn't so bad here.  Isn't so good, but it could have been way worse.

I'll say it again.  This is the firs crisis not of Trump's own making.  The disease is stalking us across the land, and the actions we have to take to limit its spread are likely to cause another depression.  I told you this wouldn't end well.
Wow! Are you that much of a sensitive little snowflake, or or just an overall prick?

What has your panties in a bunch?  I didn’t see anyone picking on you in this thread.

Your ego is over the top. My daughter is a veterinarian who is literally on the front lines of epidemiology in the food chain. She is very smart and has explained how some viruses cross species while others don’t. Rabies is the prototypical virus that makes the jump to humans.

She’s also smart enough to know what she doesn’t know, including how global adversaries could use viruses as a weapon. I have no idea if that’s what has happened, but I’m open to consider it. Too bad you aren’t that self aware.

Spin Zone / Re: Total deaths US for 2020 Feb/Mar vs 2019?
« on: April 06, 2020, 01:14:35 PM »
The Milwaukee metro area has been rated multiple times over the recent years as one of the top 10 most violent cities in the nation. This is just the lull before the storm. Wait until things get opened again and the weather gets warmer.
Yep. Yesterday I took a drive and the boat launch near Hogg’s Alley was jammed, and the local frozen custard place was jammed, and the temperature was just 51.

Wisconsinites will not be denied our already short spring or summer.

Spin Zone / Re: How a Police State is Born
« on: April 06, 2020, 07:40:19 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Watching the MSM stoking fear
« on: March 28, 2020, 11:36:20 AM »
Good Lord no!  Beck always makes me feel depressed.  Rush always uplifts me and makes me feel good.  I can't think of a replacement for Rush 1/1000 as good. :(
I totally agree. I like Mark Levin a lot, but his “angry all the time” fatigues me. Hannity is a joke. Mark Stein is great and humorous, but doesn’t have Rush’s depth.

I think that mantle remains empty once he goes. No one can fill it, though many will try and many will try to claim the title.

Spin Zone / Re: Child abuse up because of coronavirus
« on: March 26, 2020, 10:00:47 AM »
Exactly. Gain herd immunity, stop the transmission. Think chickenpox.

Pilot Zone / Re: Airlines and the Covid19
« on: March 26, 2020, 09:45:51 AM »
I just got a notice from American that they will no longer serve you anything on flights under 4 hours, unless you maybe beg them for a sip of water.  Also they’ve “relaxed their seating policy”, whatever that means.
I see some airlines adopting the Southwest boarding model.

Spin Zone / Re: Unintended consequences
« on: March 23, 2020, 09:29:04 AM »
Trump said yesterday that the cure may be worse than the disease signaling at the end of the "15 day period" that things could start to get back to normal.  He's in for a fight from some in the medical community and the Democrats that want to transfer the entire economy to government.

I am already sick of this shit.  Let's get back to being functioning humans.
My fucking twerp governor tweeted he will issue a “Safer at Home” order starting tomorrow. Because that is less panic-inducing than a “shelter in place” order, or so he thinks the sheeple will buy it.

We’ve had a total 4 deaths from this. And less than 400 cases of it.

We are losing our minds.

Spin Zone / Re: How is everyone doing and/or handling this mess?
« on: March 23, 2020, 07:09:24 AM »

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