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Messages - Anthony

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On a whole, when we look back at various legislation and policies pushed by the liberal/leftist, again, what benefit have we actually derived?

 Also, can someone point out a city that was predominately republican that the liberal/leftist took control of, and made better for the citizens?

 Right now take a look at the Utopia that is California.  The dems/liberal/leftist/progressives have a death grip on that state, and it's becoming Venezuela as we watch.

The MEDIA is blaming PG&E and Man Made Climate Change for the cause of the wild fires.  In reality it in Environmental Activists and Communities that believe them and not allowing forest and brush to be removed too close to power lines.  Once again, Liberal/Progressive LIES.   CA is a sh*thole.  A third world country due to one Party Democrat rule. 

When I was a kid most cities were badly polluted, the Cuyahoga river caught fire, Lake Erie was dead and so was the Chesapeake.  Air and water quality are way, way better, and yes you can thank the EPA and related legislation.  You can thank govco for your national parks, all of which were proposed for development by industrialists.  Horrors like the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire are history because of workplace regulations.  Boy could I go on.

So who is saying we shouldn't have environmental regulations to ensure clean air and clean water?  NOBODY.  Richard Nixon, a Republican signed the EPA into law.

What we are saying is these agencies become out of control and over zealous, and go way beyond where they should and we have NO RECOURSE. 

Spin Zone / Re: Rent Control
« on: October 30, 2019, 07:24:57 AM »
Remember the "Rent is too damn high" guy?  LOL!

Rent control like any artificially mandate government price control is extremely damaging.  It forces landlords to not maintain their properties as they can no longer afford to do so.  It also stops investors from investing in real estate as their returns are now LIMITED BY GOVERNMENT.  Why take the huge risk, if there is little to no upside?  Capital will go elsewhere, and the supply of decent rental properties will dwindle.

Who loses?  Everyone, but especially the tenant (renter) who can no longer find a decent place to live where they want to live.  Artificial government intrusion like rent control is extremely destructive, and destroys the natural market equilibrium of supply and demand. 

Spin Zone / Re: Vietnam Wall some history
« on: October 27, 2019, 06:56:21 AM »
What are the odds that we can dial back the personal insults and just address the issues?

I concur.  Not that I have any room to talk sometimes, but it would help.

Spin Zone / Re: Romney
« on: October 26, 2019, 11:21:52 AM »
Remember giving illegals citizenship and then we'll secure the border.  How many illegals do we have today?

Yes, Reagan and all of us had a valuable lesson reinforced with that one.  When you do actually compromise with the Democrats make sure they do what they are promising to do before you actually do anything.  They usually don't come through with their end of the bargain unless FORCED by you not doing yours. 

Democrats are the DISHONEST fanatics and prove it over and over with things like immigration, and other issues. 

Spin Zone / Re: It's Getting Real.....
« on: October 26, 2019, 07:01:47 AM »
Speaking of extremism....

We are not at war. Assuming it was treason and not merely an illegal abuse of power, it is not firing squad material. Treason outside a time of war is not punishable by death.

Of course I know there can not be actual firing squads, but the COUP attempt by the members of Democrats and Media needs to have repercussions, and those individuals HELD ACCOUNTABLE.  If not, they will just continue doing it as evidenced by the false Impeachment blather. 

You are being fanatically contrarian in an illogical, irrational manner.   Seems extreme to me. 

Spin Zone / Re: Katie Hill
« on: October 25, 2019, 09:16:49 AM »
I can top that.  As I said in another thread, I voted for Jimmy Carter.
At least in your defense, they changed; you didn't.
In my case, I voted for exactly what they were.  That is embarrassing.

Yes, but you had a different perspective then, so you can't judge your previous self by your present self.   Have a shot of Bourbon and call it even.  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Katie Hill
« on: October 25, 2019, 07:07:30 AM »
Since when did a dead girl stop a popular politician?  “Lion of the Senate” Ted Kennedy left a woman to drown in his car, and he spent 47 years in the US Senate thanks to the voters of Massachusetts.

He should have been charged and convicted of DUI and Manslaughter at the minimum.  Shows how brainwashed the Far Lefties of Mass are.  At least it stopped him from running for President, at least that is the theory.  What a socialist hell hole, but so is the rest of New England. 

Politicians just need us for votes, so they say things we like to hear in a campaign.  However, they DO NOT represent us.  They represent who funds, and threatens them.  Trump is one, if not only the exception. 

Spin Zone / Re: Romney
« on: October 24, 2019, 04:10:23 AM »
Why?  You already concluded that republicans are fanatics.  You should already have the data to support that conclusion.

Several of us have posted factual statements absolutely refuting that the Republicans are the fanatical ones, yet he posts NO FACTS to support his ridiculous claim.  I am no fan of the GOP as I think they are leaving Trump to hang out to dry, and are just big spending, big government types.  However, Flynn is just plain wrong and won't admit it.  Not surprised. 

Spin Zone / Re: Abuse of power in the impeachment process
« on: October 23, 2019, 04:08:47 AM »
Yes, a lot of the Republicans are no better than Democrats.  They are like Royalty due to the lack of term limits.  These pigs stay in office for 30 - 40 years or more, and are virtually untouchable.   They all get rich in office as does their family members.   If they do happen to lose an election they become swamp dwelling lobbyists. 

Spin Zone / Re: New Canadian Report on Polar Bears Contradicts mmgw Liars
« on: October 22, 2019, 10:56:59 AM »
The Polar Bears are thriving in the exact places the Climate Alarmists say they are in decline.  ALL LIES to scare people into the income and wealth redistribution scheme of man made climate change. 

Spin Zone / Re: Bill to ban the b-word
« on: October 22, 2019, 09:58:36 AM »
These progressives are just plain mentally ill.  They are NUTS.  No other term for it. 

Squaw!  There I said it!  Warren comes to mind. 

Spin Zone / Re: Getting our boys out of the way
« on: October 22, 2019, 07:19:58 AM »
I don't care if the Russians control Syria or any other Sh*thole country.  Let them waste their lives and money playing referee in a civil war. 

Spin Zone / Re: Getting our boys out of the way
« on: October 19, 2019, 03:38:30 PM »
We can’t do much about the MIC. What slays me are people like bflynn who love to continue to use our limited forces with severely restricted ROEs as pawns in a 1,300 year conflict. Most conservatives have learned their lesson after the last 18 years. Libs?  Not so much.

It's like the TSA.  The APPEARANCE of War, but in reality a no win conflict where guys get killed needlessly, and we spend billions.  These proxy wars are worthless today. 

It's funny how the Democrats and their idiot supporters are upset for Trump wanting to get us out.  If it were Obama doing it they'd want to give him another Nobel Peace Price.

Send Greta Thunberg over there.  Give her an old Enfield and push her out.  See if it warms up for her.   

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