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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: September 29, 2017, 12:17:41 PM »
Wouldn't it infuriate the liberals if a Christian filmmaker DEMANDED Michael Moore direct a Scripturally correct Biblical movie that violates every one of his bigoted notions about Christianity then sue his fat ass for refusing.

If fat boy directs movies then he should be COMPELLED to make a film that violates his every belief.

THe court would never find against a liberal, however. Only Christians are subject to forced labor.

Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: September 28, 2017, 08:34:00 AM »

Talk about being easily triggered by something so trivial.

You guys sound worse than a bunch of thin skinned millennials.

WOW. Talk about having nothing to add so you just shit the bed and pretend it sounds smart.
When did you graduate from stupid and cowardly, to stupid, cowardly and offensive?

Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: September 27, 2017, 11:40:18 AM »
What?  You're insane.

Whenever a progressive is confronted by facts, the automatic reaction is to accuse the other of being crazy.

Congrats. You are using the playbook you claim to not know about.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump - vs - N. Korea
« on: September 16, 2017, 04:23:37 PM »
Sheila jackson Lee did claim that if North Korea nukes America, she was afraid it would cause Trump to start a war.

Spin Zone / Re: Would you donate to California?
« on: August 29, 2017, 08:44:39 PM »
Sometimes Steingar is the perfect progressive.

He knows so much that is simply not true and pounds the table with his ignorance like a sledge hammer.

I guess he's still trying to pretend that Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house...

Spin Zone / Re: Symbols of Hatred
« on: August 19, 2017, 07:54:19 AM »
I knew that but wanted to have a little fun with your reply...

Spin Zone / Re: Symbols of Hatred
« on: August 18, 2017, 12:30:02 PM »
Progressives and particularly academics progressives seem to hate free speech with a passion.

I suspect they are infuriated whenever someone uses facts and truth to toss aside their partisan bullshit, presented as factual.

Spin Zone / Re: This country has gone nucking futz
« on: August 17, 2017, 12:05:43 PM »
I am waiting for the alt-left to examine the outrage of Hilary Clinton using the confederate flag to woo southern voters and demand all reference to he be banned from national discussion.

This is all about destroying the Republican Party because the democrats can't win honestly.

The noise is all orchestrated and the media is playing their part perfectly.

Spin Zone / Re: Corrupt News Network
« on: August 17, 2017, 08:12:41 AM »
I don't think it's unfair at all.  The idiot brought it on himself.  And then said he can see where there's fault on both sides.  He's the worst thing to have ever happened to the Republican Party, ever.

Care to comment on the Clinton - Gore use of these insulting and racist images?

Or are you such a pathetic hypocrite that you can't?

I agree with the Tenth Amendment people.
Force Congress AND every federal employee onto obamacare and watch how fast it disappears.

Spin Zone / Re: Solar eclipse
« on: August 07, 2017, 12:17:50 PM »
"A bunch of" young'uns isn't a thing in this forum.  :P

But I admit to not knowing the reference.

Your So Vain..... You probably think this song is about you....

I used social liberalism in the lowercase sense, which just means I am liberal on social issues like marijuana, homosexuality, etc.

What issues are you not liberal?
Military force?
Out of Control Spending?
Muslim refugees infiltrating the entire world?

I am about as hard rights ass it gets but find I common ground from time to time with you, much to my surprise, so maybe I need to step back and ask the question...

What are you conservative about?

I don't see anything particularly "shitty" about Donal Trump, unless getting elected by saying exactly what you want to fix, the going out working to do its that is now shitty.

The actual "anointed one" was elected solely on the color of his skin and certainly not for any skill, experience, or vision he had beyond hope and change.

You almost had me agreeing with your soliloquy until you added your own lefty spin one time too many. We could have found so much common ground but you couldn't stop yourself from elevating the left and denigrating the right to try and pretend the playing field is even.
It isn't.
The left has gone so far off the rails that normal humans don't try to rationalize their idiocy anymore. It's too cultish. Too fascist and too much a sickening cult of death.
Every single person who speaks a contrary word to the offense of the day-du-jour is pounded by death threats so deeply disturbed that any honest psychiatrist would identify the threatener as mentally deranged.
The left demands that we agree that sudden onrush of gender confusion be renamed and any reference to the mental disorder that transgender is be stricken from not only public discourse but the medical profession completely.
It is yet another politically protected mental illness, alongside the gender pronoun bullshit.
Laws are being forced cell fed into daily life stripping American citizens of basic privacy rights to pander to the weaponized homosexual lobby, so sick, so perverted and so deeply mentally disturbed that a lot of those freaks should not be out in public.
And you rationalize how somehow the conservatives are just as bad.
Sorry, Sherlock. You're full' of shit on that score.

Spin Zone / Re: Food Stamp Use Falls to Lowest Level in Seven Years
« on: July 23, 2017, 06:57:46 AM »
Welfare was Lyndon Johnson's strategy for hijacking the minority vote.
He even claimed it would sew up the black vote (he used the "N" word) for the next two hundred years.
Liberals conveniently forget the facts and blame racism on republicans because lying is so much easier than dealing with fact and truth.
When Gary claims Obama did such a good job "selling" obamacare, he did it with his tongue forcefully pressed against the corner of his cheek because lying IS the democrat party answer to everything.

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