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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: January 02, 2017, 08:15:38 PM »
The fury that comes back when anyone doubts the made up nonsense about Russian hacking is remarkably the same as that which automatically follows when one doubts the man made global warming lies.
How interestingly convenient...

Spin Zone / Re: Soldiers of Odin!
« on: December 30, 2016, 07:00:09 PM »
The level of blindness accompanied by the degree of devotion to PC, makes many progressives totally closed minded about anything they are told to ignore.
American feminists are whining about a Christmas carol being sexist and 'rapee' but turn a blind eye to the women being murdered for walking outside, speaking to a man, wearing a skirt, or driving a car. That level of devotion to PC is mentally disturbed.
College 'professors' brag about shutting down free speech to cleanse the environment and limit any non-PC thoughts and opinions from being shared because those unapproved opinions might cause the students to actually think, instead of accept the never ending bullshit.
Liberals actually ignore everything about Islam because they are told to. The lack of critical thinking in the liberal mind is deranged.

Spin Zone / Re: Who are the actual Trump Supporters?
« on: December 30, 2016, 10:51:23 AM »
I was firmly Never Trump until the lunatics of the left went bat shit crazy about everything and anything, including things that never happened.
Then I became firmly supportive of Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: Prof Calls Election "Terrorism;" Gets Threats
« on: December 30, 2016, 10:49:37 AM »
Steingar, it is remarkable how easily you redefine what is acceptable free speech and what isn't based entirely on your personal opinions. That is exactly what the the left has done for decades by taking all sorts of discussion off the table by declaring those topics non PC, racist, discriminatory, or simply unacceptable and now you are defending your bigotry by declaring those who have opinions and firm opinions that disagree to be bigots and heretics.
You are exactly what you pretend to hate.

Spin Zone / Re: I wouldn't Trust Snopes...
« on: December 24, 2016, 07:05:14 AM »
The new marching orders for progressives is to turn a blind eye to the corruption in their party that cost them hundreds of elections this year and blame Trump.
Hey, it almost worked for Obama.

Spin Zone / Re: Tell me again why American Jews support Obama!
« on: December 24, 2016, 07:03:08 AM »
Gets in the way OF WHAT? Your faculty lounge, pansy, progressive bullshit, agenda of appeasement to the highest bribe giver?

Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: December 23, 2016, 07:57:23 AM »
Poor witmo. The unwashed conservatives refuse to accept his massive intelligence and don't want to concede that Russia WANTED Donald Trump as President because they couldn't deal with queen Hilary. Considering Hilary sold a huge amount of our uranium to Russia in exchange for 'donations' and she oversaw the pathetic Russian Reset debacle, I can see why such a qualified 'expert' as witmo would conclude that Vlad would rather deal with an unknown than an incompetent idiot.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump
« on: December 20, 2016, 10:03:35 AM »
Who's attacking Trump for making money?  I'd like to know the financial standing of the President of the United States as well as the extent of his financial ties to foreign governments.  Any attacks will be witheld depending on what is revealed, that is if he ever reveals anything.

So very odd how you ignore the PROOF of Hilary Clinton's foreign ties while pretending that you are waiting to see about the Donald.

Spin Zone / Re: Dear idiot Libs: we are at war
« on: December 20, 2016, 09:34:37 AM »
I doubt it strongly.  Unlike you guys I have an IQ in the triple digits.  I know that there are a billion Muslims, roughly one in every ten humans on planet Earth.  To ascribe any political goal or ideology that encompasses all of them is pure folly.

You clearly suffer from the liberal phenomenon of being absolutely certain you are the smartest person in the room.
Then you prove how false that assumption is and keep digging for the bottom.
Good work from a progressive tool without a freaking clue.
It really is all that can be expected from you.

Spin Zone / Re: Fake News
« on: December 14, 2016, 09:00:52 AM »
I am certain (where once I was suspicious) that Donald Trump will not govern like a Republican.
I am also certain that Donald Trump will not govern like a Democrat.
I am certain that Donald Trump will govern like a businessman.
That gives me hope.
Like another poster, anyone Graham and McCain - and - Pelosi, McCaskill and Schumer hate is usually good by me.

Well if people had read Obama's book "Dreams of my Father", they would have known all this prior to his election.  He really does hate America, as does his wife.  They have a huge chip on his shoulders.

The person who calls himself Michelle Obama is an embarrassment to the country.

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:40:19 AM »
IF, as so many activists claim, global warming is either real, or man made, then what is the actual 'correct' temperature for the globe?
What makes the current temperature wrong and the temperatures in the last decade right?
By who's reckoning is any temperature right, or wrong?
Other than as a means to tax and control the populace, how is any of the 'solutions' forwarded by the alarmists of any use what-so-ever?
If MMGW is such an obvious 'crisis' how come the scientific community is under such pressure to conform to the political agenda whenever questioning of the sources, methods, or integrity of the 'science' occurs?
How is the pressure against denying the claims of the MMGW fanatics any different than the abuse of scientists in past centuries, who brought great breakthroughs forward even though their contemporaries tried to stifle free thought every way possible?
Isn't this entire charade just a return to past extremes forced on people by those with a different agenda that has nothing to do with science?

Spin Zone / Re: Mother's body / child's body
« on: December 05, 2016, 08:32:45 AM »
Abortion is the ultimately selfish solution to a problem that was easy to solve but the practitioner far too lazy to allow THEMSELVES be forced to behave responsibly. It is also the ultimate power trip for a truly powerless idiot to present murder as a human right.

Spin Zone / Re: A Salt Weapon
« on: December 02, 2016, 11:16:54 AM »
That is a racist weapon because salt is white.

Spin Zone / Do Liberals EVER Tire of Showcasing Their Hypcorisy?
« on: November 28, 2016, 03:50:46 PM »
Hillary Clinton’s lawyer Marc Elias announced over the weekend that the Clinton campaign would participate in the Wisconsin election recount even as he actively fights against recount efforts in a North Carolina governor’s race where the margin of victory was less than 5,000 votes.

In North Carolina, where Republican Gov. Pat McCrory filed for a recount after he lost to Democrat Roy Cooper by just 4,772 votes, Elias is singing a different tune.

“Instead of attacking North Carolina voters and undermining our democratic process, Governor McCrory needs to accept his defeat and concede,” said Elias, who also represents the Cooper campaign.

The party of failure, unemployment and food stamps is also the party of never ending hypocrisy on almost every topic.

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