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Topics - Little Joe

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Spin Zone / Pretty good opinion piece, in Forbes no less!
« on: December 12, 2016, 06:53:20 AM »
But in the month since, the so-called mainstream media have, as if in coordinated fashion, executed a transparent strategy to bludgeon the President-elect at every turn.
First, they are advancing a strategy of attempting to tie the President-elect and his team to the so-called 'alt-right' and neo-Nazi, white supremacist lunatics. Despite Trump and his Transition Team issuing multiple statements denouncing the activities of a number of groups, the media still provided hours of coverage to small pockets of hate groups that used the election as a recruiting tool.

Spin Zone / The problem with automation
« on: December 10, 2016, 11:47:23 AM »
When I was a teenager in the '60s, I remember reading stories about how automation was going to start doing more and more of the manual work for us, which would leave us more free time to pursue our hobbies and interests.  They would show pictures of families having picnics in the park, with artists at their easels painting.  It was idyllic, or utopian if you wish.  But I remember thinking, without work, where are people going to get the money to pay the bills?  Somebody is still going to have to do the "non-automated" jobs, and run things.  Who has to do that work and who gets to have all that time off?  Will the few people that work get paid more and live like kings?  I could never understand what the "plan" was?

We are not there yet, but we are getting there.  Airline ticket clerks, bank tellers, retail clerks have largely been replaced by kiosks or ATMs or web sites.  Pretty soon taxi drivers, truck drivers and pilots will be replaced.  Fast food workers are probably next and who knows what else will be automated.

So what will we do with all those people with too much free time.  And what is that old saying about idle hands and the devils workshop?  If people don't have jobs, they won't have money but they will have idle hands.  What happens to crime rates?

I have some ideas of solutions, but I don't like them.

What kind of ideas do you guys have as to how the human race will function once we automated most of the jobs? Even computer programmers will eventually be replaced with AI.  A large part of the population won't be able to cope with the new types of jobs that are created.  What do we do with those people?  Build a lot of homeless shelters?

Spin Zone / $50B and 50k jobs
« on: December 06, 2016, 07:56:18 PM »
SAN FRANCISCO — Telecommunications giant SoftBank Group plans to invest $50 billion into the U.S. economy, and add 50,000 jobs, president-elect Donald Trump announced in New York Tuesday.

In another article I read where they said they would not have committed to this had Trump not won the election.

Spin Zone / Burning the Flag
« on: December 01, 2016, 06:14:05 AM »
I feel like  a liberal now, because this is based on emotion, but I think it should be illegal to burn the American Flag on American soil.

And while the press is crucifying Trump for saying that, they mostly ignore the fact that HRC said the same thing in 2005.

I agree wholeheartedly with "Freedom of Speech", but I am less enthralled with "Freedom of Actions".  Perhaps if the Constitution said "Freedom of Expression" it would be different, but it didn't.  Why not?

Spin Zone / JeffDG
« on: November 21, 2016, 07:32:51 AM »
I can't speak for everyone on this board, but I for one miss your participation.  I know we disagreed on Trump and his relative strength vs Hillary, but I still respect your in depth knowledge of our political system and (most) of your opinions.  And I really do agree with you on most topics.  I have learned a lot from you.

So, if you still  monitor this board, how about chiming in and letting us know you are still here, and telling us when you think we are wrong.

Spin Zone / Electoral College
« on: November 18, 2016, 01:48:12 PM »
Ok.  Hillary appears to have garnered more popular votes than Trump but received fewer EC delegates.  So her supporters want to ditch the EC.

Point 1:
Are they equally anxious to ditch the Democrats primary system that not only uses a similar delegate system, but they also use a truly fucked up system of "super delegates".  Many say that is why Bernie lost.

Point 2:
As Trump said, he campaigned based on the existence of the EC.  If the election was based on popular votes, then he would have campaigned differently, targeting the denser population areas more.

So can anyone explain to me just WHY they want to ditch the EC, other than the fact that they lost the election?

Spin Zone / New York Times to rededicate to honesty
« on: November 12, 2016, 07:33:28 AM »
New York Post columnist and former Times reporter Michael Goodwin wrote, "because it (The Times) demonized Trump from start to finish, it failed to realize he was onto something. And because the paper decided that Trump’s supporters were a rabble of racist rednecks and homophobes, it didn’t have a clue about what was happening in the lives of the Americans who elected the new president

Media bias?  What media bias?

Spin Zone / Trump & Ryan
« on: November 10, 2016, 12:19:26 PM »
I heard Paul Ryan give a surprisingly upbeat speech yesterday.  I say surprisingly because of his anti-Trump stance during the election.

Was that just sucking up to the new President or did he mean it?

I believe he meant it.  I think his anti-Trump remarks largely had to do with his belief that Trump was going to cost the GOP the  Oval Office as well as the House and Senate.  He now sees that he was wrong and he now sees the potential that Trump offers.

I really used to like Ryan, but I lost some respect during the election.  I hope I recover the respect and that he and Trump can work well together to get things done.

Spin Zone / Daylight Savings time; I hate it.
« on: November 08, 2016, 04:14:49 PM »
But why couldn't it end after the election so we don't have to wait an extra hour?

Spin Zone / Freedom of the Press; any restrictions?
« on: November 04, 2016, 08:43:11 AM »
I do believe in the 1st Amendment, but channeling my inner-Hillary, I have to add a "but" to that.

For instance,

Should the press be reporting about anticipated terror attacks?  If I were one of these tangos, I would change my plan, pronto.

There is also another thread going on about report early voting statistics with discussion about how maybe that should not be allowed.

Perhaps our press is a little too free?

Spin Zone / Why hasn't he been saying that all along.
« on: November 01, 2016, 11:08:45 AM »
While at the gym today, I watched the speeches given by Spence and Trump in Pennsylvania.  It really was a good couple of speeches.

After the speech there was a discussion and one of the attendees said she thought it was a great speech and that he should have been saying that all along rather than just responding to all the scandals and calling people names.  When she was informed that was their standard stump speech which they have been giving all along, the woman said "well, that's not what you see on TV or read in the papers".   Duh.

Spin Zone / Hypocrisy.
« on: November 01, 2016, 06:10:45 AM »
In the past few days, I have been called a hypocrite on 2 occasions  (Not on this forum).

Here are the situations:

I have condemned Bill Clinton's extramarital affairs to a greater degree than Trumps.
This is true. 
But at the time, Clinton was President of the United States.  If an officer has an affair with an enlisted person, they get punished, but it is ok for two enlisted people to have an affair.  If a teacher has an affair with a student, it is punishable even if the student is of legal age, but if two students, of legal age have sex, there is no problem.  What Trump said is revolting, but it is not disqualifying.  What Bill Clinton did (especially the lying to Congress part) is.
And before anyone says "But Bill Clinton is not running for office, perhaps you should aim that accusation at the people that called me a hypocrite.  They were the ones that brought up Clinton in an attempt to belittle Trump's actions.

I was outraged at Comey not recommending charges against Clinton, but I applauded him when he reopened the investigation.
Again, this is true.
But I could not see his justification for not recommending prosecution after his lengthy description of her actions.  As I see it, reopening the investigation was merely righting a wrong.  If he had not reopened the investigation and later was found to have sat on the evidence because of the election, then that would have been wrong and I would want him to face some kind of charge.

Spin Zone / Are there really "parallel universes"
« on: October 31, 2016, 10:43:33 AM »
There must be.

I was driving around today listening to the radio in my truck.  I have two preset buttons.  CNN and FOX.  I switch between them when commercials come on or I just cannot listen to a particular line of drivel any longer.

Listening to them both spin the FBI/Clinton/Email news was like listening to things that were happening on different planets.

I tried to take them both with a grain of salt, but I really felt sorry for Democrats as I listened to CNN as they wriggled and twisted and turned trying to come up with every imaginable excuse as to why and how Clinton was being done wrong and how evil Comey was.

Are there any actual news programs on the radio?  All the ones I listen to are just biased spin stations.  I truly feel FOX is the  most balanced, but obviously, they are biased too.

Spin Zone / The government wants it's money back!!!!!!!!!
« on: October 22, 2016, 02:30:02 PM »

Spin Zone / Can Clinton keep a (national security) secret?
« on: October 20, 2016, 03:33:08 PM »
It doesn't sound like it.

OPSEC matters!
edit:  I posted the wrong link, but I don't have time to fix it yet.  Google "Hillary 4 minutes"

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