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Messages - acrogimp

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Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 27, 2018, 12:34:34 PM »
Wow.  If he doesn't make it to the Supreme Court, perhaps he'd like to be president.  Imagine that kind of backbone and power there.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 27, 2018, 12:31:14 PM »
Looking at the Democrats:

“You sowed the winds for decades to come.”

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 27, 2018, 12:29:12 PM »
A couple of quotes from him already, and this is just from his opening statement:

Quote from: Judge Brett Kavanaugh
This confirmation process has become a national disgrace.


You have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 27, 2018, 11:07:08 AM »
None of this matter guys, it is over - she got her voice breaking sound bite and that is all we will see on the news - it is done.

Fucking disgusted.

I don’t think Kavanaugh is done. Yes, the R’s fucked thugs up, as always. But I’m hearing backbone from McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and other previously squishy people that I didn’t anticipate. Graham sounds like a new man now that McCain is dead.

I think he’ll be confirmed, albeit he’ll have a taint for about 6 years. And I think there will be a red wave.

Spin Zone / Re: #I give up
« on: September 26, 2018, 07:59:45 AM »
Nov 6 2016 was truly a watershed day for me. More than likely greater than most others affected by Trump's win. In Jan 2016 we went to Belize to reconnoiter the place. We stayed in nice hotels, and did some diving and some tourist stuff, but I also rented a car, and went looking at the interior, did some land evaluation, talked to the local cops, and a mayor or two. I was getting ready to put some money down on a house there, and wanted to be sure we had full time power and water avail as I didn't want to get too native if we had to move.

In March we did the same thing in Grand Cayman. I got real close to buying a nice piece of land over on the North Beach area, with spitting distance to a small boat ramp and dock. By June, we'd decided on Cayman over Belize due to the nature of the Belize govt, and their lack of care outside of Belize city. I had an option on the land in Cayman, and by early Sept we were getting ready to close.

Unlike all the noisy angry libs who promised to move to Canada if Trump were elected, I was not kidding around. I was NEVER going to live under Hillary, and if it cost me some in lost funds, and living abroad most of the year - so be it. Cayman was a nice place, and I could visit the US easy enough. Also S America, and of course EU.

Something in Sept made me pause. I was tuned in pretty well to the election coverage, and the libs were starting to sound just a bit too frantic. Each 'poll' that came out showing Hillary ahead by 3 points, or 5 points, or 9 points or something was just a bit to staged, a bit too relieved by the left. Something - was amiss in lib-land.

So, I waited, and let the option expire in mid Oct and said - lets just ride this out, and see what we will see. I can go back and make another deal later, but hold off and let things play out. As we all know, it was a clean sweep. I stayed up all night, and with each passing state, each passing hour I just relaxed and knew that I didn't have to pull up stakes, and turn our lives upside down. We were gonna be fine. 37 Governors, 31 state houses, 52 senators, plenty of HR members, and we were gonna have a new conservative SCOTUS in a few months.

Now, I see things like the reversal of the idiotic climate lies, and tightening of border controls, the blocking of angry muslims coming in to the US, #walkaway, economy booming, intl crime down, and some frustration on the faces of what used to be our 'friends' around the world who have been using us like toilet paper for decades. I'm actually upbeat. I'm happy and seeing progress. Of course, there are still mountains to climb, and the colleges are one of those places that need a good laundering. But I thing the US has turned a corner, and is getting healthy again. I'm not shopping for a place to bolt anymore. I have gained confidence, and feel great about our future.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 24, 2018, 10:13:08 AM »
I agree, with one exception: Mitch McConnell erred in saying (I think it was yesterday) that Kavanaugh was going to be on the Supreme Court. But yes, they are giving her every chance to agree to appear this week, and if she doesn't, there's really nothing they can do but hold the vote and of course, with only an uncorroborated allegation, from an accuser who refuses to make a statement under oath, he will (and should) be confirmed.

As you might expect, my perspective on this is a little different than most here. I doubt her accusation was politically motivated (mostly because as I understand it, her revealing the incident to a therapist in 2012 has been confirmed as true), and I can understand her reluctance to jump into a partisan maelstrom, especially if, as it seems, she was an anti-Trump demonstrator. I also wonder how certain she is that it was Kavanaugh. My guess is that this is probably a case of mistaken identity. But if not, and she is 100% certain, then I hope she'll take the deal and testify. She'll have a hard time living with herself if she is right and he gets confirmed. Worse for the country, if corroborating evidence comes out after he is on the Court, then things get very messy.
I appreciate your deference for giving Ford the benefit of the doubt, but I have so such compulsion.  People are capable of making up stories to therapists if it means defending their actions or inactions in matters involving marriage.  Imagine a male spouse wanting to go to a therapist because his wife wouldn’t have sex with him. Wife needs an excuse, and concocts a unverifiable story of a high school incident that provides her an excuse for her behavior. I’m not saying that was the situation, but I’m trying to demonstrate that an alleged admission to a therapist is not dispositive.

Further, do we know that Judge Kavanaugh was specifically named in that therapy session?  That’s what is implied, but to my knowledge we have no idea. It actually seems odd to name a specific individual in a therapy session.

Lastly, I have zero patience for a 35 year old story being told to a congressman or a senator instead of the police. That put the wires story into the political realm, with no turning back.

I give her no quarter in this case.

Spin Zone / Re: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
« on: September 24, 2018, 10:02:23 AM »
Ya'll know Trump is not in D.C. right now.

Spin Zone / Re: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
« on: September 24, 2018, 09:58:54 AM »
Amazing diversity of what is happening at the moment when I check Google news headlines.

He’s offering his resignation.
He expects to be fired.
Trump to meet Rosenstein regarding conflicting reports.

Spin Zone / Re: Similar slayings draw vastly different political reaction
« on: September 20, 2018, 11:54:12 AM »
Those on the left have little respect for law.  It's a failing of theirs because respect for law is necessary for a stable society.  Without respect for law, we get Hobbe's brutish and short life; with respect for law, we have Locke's equality and mutual respect.

This is a major reason I condemn the Left.  I can ignore their belief system, but I cannot ignore how their belief system infringes on me.

I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin' on the porch with my family, singin' and dancin' down in Mississippi...
Hah!  You beat me to it.

I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin' on the porch with my family, singin' and dancin' down in Mississippi...

Spin Zone / Re: McCain still shitting on conservatives from the grave
« on: September 05, 2018, 11:50:14 AM »
Good god. All I see here is pissing on the grave of a dead man. For shame. :(

My university held a memorial service for McCain last night. I didn't always agree with his politics, but I'm grateful to him for his years of sacrifice while in the military, so I went. It was a "silent muster", preceded by a bugle call and ended with taps and Amazing Grace on bagpipes. The entire Corps of Cadets was there, and all of us stood in silence for about 15 minutes. Impressive service, and IMHO wholly appropriate. I'm glad I went, though as far as I could tell I was the only faculty member there. Even here, most of the faculty are liberal/progressive.
Relax. If you were a dick when you were alive, you don’t get to avoid being considered a dick after you die.

To make matters worse, he dictated dick things to happen after he died, like who was not invited, who was asked to give a eulogy knowing they would turn it into a political rally, and other things. The premise of the OP is accurate.

This was his politics, and his politics sucked. He turned from a selfless officer at the Hanoi Hilton to a selfish, vindictive, career swamp dweller in his elected life.

If I was in Annapolis I would stand at attention at his funeral and fully respect the sacrifice he gave as a POW.  For that he deserved such a send off.  He didn’t deserve the political royalty treatment he received in death.

Spin Zone / Re: NASCAR driver Conor Daly loses his sponsorship
« on: August 28, 2018, 07:50:25 AM »
Lots of sports have "changed".  Look at NFL Football.  In an effort to attract more women, and others, and be PC, they have alienated their base to the point where revenues are declining.
I played college football, so football has been an important part of my life. I used to have season tickets for the Bears before moving out of Illinois.

Even before this kneeling fiasco, I lost interest in the NFL. Part of it was it was becoming more about player personalities than about the team. “Look at me, look at me” self-congratulating dancing and mugging for the crowd after making a tackle when you’re down by 21 points on the 4th quarter and getting your ass kicked.  Winning for the team is less important than trying to get that ESPN Sports Center hit of the week. Also, players are starting to look at thuggish as the NBA. Not many good citizens out there any more. Lastly, the NFL has become so feminized it makes me sick. Rules have been so tightened that they are pushing manly aggression out of the sport. Pink shoes in October. Super Bowl halftime acts that don’t match the personality of the people that I used to sit with when it’s -5 degrees and snowing.

So the kneeling fiasco was a deal breaker, but the horse already left the barn. Trying to fix it won’t change my personal boycott of the NFL.

Spin Zone / Re: NASCAR driver Conor Daly loses his sponsorship
« on: August 27, 2018, 06:16:18 AM »
I caught an article on Drudge the other talking about a group of unnamed NFL owners that are concerned that the salad days of their sport are over and are thinking about selling out while value is still good.

The morons destroyed their business sucking up to whiners, crybabies, racists and imbeciles, and now want to cry because revenues dropped? What losers.

I may have written this before, but the Sundays we have spent doing family things the last two football have taught me that I would never go back to watching their pathetic, spoiled, crybaby, millionaires, no matter what changed they make. We have flown, rambled around old castles, taken in museums, played with the grand kids at the beach, gone to concerts, plays, and
spent countless hours just being together as family, instead of sitting around watching losers play with themselves and claiming that they are social justice warriors.

The NFL will go under, or become such an also ran that it might as well go under.

Millennial snowflakes don't support sports leagues. They are too busy posing and virtue signalling to their phony friends.
They taught me a very important I will never forget.

Spin Zone / Re: Cleansing of the gene pool - Friday edition
« on: August 17, 2018, 09:40:38 AM »

A more in-depth story -

I'm not sure they were out to prove evil doesn't exist. But the quotes in that DC article I think represent a special kind of first-world naiveté. There are parts of this world that are absolutely brutal. It's a kind of brutality that most of us are forever shielded from in the safety of the richest country in the world. It's a kind of shocking brutality that could not be prepared-for, and which I think would make most of us violently ill if we witnessed first hand.

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