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Messages - invflatspin

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You see, that's the difference between you and me.  I was raised to know that a journalist silenced themselves and scrupulously made sure that their personal opinions never entered into their reporting. 

Acosta is a disgrace to the profession of journalism.  If he continues to behave as he does, then he will be done because nobody can trust him with facts.

Not really, I know he was being an ass and a disgrace. So, like I already said, close the WH press office, and kick them all out. Acosta is just the worst of a bad lot. Even the FoxNews reps stood up for him, even thought they KNEW he was way outside the bounds of professional journalism. So, FoxNews, ABC, NTY, MSNBC, CNN, are all gone, gone, gone. They can all go have a group outrage meeting, and there's NOTHING else they can do about it.

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 18, 2018, 09:08:38 AM »
One WA state police chief is going to ignore the gun law.

(BTW, Republic WA is a small burg, in the middle of nowhere with about 1000 people living there)

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 18, 2018, 09:05:02 AM »
I don't think I'm quite as pessimistic as most.  I still hold on to a little tenuous glimmer of hope.

What I see happening is the far left will get a few more of their community organizing, socialist activists elected and they will overplay their hand.  They might get some strong anti-gun legislation passed in some of the blue states, but it will surely be challenged in court, and will go to the Supremes.  That is why it is essential that we support Trump and retain the Senate for as long as possible.  A solid conservative court will not only overturn the unconstitutional new gun laws, but in so doing will affirm the part of the 2nd that says "shall not be infringed".

But we still need to get another conservative justice or two to assure it plays out that way.

It's being challenged in court every week around the nation. How are all these cases going to get to the SCOTUS? First the case will get to the state appellate court which will find for the state, and against the individual, then it will be up to the fed circuit to accept or deny cert(take the case to review). If they decline, then the petitioner has the option of sending it to the SCOTUS. We're talking about 100s if not 1000s of cases each year. SCOTUS has to pick and choose. But the state legislators can easily overcome the burden of making new laws which is exactly what happened in Heller. the various states looked at the decision in Heller, and several of them wrote laws or ordinances that worded their restrictions just around the edges of the Heller decision.

In the mean time, while the cases get escalated to the various courts, the state law stands, unless an upper court stays the implementation. Everyone is tinkering with the 2A, to see what they can get away with. As noted, there are currently 22,000 gun laws on the books, and that state will NOT stop writing new ones. The SCOTUS cannot enjoin a state legislature from writing laws, all they can do is cancel them after the fact.

Except the message of the President is Freedom, and Liberty, and the message of Acosta is Oppression, and Tyranny.  So now we have the forces of evil disrupting our freedom.  But again, he has every venue known to man to protest and rebel, so don't use my time in which to do so.

That's the difference between the US and most other nations. I don't like Acosta's message either but I'm not ready to silence him. Which is where I think the judge ruled on due process. I can't say I agree that Acosta has a due process right to argue with the prez inside the WH briefing room, but that's what the judge said.

To be fair, I would have closed the WH briefing room entirely, revoked everyone's pass, and told the press they could go to the visitor entrance and visit the people's house just like any other citizen. When they are on the visitor tour, they are welcome to make a scene and shout their commentary and express their 1A rights all they want. But - the only official announcements from the WH on policy will be published as the prez sees fit.

There is no constitutional requirement for the prez to have a press office. He is only required to report the state of the union once in a while. Let the idiots at FoxNews, ABC, NYT, and everyone else suffer the same as CNN. We all rail about the crap coming through the MSM, so just get rid of it in the WH. But - don't do it selectively, do the whole damn thing. Then, publish a policy statement that says: "Thank CNN reporter Acosta for the closing of the WH press office indefinitely. "You Won"".

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 17, 2018, 06:19:49 PM »
What troubles me, is that we have here people who are reasonably rational. They can float down the river of denial until the cows come home, and the feds are knocking on the door demanding the guns. What are they gonna do then? Start shooting? Sad to see such poor strategic thinking in this area. The govt WILL come for your gun. I don't know exactly when, where or how, but they will come for them.

^^^^^^^^^^I think you are over thinking it.  Acosta is not rebelling.  He is being intentionally disruptive to deny the President the ability to articulate his message and substituting his own message in an aggressive manner.  If Acosta wants to protest and rebel, he can do so on the air, on any street corner, or public square.  This is the Presidents Press Briefing.  It's his show.  Not Acosta's, nor CNN.  So I think your entire premise is BUNK.

I think it's brilliant. What better place than the press briefing to go nuclear. The right to petition is not limited to place, person or office. Why do it on a street corner when the disruption is so much more effective in front of the prez, and all the press, and cameras in the center of power?  In fact, you made it very plain, Acosta wants to deny the govt from it's message, and substitute his own in its place. Sounds like a petition of grievance to me. Potato, potahto.

Why should any "reporter" (leftist activists) be able to be extremely disruptive, and aggressive with a White House staffer who is trying to keep the press conference going?  Why does the Left feel entitled to spread their brand of hate, and take over a Presidential press conference?  They need to be smacked down, and Trump is doing that!

Well, it comes from a very old, and very well recognized part of the Magna Carta. The right to petition for grievances. Back in the day, it went so far as to give remedy for those in power who chose to ignore those grievances, and included up to rebellion against the authority. BTW, this is the central theme of our own Declaration of Independence. We as colonists petitioned king George for a long list of transgressions. Which he ignored, and we invoked the clause in the Magna Carta that said we could rebel, and we did.

If I were CNN, I would have included the 1A right to petition along with their complaint. This civil right has been roundly ignored by the US govt(all branches), because unlike the Magna Carta we do not provide remedy such as insurrection, rebellion, etc. There is no effective punishment for ignoring any or all of the BOR.

Basically, if one is let into the house of govt, one has the civil right to petition for grievances. This is beyond the simple right to access. One could conceivably postulate that Acosta was no longer exercising his 5th A right, but was at the time petitioning for his grievance(there is no restriction or limitation on being in the press, or petitioning one branch of govt).

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 16, 2018, 08:29:00 PM »
Convince your state legislatures and governors. I have no desire to change the 2A but it appears it's coming no matter what.

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 15, 2018, 10:56:43 PM »
Some gun owners in WA state are going to fight it.

Hope they make a dent. Costly.

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 15, 2018, 06:06:46 PM »
I can do the same thing with my finger + my belt loop. Guess it’s back to suspenders for everyone.

What I especially like about this regulation is that now, a black injection molded piece of plastic, about 1x3" is a "Machine gun". Because the feds say so.

I’m sure it it, but I was asking if they have the same way of delivering it. In other words, does CNN India get Wolf Blitzer, or an Indian or other non-US announcer?

It's a mix. There is a bureau chief for each segment of the world. There's one in the ME, one in EU, one in SEA and they will take feeds from both US and also will use the editorial agenda from the US broadcasts to re-broadcast with local language. Sometimes they use the US broadcast and simply have a translation below, and other times they use a local outlet(like the Times of India) which takes CNN feed. To be fair, FoxNews also is an outlet with the Times of India, and so is AP. So taking CNN feed is no different.

The problem arises when the national govt decides which feed to take and make more prominent. In the case of England, the CNN feed is almost all they get of the US. Same with most of the rest of EU. However, other nations with a more conservative view will take less CNN and maybe more FoxNews feeds. But - CNN is still the largest aggregator of news feed from the US as they built a world empire back in the 80s when they actually reported news.

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 15, 2018, 11:18:55 AM »
The Media, and our Educational system K - University has created an environment of HOPLOPHOBIA.  We have one gun law that needs to stand, and that is the Second Amendment.  All others are unconstitutional, and ILLEGAL.

Then I would opine that at some point in the not to distant future the survival of the amendment itself is going to be tested through bearing arms. I'm not disagreeing with you - but saying 'it needs to stand' means that one is ready and willing to use the right for its ultimate purpose - to defeat tyrant(s) who are infringing it at the state and local level. The courts determine what is legal and illegal. The people will use their right to overturn what legislators and courts have so far deemed lawful exercise of authority. It will not be pretty.

We are now fighting a losing battle of lawsuits, and escalation to a SCOTUS that is out of touch with more than half of the circuit courts it supervises. Surely, the 9th, 13th, and 5th circuits would not hear a challenge to state/local infringements on the 2nd A. How are you going to get to the SCOTUS if these courts reject cert on people being denied their constitutional rights?

Spin Zone / Re: It really is Trump vs. the world
« on: November 15, 2018, 07:33:21 AM »
I suspect there is a method to his madness. Would not surprise me to see a full political reversal from Flake sometime next spring where he will have 'seen the light' of the liberals, switch parties, and become the prez nominee for the dems in 2020. He's a crass opportunist and is using the media, and the senate to advance his personal political agenda. It's either a disgusting partisan agenda at work, or a brilliant chess move for him in ~2 years. We will see.

From what I understand CNN is the most common source of news from the USA overseas.  Some of you who have been overseas might chime in to give your opinions on that.

Oh yes, very much so. The intl CNN is the only thing that most of the rest of the world knows about the US. To listen to them for only a few minutes one would think our nation is on the verge of collapse, and that we are being led by a madman bent on world destruction. It's nutty.

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 14, 2018, 04:15:55 PM »

My point is, people don't want to be hassled by police so you rarely if ever see them brandishing rifles in public in cities.  Trying to justify more restrictions on our rights for that reason, is ridiculous.  We already have 22,000 restrictive gun laws on the books.

My point is, what does 22,000 gun laws tell you? The state legislatures are just going to say 'oh well, we understand the right, so we'll just quit'. Next election there will be 25,000 laws. You and I can't stop it. So -- why not take control of it?

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