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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 10, 2021, 08:27:45 AM »
"Science" is now the State Religion.

Oppose it and you will be ostracized. Stake-burning later.

 And the biggest science deniers are the ones who call themselves "scientist".

Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 10, 2021, 06:00:26 AM »
You know exactly zero about bio warfare.  Zero, and not on iota more.

“If you want to make a Conservative angry, tell him a lie. If you want to make a Liberal angry, tell him the truth.”

Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 10, 2021, 05:57:21 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 10, 2021, 05:49:56 AM »
One thing to remember about bio-warfare.

 The goal is not to always be lethal.  Depending on the desired results, bio-warfare can be used as a terrorism tactic as well.

 When one looks at what Covid19 did to the world, and more importantly did to the US, it exceeded it's originators wildest dreams, and in fact has now opened a pandora's box that we will experience for years to come.

 The lab in Wuhan has been doing extensive GoF research on coronaviruses, operated by the military of the CCP, and unfortunately funded in large part by Fauci through different channels.   Those are facts with evidence.

 Another fact.  When the "outbreak" occurred, China hid and lied as much as they could about it.  The CCP locked down Wuhan to keep citizens from coming and going in China, but allowed people in Wuhan to travel internationally.  Fact.   Why?

  Yep, a so called expert came on this forum and tried to tell everyone how the "Chinese aren't up to it" in manipulating viruses, totally dispelled anything about bio-warfare, tried to tell us how good the Chinese people were, parroted stories of wet markets and bat soup, and people eating "bush meat" as the reason for the outbreak.

 People in this country need to wake up fast and face a stark reality.   We've just witnessed, and lived through the largest bio attack the world has ever seen.  Was it perfect?   Nope, had many flaws.   But even with the flaws it was successful beyond words as it drastically altered the world.

 The other part that people need to wake up to is a communist government didn't accomplish this on their own, they had help.   And that help came from the US.  People in our own country conspired with the CCP.   We now have a major political party which is now in lockstep with the CCP.  We also have Big Tech which is helping and abiding the CCP.  We have big corporations in conjunction with the CCP who are making massive profits off of the pandemic.

  Call it conspiracy, talk it away with ideological driven "science" and even make excuses for the CCP.   The facts are out there for anyone willing to look and not run to the MSM for their talking points.


Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 09, 2021, 04:46:33 PM »
Methinks the personal attacks on Steingar are too, well, personal.
Talking about reviews by students is absurd.  Most people leaving negative reviews are pathetic people in their own lives.
Look at Amazon reviews for instance:

#1   This is the best product I have ever used.
#2   This product sucks and is the worst thing I have ever used.

Reviews suck.  And pointing them out here about a fellow poster sucks even more.
(I can say that about Lucifer after some of the things he said about me in PMs).


Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 09, 2021, 01:04:52 PM »
Quite possibly.  My cleaning skills are pathetic.  Then again, I doubt your average janitor can do many of the things I can do.

 I'd trust analysis from the janitor before listening to you.

I'd be very interested in the "explode" comment. Context is everything.

I asked your credentials for evaluating viral sequences, something you appear to think you are able to do.  I gave you mine.

 I've read your bloviated "credential" page Associate Professor.   All hat and no cattle as the saying goes.

Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 09, 2021, 11:55:24 AM »
Worked in a. virology lab for a couple months, taught a course on the subject.  Your credentials?

 You wouldn't even qualify as a janitor in a real work environment.

I often award points when my students stump me.  I usually try and find them an answer too. You won't find that on rate my professor, its mostly a bitch fest.

 Yep, your "point" system is known.  Kiss your ass and you award points.  Ask you a tough question and you explode.

Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 09, 2021, 08:51:46 AM »
Did already.  Yeah, you can parse out codons in this one stretch that Western scientists deduced this year.  A year and a half ago no one knew about it.  Moreover, even if you do, making an entire virus is a much bigger deal.  Obviously you think yourself an expert in molecular bioscience.  Hint, you aren't. I read that piece and found it utterly laughable.

 I find anything you write on the subject as laughable.   You're an academic with zero working knowledge, and it shows.

 No wonder you blow up at your students when they ask tough questions you can't answer, or question you about the material you are feebly attempting to teach.


Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 09, 2021, 08:12:47 AM »
@steingar   The following is from Lucifer's link here:

Is this accurate?

    In the case of the gain-of-function supercharge, other sequences could have been spliced into this same site. Instead of a CGG-CGG (known as “double CGG”) that tells the protein factory to make two arginine amino acids in a row, you’ll obtain equal lethality by splicing any one of 35 of the other two-word combinations for double arginine. If the insertion takes place naturally, say through recombination, then one of those 35 other sequences is far more likely to appear; CGG is rarely used in the class of coronaviruses that can recombine with CoV-2.

    In fact, in the entire class of coronaviruses that includes CoV-2, the CGG-CGG combination has never been found naturally. That means the common method of viruses picking up new skills, called recombination, cannot operate here. A virus simply cannot pick up a sequence from another virus if that sequence isn’t present in any other virus.

Quay and Muller point to the “double CGG” sequence as the “damning fact” suggesting a laboratory origin. Natural-origin believers would have to explain it away:

    Proponents of zoonotic origin must explain why the novel coronavirus, when it mutated or recombined, happened to pick its least favorite combination, the double CGG,” they wrote. “Why did it replicate the choice the lab’s gain-of-function researchers would have made?

    “At the minimum, this fact — that the coronavirus, with all its random possibilities, took the rare and unnatural combination used by human researchers — implies that the leading theory for the origin of the coronavirus must be laboratory escape.”

 He won't answer this honestly.   He can't.   It's way to far above his level of knowledge on the subject, and it goes against his ideology.

Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 09, 2021, 08:07:26 AM »

You two are basically agreeing with each other. Only difference is one of you thinks it’s already been done and the other says we don’t know because China is secretive, it’s unlikely but if they did it’s very bad.

So you both agree it is (or would be) very bad. This might be the first time I’ve seen an aligned thought between you two although it’s a tiny dot amongst acres of disagreement.

 The perfesser is dancing around and parsing words in order to deflect on what many knew 15 months or more ago.  That idiot was on this forum at that time holding the DCP line about "bat soup" and "bush meat" which were total MSM lies.

 Now we watch him as he downplays China, a fuckin' communist regime, who, BTW, was funded by our own Mengele, Anthony Fauci.

 And he wants everyone to disregard all the facts and documents that are out there and keep buying the BIG FUCKING LIE.

Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 09, 2021, 08:02:28 AM »
Patent nonsense.  The Scientists who were there published their findings in peer reviewed journals for all to see.  Their funding mechanisms are similarly publicly available.

Perhaps you should explain what it is that you think "gain of function" research actually is.  Should be entertaining.
Context on this might be nice.

If our intelligence agencies really knew that the Chinese could create a pandemicable virus from whole cloth I suspect you'd not know a thing about it.  I imagine intelligence like that gets classified to the deepest levels.

 Your ignorance is absolutely astounding.   Or is it ignorance, or are you so imbedded in an ideology that you will go to a grave defending it even knowing how wrong it is?

 Communist regimes have mass graves full of "useful idiots" who went all out to defend and promote the regime's ideology.   You clearly fall into that category.

 Back last year you poo-poo'd the thought of bio-warfare and then proceeded to demonstrate zero working knowledge on the subject.

 And now, with all of the truth beginning to surface about Fauci, his connections with the CCP, the intelligence findings, government documents, etc that show what was going on, you still want to defend the those and try to keep the disinformation going.

 You have never worked in the field you teach.  You live in the academia bubble oblivious to what is actually going on in the world, and what is actually happening in the field you supposedly teach.

Spin Zone / Re: Laughing Hyena's welcome in Guatemala
« on: June 09, 2021, 07:17:44 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 09, 2021, 06:41:27 AM »
I honestly don't think the Chinese are up for it.

 Bullshit.   The CCP was getting help, and funding, via the US through Tony Fauci and his network which was trying to conceal where the money was actually going.   Several members of congress accessed the documents and put them in front of Fauci, who then tried to continue the lie while testifying under oath.

  More importantly, what functions do you gain?  Maybe you can make it more infective in tissue culture cells, but that doesn't in and of itself translate to more infective in the field.  And if you trying test a virus like that in the field it is very likely to get away from you.

 Gain of function is the basis of bio-warfare.  This is why the CCP has such an interest in this.  This is also why Fauci bemoaned the fact the US stopped GoF research and he started collaborating with the CCP to keep it going.

 Even your esteemed Fauci stated that GoF was necessary, and if it created a pandemic "it would be worth it".

Moreover, most of the "gain of function" blather is based on stuff we know a year and a half later.

 The intelligence departments knew of this back in 2019, and many doctors came forward at the beginning of the scamdemic and brought it up, only to be rediculed by the DCP and the MSM as being conspiracy theorist.

That stuff wasn't known a year ago.

 Again, BULLSHIT.   Your beloved Ministry of Propaganda, the MSM in collaboration with the DCP suppressed it.

The problem with all this is I can't deny any of this.  It all took place in China and that place might as well be a black box.  All I can say is if they really engineered COVID they've already won.  They can just keep on spinning off lethal viruses until the cows come home, and they win the whole game.  They'll kill everyone and take over the world.  You think this is bad, try a hemorrhagic virus.  Or something that affects the immune system. If you really believe they engineered COVID you should be very, very afraid, because if they're that good they'll do it again.  Remember, we can't do this.

Remember, people in our country are complicit in helping them achieve this, starting with our very own Mengele, Anthony Fauci.

 Pandora's box has been opened, and the effects were beyond the CCP and the DCP's wildest dreams.  If the US and it's allies don't get ahead of this quickly it's only a matter of when, not if.

Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 09, 2021, 05:52:19 AM »

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