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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: USMA- Free Speech or Unlawful Political Gesture
« on: May 12, 2016, 07:08:23 AM »
What if an assortment of Cadets waved a Confederate flag instead of giving the black power salute? Would no punishment be appropriate, or does political correctness override common sense again?
Change the color and the entire argument collapses.

The 'war' on drugs was nothing but a sham program to increase government funding and power. The rest was just a sideshow much like the war on terror.

Spin Zone / Re: Downballot feeling the effect
« on: May 08, 2016, 11:04:16 AM »
I also reject the notion that if Trump loses, it will be solely because conservatives didn't vote for him.
I dont believe anyone said that.  The Rs will lose even if every conservative votes for Trump.  He HAS to pull in some Independent and some Democrats to win.  Trump has a chance of doing that.  Cruz held no chance in hell of doing that.

Not that maybe Trump didn't run a good campaign, or maybe he wasn't the candidate people thought he was in the primaries, no, it's only the fault of the conservatives who didn't vote for him.
How can you say that?  Trump ran a phenomenal campaign.  He exceeded even the most optimistic supporters from the beginning.  I only started going in his direction once I saw he actually has a chance to win.

That being said, the campaign hasn't officially begun (we still don't have an official Democratic nominee, though we know who it's likely to be) so a lot of what I said was speculative. The point was that Trump supporters seem to already be positioning themselves to blame everyone except themselves for a defeat in November.
I will blame everyone that does not vote for Trump for allowing Hillary to become President.

It's almost as if Trump can do no wrong (and so far through the primaries, it certainly seems that way with a lot of his comments).

Trump has done and said a lot of stupid things.  But he has said a lot of good things too.

I believe he says what he thinks instead of what is "politically correct". And he doesn't apologize for it.  That is how he survived the primary.  How many politicians come back grovelling with an apology when they are challenged on an opinion they gave? How many criticized Obama for his "apology tour"?

Spin Zone / Re: Bye bye Cruz
« on: May 03, 2016, 07:14:21 PM »
I am not concerned with Republicans voting for Hillary.  I am concerned about Republicans staying home.

Exactly.  The Senate must stay in GOP hands.  That is the most important.


He seems unable to get people to work with him, to agree with him, and to join him - his best bet is return to Hooterville and try to con Mr. Douglas into buying a used Farmall.

Nope.  Just experienced, going back to the early days of usenet, after Algore invented the internet, before Berners-Lee invented the web.  I've seen your personality multiple times.  If we drill away at this for 5-10 years, we will eventually arrive at a place where we all learn that the liberal wants what the liberal wants and never mind that things conflict.   

But you don't hold my interest to want to go that long.

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your arrogance.

I go back to Compuserve, before the Usenet was in vogue with the masses.  That experience doesn't qualify anyone to psychoanalyze another.

Of course, your diagnosis of me as a flaming liberal shows that either your reading comprehension is woefully lacking or your memory is insufficient to store and process the hundreds of posts I have made.

Spin Zone / Re: Is the 14th Amendment a threat to the Bill of Rights?
« on: April 29, 2016, 08:27:37 AM »
It is my opinion that in a functioning republic, our rights are not absolute, expressly because those rights are balanced against the rights of others and the common good.
Agree on the first part, we balance our rights against the rights of others.  However, I disagree completely on limiting rights for "the common good".  The "common good" is collectivist bullshit that is used to seize the rights of individuals for the good of the state, and as such is an anathema to the rights of individuals.

Spin Zone / Re: Electoral votes
« on: April 27, 2016, 08:21:43 PM »
The WH is lost to the GOP.  Neither Cruz nor Trump has the proverbial snowball's chance in hell.  Trump will either win the nomination or he will have the plurality of delegates.  If the RNC denies him, a goodly percentage of Trump supporter are likely to sit out the election in anger at the establishment.  Even without that, once the Dems and the business community turn their attention and money on negative Cruz ads, he will be lucky to win any but the most solid red states which is not nearly enough.

Trump will lose too, but at least if he is the nominee the GOP will not be as badly split and they would stand a better chance of holding the Senate and House.  Splitting the party by denying Trump threatens the GOP will loss of at least the Senate.  If that happens, Hillary will be appointing young socialists to the SCOTUS and there will be no one to stop her.  That would be a disaster.

Spin Zone / Re: Where is Palestine on the map?
« on: April 24, 2016, 01:45:29 PM »
I believe the Phillies are the losingest team in MLB history.  Yes, they've won a few World Series, but they were bad for years, and are bad again.  Yes, I am a Phillies fan.

You have the best mascot.  That has to count for something.

Spin Zone / Re: In 40 years this country will be unrecognizable
« on: April 23, 2016, 04:25:05 PM »
Pardon my being blunt, but that's a stupid question. If a voter doesn't think a candidate gives a shit about them and their views, they're generally not going to vote for them.

I'm sure it does sound stupid to you, and all the rest of you leftists who look to government for everything.  Let me give you a hint.... they don't give a shit about matter what they say, you are irrelevant to a politician.  The only thing they care about is your vote and your money in the form of taxes and campaign contributions.  Period... end of story.

I don't want politicians and bureaucrats building up my self-esteem, or validating my views.  I want them to do the jobs we elected them to do, nothing more, nothing less. Ideologically, I want them doing far, far less for me (and everyone else) than they feel they need to do today. I want them out of my life, not hindering my liberty. 

No doubt that is very hard for you to comprehend....but make no mistake...none of them care about you personally, or anyone else for that matter.  When they say anything to the contrary...they are lying.

Spin Zone / Re: In 40 years this country will be unrecognizable
« on: April 23, 2016, 01:11:03 PM »
This phobia of third world migration is partly why conservatives struggle. Yes, they speak a different language when they show up. Some of my relatives spoke German and French. Two generations in and we barely even know how to say hello in French, or German. The same appears to be happening with the Latinos.

The problem isn't that there are lots of immigrants, the problem is immigrants have a hard time identifying with conservatives and threads like this illustrate why. Not a lot of love for them. Just talk of walls and bitching about them.

The conservatives, whether it be GOP or some other pure group, will have a near impossible time of it because they can't even win over majorities of white and black voters that were born here and have been here for generations. It's too bad conservatives can't get it together because the Latinos, particularly Mexicans could be a much easier sell then many other immigrants. They very much respect the self reliant cowboy ethic, they are great entrepreneurs, they are largely all very Christian and they have a long history with firearms ownership.

Unfortunately, many view them as untrustworthy, lazy parasites and that image couldn't be further from the truth. Clearly they are trust worthy because they make up more and more of work crews everywhere. They show up on time, work all day and don't steal any worse than any other group. Clearly they're not lazy, you see groups of them hanging around in parking lots of Home Depot looking for work. Do you see whites and blacks doing that?? No! They also circulate the neighborhoods leaving business cards for landscape and other manual labor services.

Are they really parasites? They do take advantage of social services whenever they are eligible and they pay taxes. Long term unemployment is not as socially accepted for them as much as it is for whites and blacks. They have community pressure to get a job and get to work. They do have a lot of babies, just like their Bible and their Pope tell them to and these babies can be a drain on social programs. Large families are a cultural norm for Latinos and this only changes with time and education, particularly education of the women.

I personally think the GOP is blowing it big time by not courting the new Latino population, but how can they when their base is so hard on them and all about building walls?
Whether you are intentionally playing the word games of the left, or unintentionally because it has been so ingrained by the left and its complaint media, you are facilitating the misunderstanding of conservatives.

Conservatives welcome immigrants. Conservatives know that they are the lifeblood of the country. But we also know that immigrants need to benefit the United States, and that we are not obligated to become the welfare state for the globe.

What we despise is illegal immigration, a word that you conveniently omit from your analysis. Why is that? 

Illegal immigrants' first act when coming to the US is to break our laws. That doesn't bode well for remaining lawful once they are in country.

Conservatives also don't buy into the WSJ/Chamber of Commerce narrative that illegals are needed because they are doing jobs Americans won't do. Bullshit. If we need temporary agricultural workers, set up a LEGAL guest worker program to handle that.

Spin Zone / Re: In 40 years this country will be unrecognizable
« on: April 23, 2016, 05:24:38 AM »
I prefer to call it "caring".

By the way, why to you (or anyone for that matter) give a shit whether "the government" cares?  I don't think its the governments job to help build your self esteem.  How about minimizing government intrusion in your life so you can more freely pursue the thinks that make you happy? 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Pivot to the Left has Begun
« on: April 22, 2016, 11:38:08 AM »
Does he?  We know he loves Trump.  We here that all the time.  We also know that he wants to "Make America Great Again." 

But since running for president, has he ever, even once, spoken about freedom, liberty, American Exceptionalism, or adherence to the Constitution?  Honestly, I have never ever seen that.

Many, many people thought Obama loved his country - I mean, who would run for president if they didn't?  But we have seen that he doesn't, and is endevouring to make fundamental changes to her.

Anyone who was paying attention knew that Obama hates the idea of America. All you ha to do is read his books and see who he associated himself with. Trump is obviously for the Pursuit of Happiness.

Spin Zone / Planning for 2017?
« on: April 22, 2016, 10:27:37 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Prince dead at 57
« on: April 21, 2016, 04:30:23 PM »

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