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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: December 14, 2023, 08:39:43 AM »
Vivek has said he would get rid of departments and people if elected here.
So did Trump in 2016.

Spin Zone / Re: Will Britain Be the First......
« on: December 13, 2023, 01:49:59 PM »
I disagree.  People escaping anti-American countries should be allowed to apply for entry.  They may be subject to more scrutiny, but should have the opportunity to escape their shithole country.  Like you can't ban everyone from leaving California and entering Florida.  But you can and should ban the nutcase liberal freaks.
I used to agree with you, and thought all people sought freedom and liberty. Thus, I supported the Gulf War. I was wrong. Some people, when given freedom and liberty, will simply regress back to tribalism and being controlled. 

We can make case-by-case decisions, such as when westernized Iranians were fleeing when the Mullahs came into power, but in general I think some people cannot accept the freedom and liberty our nation provides.

In addition, there are a lot of countries closer to where they are from which they can seek asylum. No need to cross the globe to do so.

Spin Zone / Re: Will Britain Be the First......
« on: December 12, 2023, 07:11:37 PM »
Here's immigration in a nutshell:

1)  Everyone must enter legally.   No exceptions.

2)  Only admit those who have something to offer our society.  For instance, highly skilled individuals.   We already have an abundance of low skill workers.

3)  Those who want to enter must agree to learn, or already speak english.  They must also be willing to learn how our laws work.  We are not interested in how it was where they came from.

4)  They must be able to provide for themselves.  No depending on getting into our welfare system.

5)  During their time as a Permanent Legal Resident, if they commit any crimes, prompt deportation.

   Think this sounds a bit too harsh?   Go to almost any other country and look at their immigration requirements.
Add they cannot emigrate from a country that holds anti-American views. That would include most of the Middle East. Oh well.

Spin Zone / Re: Victim hierarchy
« on: December 12, 2023, 01:58:46 PM »
Undesirable potential employees are the most discriminated against because most undesirable people strive to be undesirable by branding themselves, tatting up, demanding attention, failing to tell the truth on their job applications, using skin tone, weight, shape, and a myriad of other forms of attention getting to try and stand out enough to feel special.

Potential employees that refuse to properly train themselves for their desired profession, or simply are attempting to get their required number of weeks of employment in to qualify for social services extensions, and those with deplorable work records are also in the category of undesirable. Poor grooming habits, drug and alcohol issues, absenteeism from work, poor productivity in past employment, and workplace misbehavior also qualify one for undesirable status.

Blaming discrimination on the employer has become a thoroughly liberal exercise and is as undesirable as the behaviors previously mentioned.
If I had an eminently qualified CPA candidate show up with an ear gauge, face tattoo, or nose ring, I’d suggest they go apply at Starbucks or a convince store.

Glad I’m retiring in a couple years.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: December 12, 2023, 11:40:23 AM »
   So you didn't even watch the video.   Got it.
I watched it and watched the portion of the speech where Trump included in his speech the “I didn’t say this about me but he said this about me” claim. It wasn’t selective editing at all. 

Who would say that at a speech if he didn’t want to show the audience how brave he was compared to soldiers?  It was over the top to even suggest such a thing, even if it was said by someone else, and I’m stunned you guys don’t agree.

Spin Zone / Re: Will Britain Be the First......
« on: December 12, 2023, 10:29:30 AM »
Did the people who were in the Americas when the Europeans arrived themselves encounter people who proceeded them when they arrived? If it was unpopulated virgin land then it doesn't matter whence they came. Unless they displaced Lizard people or something, in which case I expect descendants of Lizard People will soon come forth and demand reparations of American Indians.
Grab a history book. “Native” tribes moved among all of the Americas, conquering what ever other “native” tribes were on the land that they wanted. Conquering was usually violent and permanent, as has been forever in time. 

That doesn’t mean a country can’t or shouldn’t control its borders, and admit people who serve its purposes, not the purposes of the aliens.

Virtually every other country in the world controls its borders better than the US. Why is that?  It’s because we have people in control who wish to subvert the US for their own gain in power (democrats) or money (republicans), all while Joe Citizen sits on the couch, hoping they die before this self-inflicted invasion comes to their doors. 

Both :)  Academic misconduct (like faking research data), sexual misconduct, or some felonies like misappropriating funds can get you removed.  Even if you suck at teaching they most they can do is give you an office in the basement and (ironically) overload you with teaching (which you suck at) until you leave.

Tenure should allow faculty to say and do research on things that are currently unpopular.  That's "academic freedom".  Yeah, she should not be in a position that represents her university and say something as stupid and wrong as she did.  She was rightly removed from that position.  However, as tenured faculty she should have the freedom to say it.  Stupid and wrong as it is.
Tenure is an artificial construct, and shouldn’t be bulletproof.  If you cause discredit to your institution, create or embrace a physically dangerous culture, or damage fundraising or recruiting because you have diarrhea of the mouth, they should be free to can your ass.

I’m sure she will find a less visible place at Penn yet somehow end up to be the second highest compensated employee in the Pennsylvania University system.

Thank God these donors are wising up. That’s the ONLY reason she was fired. I’m sure she was treated like a conquering hero when she returned to campus after doing battle with big bad Elise Stefanik.

Spin Zone / Re: Ukraine Cluster Fuck
« on: December 07, 2023, 10:12:34 AM »
It depends on who demands and enforces it?
If Zelensky demands more money or requires (rather than asks or pleads) for us to send troops?  That would be extortion.
But if our Congress decides to send troops instead of money (or send both), that might be stupid, but not extortion.
If Congress uses this argument to shape public opinion out of fear of US soldiers being involved, that is absolutely extortion. Public opinion drive reelection, and they all want to be re-elected. Ergo, creating fear and giving taxpayers an either / or option to support the MIC policy that they want, they are extorting the public.

Spin Zone / Re: FBI is busy entrapping Catholic altar boys
« on: December 07, 2023, 09:44:32 AM »
I wouldn't support banning home-schooling.  But I have seen some tragic results from idiots trying to home-school their kids.  Namely my ex-SIL and my four nephews, along with a few others.  My nephews spent more time going shopping with their mother and playing video games than studying.

On the other hand, I have seen some terrific results too.  Personally I would like to see the home-schoolers take on that job part-time when the kids come home from the other school.  Socialization and structure are important parts of education.

I'm not sure how I would feel about giving home schooled kids some sort of progress testing, even if it is voluntary.
They do have such testing, and I know for my two nephews it was voluntary. Maybe it depends on the state. My brother and his wife home schooled their boys until high school. They blew the doors off the SAT and got into some good universities.

Spin Zone / Re: The Pathetic State of the Republican Party
« on: December 07, 2023, 09:27:25 AM »
The announcement that kevie is leaving congress a year early has the same impact in the news as obama announcing that he has purchase another beachfront home.

Who fucking cares?
Well, with Santos out and McCarthy leaving, the GOP margin will 220-213 until those special elections take place to replace them. If those seats go Dem (likely in NY and CA) then the margin will be 5, meaning Johnson can only at most have two GOP defectors on any vote. Good luck with passing conservative policies.

Spin Zone / Re: FBI is busy entrapping Catholic alter boys
« on: December 05, 2023, 08:51:56 AM »
Yep. They want to plant the idea in the public’s mind that “Catholic” equals “terrorist”.  It is a classic propaganda technique.
Substitute the word “Jew” and the decade of the 1930s and you’re getting the same effect.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: December 04, 2023, 06:52:37 PM »

Communications Director Erin Perrine Latest Departure in DeSantis’s Never Back Down Exit Wave

The buying an endorsement is bullshit, and you know it. All candidates donated to his fundraiser.  Nothing like more Trump lies.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: December 01, 2023, 11:38:20 AM »
Most of the political texts are addressed to my husband by first name, presumably because they got the number from our cellular account, which is in his name, even though we have separate cell numbers.  But all the ones from Donald Trump are addressed to me by my first name.  That’s how I know he is actually stalking me for real.   ;D
Many years ago (early 2000s I think) I logged into a politician’s website for something (not a donation), and I intentionally typed my first name as StAn.  You wouldn’t believe how that spelling spread faster across the country faster than Covid. I was getting emails from Congress critters across the country looking for $$$. 

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: November 30, 2023, 09:41:27 PM »
Parody on a commercial about giving a puppy to someone for Christmas as it is a 15 year commitment?
Exactly. Or a tortoise, which can live 150 years.

Jesus this is a dense, humorless crowd. ;)

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