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Messages - bflynn

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Spin Zone / Re: The Death Throes of The Never-Trumpers
« on: February 21, 2022, 07:20:49 AM »
Nope.  I'm blaming Trump for his actions, which enabled the Democrats.  It could have been the biggest sweep, but his ego caused him to lose to a senile old man who didn't even really campaign.  Trump beat himself, he started losing his reelection the moment he was elected.
I think that the thing that happened was that Trump was something that the highly diverse and divided democrats could unite against in hate.  From WAY before the election, all the various groups lined up against him.  And the RINOs at best did nothing.  At worst they were Never Trumps.  He didn't enable the democrats, he united them.  I don't like his style and cringed every time he put out a tweet.  But wow was it fun to watch the Pavlovian reaction from the left as they overreacted to everything he did or said.  And he did get the job done that needed doing.  The democrats and republicans were all fat and happy going through the motions of appeasing the masses.  He put the country back on a path to prosperity for all.  Minorities made their greatest gains in income and wealth in generations.  He did secure the border the best he could against radical judges.  He leveled the playing field with our "trade partners."  He made the USA respected again.  No new wars and drawdown of the forever wars.

Ultimately it wasn't democrats or republicans, but COVID that brought him down.  Despite the massive forces aligned against him, he would have gone down as the most respected and successful president in a long time.  But he took the advice of Foochi and did what the "experts" told him was the right thing.  And that is why he lost the election.  Not because Biden was better, not because of anything he did, but because of a stupid virus.

Now we're seeing the democrats running off in different directions trying to out radical each other.  The many different groups are no longer united.  Unfortunately the republicans are not united either.  They are sitting back and will win not because of anything they are doing, but because they are doing nothing.  And they are happy about that.  I think it is Wilcow that says "democrats want power, republicans want position."

The first year of Trump was an amazing time for the country.  In a good way.  No, he didn't hate (no proof of that anywhere), he wasn't xenophobic (no proof of that anywhere), he didn't hate women (no proof of that anywhere, barring some ill-advised locker-room talk that all men do).  Yeah, his style was not the style that I would choose for a president.  But I'll take that and all he did to improve the country vs the doddering old puppet fool that we have now.

Spin Zone / Re: The Death Throes of The Never-Trumpers
« on: February 20, 2022, 09:32:14 AM »
flynnee is exactly how he acts, which is the exact opposite of his he man, woman hater, toxic behavior online.

flynnee is an egomaniac that suffers from a massive inferiority complex that forces him to lash out like a ten year old with lazy parents. His ego is so toxic that he actually believes he is the smartest person in the room and that anyone who says differently is the enemy.

His rants are nearly as pathetic as mikey Weinstein aka: steingar and his lack of originality is every bit as pathetic.

When he proclaims his political affiliation you already know the opposite is true. Just like mikey and aunt peggy his ego shields him from the truth about himself.

Spin Zone / Re: The Death Throes of The Never-Trumpers
« on: February 19, 2022, 04:43:56 AM »
I guess I'm not a "never" Trumper since I did vote for him, but I'm not a fan of him at all.  I believe his personality is toxic, his moral character is corrupt, and he is egotistical and arrogant.  I don't think he is healthy for the country and his loud mouth kept him from being more effective.  He wasn't a bad president, but he was nowhere close to the best ever.

If anyone is going to respond, please differentiate between not understanding what I wrote and not agreeing with it.  You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine and I know there are people who violently disagree with me.  Disagreement makes the world go around.

Closet authoritarian?  No, not even close.
I'm not  a never Trumper either, since I voted for him TWICE.  But I do agree with your assessment of the man.

He COULD have been the best President ever  if he wasn't so toxic.  But I still consider RR the best President ever, and I really miss him still.  If Trump had Ronnie's personality, he would have been by far the GOAT of Presidents.

Pilot Zone / Re: FAA Administrator To Resign
« on: February 17, 2022, 06:00:59 AM »
I didn’t know anything about him. So, even when Trump nominates a liberal hack, the Dems have to object just because anything Trump does needs to be opposed?

why?  because TRUMP!!!

haters are going to hate

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: February 12, 2022, 09:44:30 AM »
U.S. Olympic Bobsled Team is gonna name their sled after Joe Biden, because nothing has taken America downhill faster than him.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: February 12, 2022, 05:11:51 AM »
I have two unwritten rules to guide my life:



Spin Zone / Re: JP Sears admits he was wrong!
« on: February 07, 2022, 04:21:50 PM »
Just out of curiosity, by AR, do you mean:
Automatic Rifle?
or any rifle made by American Rifle Company?
(Does this show my ignorance on the subject?)

Armalite Rifle model 15.

I have 2 AR7 rifles.  They are take down rifles that the gun mechanisms store in the stock.

Spin Zone / Re: Black Democrat voter
« on: February 05, 2022, 06:18:24 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: January 26, 2022, 06:15:19 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: January 22, 2022, 09:38:05 AM »

Wow, I take a few days off and suddenly it's teen drama central.  Who kissed who, so and so is dating Jack, and who was talking behind everyone else's back?

Relax.  Jeez, I've seen high schools with less drama than this.

Comrade Flynn - I think we've been outed!
Fearless Leader, what is plan to get rid of pesky Number7, moose, and squirrel?

For one thing, he isn't the only one; just the loudest and most obnoxious.  Also, when he starts ranting name-calling at someone with a different point of view, almost everyone else joins in or defends him.  It is very rare for anyone to come to the defense of an outsider with a different pov.

But in actuality, I can't really answer your question about why others do things.  I can just relate what they tell me.

I don't think you are being accurate here at all.  In addition today's Democrats/Leftists etc are really indefensible.  They're not Liberal.  They are Big Government/Big Corporation control freak Fascists.  They want to control others and make them subjugated.  Maybe you're OK with their brand of slavery.   I'm not and their different POV is just plain W-R-O-N-G. 

Spin Zone / Hey Amazon, What Do I Get for My Prime Membership These Days?
« on: January 16, 2022, 01:40:13 PM »
Have you noticed that you don't really get two day delivery anymore. They like to get you to hold off now to see if you order more stuff and ship it together. I think they call it Amazon Day Shipping. A friend of mine found this article.

Yea, no one is pushing a false "vaccines are safe and effective" narrative using fake data............................   ::)
Yes, too many people are pushing that narrative.

The response should be to dispute that; not to make up fake arguments the other way.

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