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Topics - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Dems Want a Rebrand
« on: July 23, 2017, 05:47:18 AM »

 So the democrats are seeking to "rebrand" and come up with a new slogan.  "The Better Deal" will be their new slogan.

 Just make sure when they roll out that slogan, put it above a picture of Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, Clinton and a few other democrat stalwarts.


Spin Zone / Trump Criticizes Sessions
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:18:23 AM »

 I disagree with Carlson's analogy.  First of all, I don't agree with hiring "friends".  The problem with this is when they under perform you will be stuck with making some unsavory choices.

 Secondly, I think Sessions was wrong in recusing himself on the Russia collusion investigation. Sessions did that for political reasons for himself with total disregard to the executive branch.

 Trump is sending a message to the Justice Department.  Get your house in order, stop playing politics and get to work.  The Mueller investigation is out of control and violates many laws pertaining to special counsel since Mueller obviously cannot be impartial.  Rosenstein needs to be fired along with any other Obama hold overs. 

Spin Zone / Vote Buying is Expensive!
« on: July 21, 2017, 06:45:26 AM »
BROKE: New FEC Report Shows DNC Finished June $3.3 Million in Debt

Under the leadership of former Obama official Tom Perez, a new FEC report reveals the DNC finished the month of June $3.3 million in debt.

They’re broke. Just like their policies.

 Compared to:

In contrast, the RNC is on an amazing financial run, having raised a whopping $13.4 million in June.

According to The Hill:

The Republican National Committee (RNC) raised a record $13.4 million in June, bringing its total 2017 fundraising to $75.3 million.

Spin Zone / Food Stamp Use Falls to Lowest Level in Seven Years
« on: July 21, 2017, 06:42:01 AM »

Although Maine led the way in implementing work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents who wish to receive food stamps, a lot of other states did not catch on until 2016-2017.

Georgia made headlines when thousands dropped off the state’s food stamp rolls after the state gradually rolled out food stamp work requirements starting in 2016. Other states such as Alabama soon followed, and more states are starting to find ways to decrease food stamp enrollment and increase employment.

At the federal level, lawmakers are working on legislation to take food stamp work requirements nationwide and reinstate time limits on how long recipients can receive benefits.

Spin Zone / Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases
« on: July 21, 2017, 05:22:34 AM »

As the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity convenes its first meeting on Wednesday, the issue of voter fraud in American elections has become even more contentious and hyperbolic.

One of the left’s main arguments against reform is that voter fraud simply does not occur. How liberals arrive at this conclusion, we cannot say.

Time and again, studies and analyses point to one incontrovertible conclusion: that voter fraud is a real and pressing issue that deserves serious solutions, and The Heritage Foundation has the evidence to prove it.

On Thursday, The Heritage Foundation is releasing a new edition of its voter fraud database. Featuring well over 100 new cases, the database documents 1,071 instances of voter fraud spanning 47 states, including 938 criminal convictions.

Spin Zone / More Judicial Activism
« on: July 14, 2017, 09:00:02 AM »
So the SC makes a ruling and this District Court Judge can over rule the President and the SC?


  Sen. John McCain said he did 'what any citizen would do' in turning over the dirty dossier, which contained unconfirmed secrets about the president-elect, over to the FBI.

The Guardian charted the path of how the dossier came to be and how it was that McCain got his hands on the controversial documents.

The story of the dossier began with an investigative firm in Washington, D.C., being tapped by one of Trump's primary allies to dig up some opposition research on the Republican hopeful.

Spin Zone / Congress returns to battles over health care, budget
« on: July 09, 2017, 02:56:09 PM »

 Ryan and McConnell are playing a long game.   It's there hope that if they can drag this out long enough it will make Trump look bad and maybe they can get a liberal or establishment republican back in the WH.

 And like the liberal progressives they have started believing their own shit.  Personally I think they will be shocked come Nov 2018.

Spin Zone / NYT just can't let it go
« on: July 08, 2017, 02:38:31 PM »
So, once again Trump goes overseas, makes many successful moves, gives a great speech, has a good meeting with Putin, etc, etc.

All positive.

So the NYT just can't take it.  Now we see, yet again, another hit piece filled with innuendo, claims of secret documents and of course anonymous sources.  No facts, no names, nothing verifiable.

NYT along with CNN and the WashPo have become irrelevant and aren't even worthy to be considered journalism much less news.   They are nothing more than propagandist for the radical progressives.

Spin Zone / Ryan says he won't do public town halls
« on: July 07, 2017, 04:39:59 PM »
Translation:  "I don't want to be held accountable"

Ryan held a town hall-style meeting in his home district on Thursday, though the public was not allowed in. The Speaker took a tour of a manufacturer in Oak Creek, Wis., before meeting with roughly 25 employees and answering their prepared questions.


Chaffetz also revealed that before Trump became president, Republican leadership pledged to have an ObamaCare repeal and replace bill on his desk by the time he was sworn in.
"I was the chairman, and we were told in November and December, that, hey, we are going to front-load the schedule into January so that by the time the president is sworn in and it is President Trump, he will have a bill sitting on his desk," Chaffetz said. "And I can tell you, there is a great deal of frustration in both the House and the Senate that there is not yet a bill because it really feels like they haven’t yet gotten together and figured out a plan.”

For a group that claimed the Russians hacked them, they sure don't want federal investigators looking into it.

Some critics say CrowdStrike’s evidence for blaming Russia for the hack is thin. Members of Congress say they still believe Russia was responsible but wonder why the DNC has never allowed federal investigators to get a look at the key piece of evidence: the server. Either way, a key “witness” in the political scandal consuming the Trump administration remains beyond the reach of investigators.



Democratic state officials already are refusing to cooperate with the voter fraud investigation ordered by President Trump, saying they will not hand over the extensive “voter roll data” the commission is seeking.

The response comes after Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state serving as vice chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, wrote to all 50 states this week asking for their input as well as voter registration data.

“I have no intention of honoring this request. Virginia conducts fair, honest, and democratic elections, and there is no evidence of significant voter fraud in Virginia,” Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe countered in a statement Thursday, claiming the commission is based on the “specious and false notion that there was widespread voter fraud last November.”

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