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Messages - Jim Logajan

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Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 02, 2024, 07:59:31 PM »

Tucker is the consummate propagandist - he, like Lucifer, can walk right past and otherwise ignore anything that doesn't lead his audience to the beliefs he intends. (The video doesn't support the broad claim in the video's banner image - but great way to rile people up!)

Consider that this is the same Bob Amsterdam writing with equal confidence about Trump and Russia's hold over him just several years ago (and whose first statement in the video is, contrary to Tucker's goal, "I supported the bill because it is the parishioners of our church who are on the front line right now and could use all the help they can get."):

Robert Amsterdam, a lawyer at international law firm Amsterdam & Partners with considerable experience in Russian affairs, told The Independent there was “no question” that US intelligence agencies and the FBI had information about Trump’s financial dealings with Russian entities prior to the 2016 US election.

“Trump’s relationship with Russia goes back many, many years. I’m sure the FBI was monitoring it,” he said.
Two parallel investigations into alleged ties between Trump associates and Russia during the 2016 presidential election as well as Russia’s alleged tampering with the election are being conducted in Congress at the moment.
Mr Amsterdam said one possible explanation is “that the FBI has an informer who was once part of the Trump organisation” and that information was not released in order to protect that source.

In the video he  claims the Ukrainian secret police is still heavily infiltrated by Russians. Um, if that was the case wouldn't they be using their fifth column on something more  useful to Russia than harassing a Christian church? That claim really undermines his credibility regarding the scope and severity of his claims. The harassment isn't in doubt, since the religious clashes  appear to predate the 2022 Russian invasion.

He is representing the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), which had been a diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate, headed by Patriarch Kirill. Since the 1990s  Kirill has been the main proponent of a ban on Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, among other dubious holdings. Since 2014 he has been a big supporter of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Allegedly a former employee of the KGB. Not surprising, then, that Ukrainians would harass members of UOC, often unfairly.

Spin Zone / Re: This Land is Mine
« on: May 02, 2024, 01:01:38 PM »
I was 12 in 1971. Damn you people are old!   ;D
Ok boomer.


Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: April 25, 2024, 05:03:25 PM »
Sure hope they're prepared for The Off Season. Sam Parkhill wasn't.

Spin Zone / Re: Biden Calls for 44.6% Capital Gains Tax Rate
« on: April 25, 2024, 12:43:21 PM »
This is an economic nightmare
It would be a nightmare if enacted, but it comes from a socialist wish-list that has yet (fortunately) to make much headway. The article posted by Lucifer helpfully linked to the Administration 2025 revenue proposal document:

I found the same 44.6% marginal rate note in the revenue proposals for 2024:

Both contain the 44.6% sentence at the bottom of page 80 on the 2025 revenue proposals and page 79 on the 2024 proposals.

Could not find it in the 2023 revenue proposal document. The following link appears to be a repository for such proposals going back to 1990:

Spin Zone / Re: Free speech
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:01:47 PM »
You mean we were violently agreeing all along?   ;D
Could be.

Spin Zone / Re: Free speech
« on: April 23, 2024, 06:38:12 PM »
Jim called out my "ambiguous" sounding position on the pro-Hamas protests, as if he wants me to come out in full support of the protestors' right to free speech, and I've been holding back just a bit.
You replied to my post of that thread and clarified your position - and I agree with it. I got what I sought and wasn't expecting anything else. Otherwise I'd have posted further.

For decades now, the major institutions influencing public opinion (media and education), and more importantly, the development of ideology in our children, have been taken over by neo-Marxist anti-Americans.  These protestors are mostly young people, as usual; brains not fully developed, no adult life experience, think they know everything, but have not been exposed to a wide range of ideas.

For years now, ramping up hard recently, these institutions have censored speech, not from these neo-Marxists (aka the left) but from the right and from anything upholding the ideals of our founding fathers (such as the Constitution).  Conservative speakers are banned from campus. Mainstream media is now openly just a propaganda arm for the Democrats, and social media we now know is infiltrated by federal agencies controlling who is allowed to speak freely.  Political speech is not the only speech censored, we have scientists blacklisted and censored for speaking truthfully about climate change or covid.

There IS NO free speech in America anymore.  So now all of a sudden I'm supposed to defend a bunch of brats siding with terrorists and shouting threats at our very nation?  Where's the call to support all the above, censored everywhere except X and a few alternative platforms? 

The issue is not we need to allow pro-Palestinian speech; that is a subset of speech and openly allowed and supported.  Any countering subsets are suppressed, and that is apparently acceptable. We have destroyed free speech in America. Those protests aren't free speech; they are what is allowed to be said by the puppet masters. 

Free speech must apply to everyone and all points of view or it isn't free speech at all.  What is allowed simply becomes the rantings of a properly brainwashed set of minions.

I agree with all the claims and observations you make above. Further, mobs in the street and other physical interference in the lives of others is not a form of speech. Here's what Ayn Rand said about that in 1978:

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 21, 2024, 08:06:08 PM »
Then modify it.  The intent was not to use them against American civilians; it was never intended to hinder national defense in the event of an invasion.
US military are already being used at the border in a number of ways, but can't exercise police powers. The proposed bill would simply have paid for more border police. I can't think of anything more dangerous than granting the military police powers within our borders.
Not legislation. Diplomatic pressure. Good Lord.
It's been tried with only limited success. Trump openly used the threat of tariffs to get central American countries to help slow the tide. Biden eventually used some undisclosed "negotiation" to get similar help from the same countries.
Are you seriously trying to blame Trump for this?!
I only know what has been claimed:

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 21, 2024, 07:21:58 PM »
On January 6, 2021 Lankford was in the middle of a speech opposing the certification of Biden's election when he was interrupted by a staffer asking everyone to evacuate.
His voting record and his bio are publicly available. People can research these things themselves.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 21, 2024, 04:37:09 PM »
Partly.  I didn’t even read 25 pages but tried to make it through the first one.  Correct me if I’m wrong but I didn’t see where the actual military is deployed along the borders (Canada must be hardened now too).
National guards from several states are already being used. Using US Army troops would likely require modifying the Posse Comitatus Act. Using the military to enforce civilian laws ended in abuses that made that Act necessary, so I don't think many people  want to go there.
And I didn’t see where they address the organized cooperation between Central American countries and their gangs to support the flow north and through Mexico. They must stop accepting undocumented transits through their countries.
I'm not sure how any US legislation can address the internal policies of other countries. Not without getting really really complicated.
But most of all a proposed bill is useless until it is deployed.  I have no faith anything like that will happen.  It seems only Trump cares about fixing this.
The bill was negotiated and written by Sen. James Lankford at the request of Sen. McConnell. You can check the record yourself, but Lankford is as red as they come. According to Lankford:
"I had a popular commentator, four weeks ago that I talked to, that told me flat out... if you try to move a bill that solves the border crisis during this presidential year, I will do whatever I can to destroy you," Lankford said on the Senate floor Wednesday. "By the way, they have been faithful to their promise."
You may consider solving the border crisis as higher priority than sending aid to other countries, but Trump needs a chaotic border he can pin on Biden. To that end Trump has posted:
"Also, I have no doubt that our wonderful Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, will only make a deal that is PERFECT ON THE BORDER."
Requiring "perfect" is enough to keep the problem alive till after the election. Much as I prefer Trump over Biden that political grandstanding means you were never going to see any resolution till after the election.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 20, 2024, 01:12:23 PM »
The invasion on the southern border on the other hand is currently active, it’s already happening and there are known terrorists and criminals among them entering the country that have no such restraints as MAD.  The likelihood that they are planning a set of multiple 9/11s is very high.
Would the following proposed bill seal the southern border to your satisfaction? I've linked to shorter summaries first since nobody wants to wade through 280 pages.

Border Security Policy Proposal - The Current System: Catch & Release; The New System: Detain & Deport (link to 3 page  summary of Border Act)

The Border Act (link to summary of each section of the act, 25 pages)

The Border Act (link to the act itself, 280 pages)

Not by the millions. Not even close!  And historically they’ve all been Mexicans. Hard working Catholics for the most part. Now they are from all over the world including radical Muslims and Chinese on an unknown mission. Erosion of our culture including our form of government can very easily happen from within with this massive invasion.  This is a much bigger immediate threat than missiles from Russia or China.

I am for immigration. We need young men. But we must vet them and they must come legally.
What is your source of information? All the demographics on illegal immigrants (that are caught) are collected and published by the government. It is likely that everyone relies on that source - if it is not believed then no valid source of statistics exists to support argument of any sort. That said, I found the following site has collected the government info into helpful graphs:

If you scroll down you'll find various charts showing the demographics by country of origin and a graph where you can select a country and observe the changes in illegal entries. For example, illegal immigrants from Ukraine shot up within a month of the Russian invasion. India is the biggest source of illegals from outside the Americas. I notice that illegals from India and China have both increased in the last two years. Could be more people are wanting to escape authoritarian China. Their economy is hurting too. But Biden's loose illegal immigration policies would explain increases in both Indian and Chinese illegals.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 19, 2024, 01:57:56 PM »
So where will the troops come from to defend Ukraine?
That's for Ukraine to solve. Though with sufficient munitions they were holding their own, particularly with air defense weapons and artillery. (French President Macron has proposed putting French troops in Ukraine, in some alleged non-combat or support roles. Now that would be something if that happened.)
Why does the Biden Regime refuse accountability for money sent to Ukraine?  What is there to hide?
When did this refusal take place? The DoD claims processes are in place:
Please justify the US borrowing billions to "give" to Ukraine while asking the taxpayer to repay principal and interest on the borrowed money.
I don't justify it. It is, however, an action already underway. Like the payments I was forced to make to Social Security. If I start taking SS am I then justifying the previous taking?
Please justify giving this money to Ukraine while the US border is open and Americans go homeless and hungry, not to mention a crumbling US infrastructure.
China and Russia appear to be the only powers on the planet that pose any credible military threat to the US. The southern border presents a lower priority threat. Infrastructure and fiscal problems are best solved at the state and local level, not Federal. Unlike national defense, they aren't listed in the Constitution.
Please justify the US depleting arms stockpiles to Ukraine. while admitting thousands upon thousands of single military aged invaders into the US.
See above. "Military aged" is a meaningless scare phrase. That cadre has been entering the US for work since the Mexican Revolution.
Why is it so important that the Biden Regime wants Israel to ceasefire with Hamas, yet this same regime has hindered any ceasefire talks between Russia and Ukraine.
Ok, now you're asking me to defend the idiotic policies of the Biden Regime. I think Israel would be foolish to seek a ceasefire with Hamas just as I think it foolish for Ukraine to cede to Russia.
You say Ukraine is not a dictatorship, yet Zelenskyy has cancelled elections,
Sorry, no. When Russia invaded he invoked Martial Law per the Ukraine constitution. It would last only 90 days unless renewed by Ukraine's parliament. And the parliament has been renewing it, not Zelensky. Their constitution is what dictates (not Zelensky) that elections be suspended during martial law. So legally Zelensky is not responsible for cancelling elections.
shut down media critical of him, closed churches, outlawed opposition political parties, has jailed political opposition and conscripts men into his military by dragging them out of their houses and businesses against their will.    Yep, seems he sure loves democracy  ::)
I believe all of these are allowed by their constitution while under martial law. Not excusable, but their parliament can undo that authority at any time. Compare to our democracy during the American civil war: Lincoln declared martial law in all states and ordered the suspension of the constitutionally protected right to writs of habeas corpus in the state of Maryland and parts of the Midwestern states. As a result 13,000 civilians were arrested by the military and held indefinitely during the course of the war. Free speech was suppressed.

So because the actions you cite occur during war wherein the leaders are granted broad powers that they don't have in peacetime doesn't per se make them undemocratic or unworthy of support.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 18, 2024, 07:35:54 PM »
Reagan didn’t write that in defense of a dictatorial country.  That’s another part of this you don’t get.
That's your incorrect assumption. Zelensky was just an actor who got elected to his position years after the Russians had occupied parts of Ukraine. He proposed constitutional changes to limit corruption. To date he appears to have followed the Ukraine constitution better than Biden has the US constitution. Ukrainians wanted to join the EU (NATO entry already denied,) and not be tied to the Russian economic sphere, and were pursuing that goal. You can claim Ukraine is or was a dictatorship to your heart's content, that don't make it so.

Now suppose Ukraine is as you claim - there were the security guarantees to which the US was a party. US makes agreements with dictatorships all the time. If you can't trust a man, or a country, to keep their word would you trust them in the future?
The neocons have pushed this regime change garbage around the world, and not once has it worked out.  And now we have a government using a third world country being ruled by a petty dictator as a huge money laundering operation, and the US borrowing billions to give to them with zero accountability, and handing the tax payers the bill for the principal and interest.
I agree that neocons dish out stupid shit, but I've seen contrary evidence for Ukraine accountability and no mention of regime change in the case of Ukraine. (As to Zelensky-involved money laundering - if the Kremlin intelligence agencies had dirt on Zelensky don't you think they'd publicize it via their proxies? None of the articles you've linked to in the past indicated any enrichment of Zelensky. Other corruption, yes, but becoming less as best I can tell.)
You recently posted a thread showing how the debt service on borrowed money is out of control, yet here you are wearing your Ukraine lapel pin cheering more billions to be given to them. 
Yes, I’m a conservative and damn proud of it. But the typical liberal will hide behind such things as “moderate” or even call themselves a “libertarian”.  But the liberal always comes out.
I'm a pragmatic anarchist. My use of "anarchy" just means I'd as soon live without organized thuggery (government) while "pragmatic" means I have to settle for adapting to conditions of reality and act as freely as I can. I vote libertarian as a small sop to that end, though it seems a futile effort. Pragmatically I try to keep up on world events because they may affect me. What I see in this case is the die is cast, and that if Putin wins Ukraine because the US stops giving aid, his belief that he need only outlast the West will have been confirmed. The Chinese will learn the same lesson even if Putin doesn't take Ukraine - it knows that it has a chance to dominate the Pacific. Lots of ways such results are bad for me and I think to you too. I cannot see any long term good outcome of suddenly stopping US aid to Ukraine.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: April 18, 2024, 08:56:41 AM »
We in America have learned bitter lessons from two World Wars: It is better to be here ready to protect the peace, than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. We’ve learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments with an expansionist intent.
Ronald Reagan, (6 JUNE 1984)

[Edit to add: I am not a Republican, but the above quote indicates that Lucifer isn't one either.]

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