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Topics - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / The Supreme Court Is Not The Final Say On The Constitution
« on: March 22, 2019, 09:39:32 AM »

Several 2020 candidates are determined to mainstream the perverse idea of expanding the Supreme Court to achieve policy victories. Such court-packing defies the intent, function, and ideals of the American judiciary.

Americans have been told a lie about the constitutional balance of power. Despite activist assertions to the contrary, the Supreme Court is not a supreme constitutional council with the sole and final say on legal matters. We have accepted a larger than life picture of the judiciary, and it is slowly destroying individual liberty and the constitutional order laid down by the founders.

The Constitution outlines the role of the courts, but for some time they have been operating beyond their proper function. We must change how we see them, understand their appropriate role, and stop allowing the growth of power. Each new interpretation of plain text that widens the judiciary’s authority is a dangerous violation of the separation of powers. If executive overreach concerns you, judicial overreach doubly should.

To correct a few common misconceptions, the judiciary’s rulings are not the supreme law of the land, even rulings from the Supreme Court. The judiciary is not the only or even final arbiter on the Constitution. And the judiciary is not a truly co-equal branch of government.

 So how long will it take the democrats to trash her out?

SACRAMENTO -- California is a Democratic stronghold, with supermajorities in the Senate and Assembly, a Democratic governor and big congressional wins in last year's midterm elections.

But there was a time when the Golden State wasn't so deeply blue.

California birthed two Republican presidents, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, and in more recent memory, voters twice elected Republican Arnold Swarzeneggar to be governor.

But as the saying goes, that was then and this is now.

Now, only one out of every four voters in California identifies as Republican. That's something that's going to change according to the GOP's new leader in California -- Jessica Patterson.

Patterson is the newly-elected chair of the California Republican Party. She's a fresh face many feel will help revamp a party in decline in the state.


RENO, Nev. — Jordan Aaron was the president of a Carson City sushi restaurant who once ran for justice of the peace in Arizona. Antonio Pastini was the brash ex-Chicago cop who befriended a brothel mogul and spun yarns of a bare-knuckled youth in the Windy City that read like a cross between “Goodfellas” and “The Outsiders.”

They were one and the same person.

He used two names and two Social Security numbers. He kept different driver’s licenses and bank accounts under the two names, an ex-wife alleged. The ex-wife — one of four — said in court filings that he kept multiple identities to hide money, and she hinted that he had “trouble with the law.”

But he might have lived out his days simply as Tony Pastini, the garrulous retired cop, had his twin-engine Cessna not plummeted 7,800 feet on Feb. 3 into an Orange County, Calif., suburb, killing him and four people who were on the ground.

From the smoldering wreckage, investigators plucked a police badge belonging to Retired Chicago Patrolman #15599. That discovery would help unravel the threads of a life story Pastini spent three decades crafting. The 75-year-old, it turned out, had never been a Chicago cop, though it appeared he wished he had been.

Spin Zone / To pay for reparations, will Democrats sue themselves?
« on: March 07, 2019, 02:12:31 PM »
I've been wondering this myself.

Neither former slaves nor slave owners are alive today. Furthermore, columnist and radio host Michael Medved says that only about 5 percent of whites have any sort of “generational” connection to slavery. “The importation of slaves came to an end in 1808 (as provided by the Constitution), a mere 32 years after independence, and slavery had been outlawed in most states decades before the Civil War,” wrote Medved in 2007. “Even in the South, more than 80 percent of the white population never owned slaves. Given the fact that the majority of today’s non-black Americans descend from immigrants who arrived in this country after the War Between the States, only a tiny percentage of today’s white citizens – perhaps as few as 5 percent – bear any authentic sort of generational guilt for the exploitation of slave labor.”

Seems Sandy's "grass roots" campaign had some heavy backing.........that they tried to hide.

"These are not minor or technical violations. We are talking about real money here. In all my years of studying FEC reports, I’ve never seen a more ambitious operation to circumvent reporting requirements. Representative Ocasio-Cortez has been quite vocal in condemning so-called dark money, but her own campaign went to great lengths to avoid the sunlight of disclosure," Tom Anderson, director of NLPC’s Government Integrity Project, said in a statement.

Spin Zone / Dumb And/or Dishonest Liberals Insult Your Intelligence
« on: March 04, 2019, 06:50:47 AM »

Who is the guy who really believes that Donald Trump thinks Kim Jong Un is a cool dude? Who is the guy who imagines that Donald Trump really believes that the roly-poly mass murderer had nothing to do with the murder of Otto Warmbier? But if you listen to the elite and their panting puppy media, you would get the distinct impression that Donald Trump actually considers this clown a pal.

This raises an important question – is the elite itself transcendently dumb, or does it imagine us Normal people are so unfathomably dense as to be unable to conceive that maybe Donald Trump’s flattery of a sketchy guy who has nuclear weapons hanging over the heads of 28,000 Americans (not to mention over the noggins of tens of millions of our South Korean and Japanese allies) might not have been totally sincere? Could it be that, perhaps – and I’m just speculating here – that maybe a successful New York real estate developer, who these very same geniuses have been screeching about being a liar for nearly four years, might not be totally honest about his true feelings toward the pudgy freak he is negotiating with?

Might not that be it? Nah. He’s gotta love KJU. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Either the elite is stupid, or it thinks we’re stupid.


Now, I'll wait for the perfesser to come along and tell us how bad this deal is, and how Trump got "played" by VN.

Spin Zone / More diversions
« on: February 27, 2019, 08:48:44 AM »
So the North Korea/US Summit is underway in VietNam.  One would think this is top news.

Nope, we have the Cohen Clown Show on Capital Hill in progress.   This is supposedly the big news of the day.

Progressives are wringing their hands in anticipation this will finally bring Trump down!

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