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Topics - invflatspin

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Spin Zone / Why I no longer donate to ANYONE
« on: August 15, 2018, 07:14:39 AM »

"help the poor", etc. This is just way too prevalient. I once donated a boat to a charity. After I watched it sit for 5 months behind the donation facility, it finally moved. I went in and asked one of the counter workers where it went, and he told me it was towed to the junk yard, and they got scrap value for the trailer.


Spin Zone / Canada taking it in the nards for no good reason
« on: August 09, 2018, 04:31:38 PM »
A dissident who is married to a Canadian got arrested for being a dissident. Trudeau and the foreign minister decided they should learn the SA some manners, and put up a stink about it. So, SA fired back, and Canada 'held firm'. Well, good for them.

Plenty of folk are ready to stone Justin in the great white north about now.

I called an old friend I hadn't talked with in a long time up in Vancouver and we chatted about the new foreign policy. He's pretty hot right now, but says it won't affect them that much. But - it shouldn't be affecting them at all, I said, and he had to agree. BTW the dissidents haven't been and likely won't ever be released - now...

Spin Zone / Pooh bear censored in China
« on: August 06, 2018, 06:03:41 AM »

This goes hand in hand with that 1st amendment thread. Quite sad the freedom we often take for granted. Imagine anyone in US govt restricting ANY film in the US, much less a Disney movie about a kid now grown up and his friend the bear(and Tigger too!).

Spin Zone / Judge actually legislates right from his bench
« on: August 03, 2018, 06:36:50 PM »
The absolute effrontery.

If I were Trump, I would suspend ALL immigration immediately. No DACA, no lottery, no nothing. Let the libtard judges bring their standing army and try to do something about it.

Oh - wait....

Spin Zone / More TSA shenanigans
« on: July 30, 2018, 02:15:46 PM »

Who's surprised? Millions spent, zero arrests(as far as we know) that would be front page news if there were any. Public monitored from the time they leave the privacy of home, to the time they return. Even have satellites scanning homes with high heat signatures for drug mfg.

Brave new world - scuse me while it double the tin foil on my hat.

Spin Zone / CA socialism at its finest
« on: July 24, 2018, 05:01:54 PM »

Why Texas is energy independent. Yes, we have a bunch of co-ops, yes our electric rates are moderate, not lowest but we do ok.

BTW, 5000 Megawatts short of demand is 5 GIGAwatts(that - is a lot of power).

Spin Zone / Vomit fraud?
« on: July 24, 2018, 07:56:22 AM »


I have a buddy who works at Peterbilt. Even he's against these glider truck chassis things. They are good money for the companies that do them, but the pollution numbers on the old tech is just horrific. Couple this with the significant increase in OTR miles due to individual online shopping and it's tough to justify.

Yes, I know the market will solve the problem eventually. But - right now today there are some retrofits that can reduce the particulate and NOX output of those engines, while not getting them up to current standards. In this one case, I think the added cost of retrofitting the engines, or limiting the sale is the right thing to do, even at the higher cost.

My defense is that I lived through the SoCal smog days of late 60s through 70s. I saw the very real, and very good improvements from the car pollution controls, as much as they annoyed me from a perf and cost standpoint.

Spin Zone / Brady Bunch house for sale. Want...
« on: July 19, 2018, 09:18:28 AM »
When I first started college, I bunked in a friends house for a while, and it was a few blocks from this house. I used to drive by it once in a while back then, and there were people in the yard, taking pics, and generally leaving a mess around the place. It was a rental for a while, and I asked the landlord if he would rent it to me as a student, and he said no. I was going to sub-let to other students, and we would have had a great time with the passing tourists. Sadly, it was not to be.

So, for less than $2mil, it could now be mine! I think I'll pass, although it's a nice house, with no back neighbor as it backs up to the river channel. Has a large lot, and quiet street.

Spin Zone / Just -- wow. The entitlement of some people.
« on: July 18, 2018, 11:24:40 AM »
I cannot wrap my head around how people think this way. It's all "me, me, I, I, myself, me, I, I, me". What a bunch of crap. Just GTFO. I don't give a wet dribbly shit if you can't fit in where you were born. Not - our - problem!

Spin Zone / not a fan of this plan
« on: July 17, 2018, 05:52:35 PM »

The original design was done by Raymond Loewy. One of the greatest industrial, and commercial designers ever. It is classic. It is known around the world. Trump is going to make it -- better.

Scares me, it might be all gold and have a poker hand on the tail. Shit...

Spin Zone / Trump trip
« on: July 10, 2018, 11:28:48 AM »
To Belgium first for a confab with NATO allies, including Merkel. Then, on to the UK for a meeting with May, and the queen while the conservatives there are in peril. Finally off to Moscow with a meeting with Putin. He's been joking that maybe the Russian part of the trip will be the easiest segment. I can say - he might be right.

1) Tell NATO to pay up, now. The lagging payers say they should be able to meet commitments by 2024. Pretty sure Trump is going to say; '2019 or we walk'.
2) Advise May to get off the pot on Brexit. Her base is now pissed because what they VOTED FOR back in 2016 is still not even close to implementation 2 years later.
3) Try to get Putin to leave the satellites alone. I think this is a waste of time really. Putin has no danger to his unlimited power in Russia, and he'll do whatever he wants. I'd just be pleasant, and tell Putin that there will be no changes in NATO despite the non-payment(lie).

What will be success, and what would be failure? I don't think he's going to get anything out of NATO. I think he'll re-invigorate May, and I think he'll just have a nice chat with Putin, and no changes all around. Not sure if this is success. I agree with him strongly on the funding of NATO. In fact, I think it's long overdue.

Spin Zone / Brits may have a new govt coming
« on: July 09, 2018, 06:46:07 PM »
Foreign sec resigns over Brexit hassles. Conservatives in Parliament are hanging on by fingernails.

For those who don't follow Brit politics, the two guys who left were the principal movers of a 'hard' Brexit which consists of walking away from the EU and not paying them much if anything. Let the chips fall. May has sought a program of appeasement and billions in 'reparations' to the EU for leaving.

May could be in line for a vote of no confidence, which would trigger an election for new PM. Right before Trump is scheduled to visit. Unlike the US, Britain conservative govt has been a shaky coalition, after May started rolling over with the EU. Now, the hard line doesn't care for her, and the liberal socialists want her gone. They could take over the Brit govt with some useful ammo that May has given them. She is a far, far cry from the 'Iron Lady' of the 80s.

"Oops, I was texting when I ran over Palacios. My bad."

MD cops let him go, so as I see it - he's a target of opportunity. Maybe I'd back up and do a few more passes, until I stop texting.

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