Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Lucifer on December 18, 2022, 10:43:16 AM

Post by: Lucifer on December 18, 2022, 10:43:16 AM

A few updates for your lexicon of current phrases used in political discourse.

Populism: When the wrong person wins an election, like Brexit or Trump.  [Alternative definition:—"a term used by centrist liberals to describe political blowback from the disruption of society caused by their own policies.” (In The New Statesman.)

Nationalism: Expressions of patriotism that liberals don’t like.

The Administrative State: Rule by an over-reaching minority.

Woke (1): The belief that (1) all society is currently and intentionally structured to oppress.  (2) any gaps, for any reason whatsoever in the performance between large disparate groups illustrate this, and,  (3)  the solution is ‘equity’— defined as, "proportional representation and equal participation without any regard to measurable performance difference.

Woke (2): A state of awareness achieved only by those blind/ignorant/dumb enough to find injustice in everything/everywhere except their own behavior.

Racism: Any kind of resistance, conscious or unconscious, to the political programs of the Left.

Democracy: Any institutional design or voting system that enables the Left to get what it wants.                [Updated version: “Our Democracy" [TM] — i.e.: democracy as only the Left defines it]

Threat to democracy: When anyone but democrats or socialists win an election.

Diversity: Where everyone may look different, but all think the same thing, and speaks in identical cliches.

Equity: The phrase leftists use when they reach for your wallet.

Inclusion: The deliberate exclusion of white males.

Disinformation: Anything a conservative says or publishes.

Holistic: Leftist adjective for “we have no idea what to do about a problem and want to change the subject.”

Investment: Democrat-speak for “any spending of government money on their favorite constituency groups.”

Root causes: Method of deflecting attention from solutions that can relieve a problem immediately (like locking up criminals instead of playing catch-and-release).

Property: Theft. (See Marx, Karl, & Proudhon, Joseph.)

Social justice: Alternative phrase Leftists use while reaching for your wallet. (See “equity,” above.)

Neoliberalism: Anything the left doesn’t like. (Often a synonym for “racism.”)

Structural oppression: Leftist synonym for “we hate capitalism.”

“Hate speech”: Any statement that challenges the dogmas of the Left.  Usually deployed whenever a conservative is about to win an argument. (See also, “Racism,” above.)

Free speech: The firebombing of public buildings and destruction of cultural icons and monuments by Leftists.

Violence: An expression (in any form) of conservative values and ideas.

Child: Any legal-age adult under 21 who wants to own a gun

Adult: A 12-year-old who wants to have his or her genitalia removed.

Inflation: the consequence of the federal government spending an insufficient amount of money. Alternative definition: any causative action taken by Vladimir Putin.

“We need to have a conversation about. . .”: You shut up, let me talk, and agree with the Left.

Dialogue: A monologue where the Left explains and the Right is silenced.

Compromise: A moving Left to the position the Left desires.

Public-Private Partnership: A half-baked feel-good proposal doomed to inevitable failure resulting from inept management by government officials possessing no business experience. Syn: “urban renewal.”

Latinx: A made-up word that comes before Latiny and Latinz. (Or it’s a long-lost sixth declension.)

Meritocracy: Created originally by liberals, it now means racism/white supremacy.

Voter Suppression: Elimination of Democrat election fraud.

Divisive: Any opinion/action the Left doesn’t like.

Advocate: People without real jobs whose only function is to find fault and complain.

“Stakeholders”: Self-appointed advocates who demand the right to tell you how to run your company.

“Re-Imagine”: The term used by leftists who think their dreams can become reality simply by a mere act of will. A term conservatives don’t use.

Denier: Label for anyone who dissents from leftist positions that can’t be successfully defended (or who didn’t vote for Liz Cheney)

Reform: Coming from a leftist, “reform” means destroying the existing institution.

Tolerance: A euphemism for “you must abandon all your religious beliefs and moral convictions because we say so.”

Liberal double-standards (random examples): If whites leave central cities, it’s “white flight.” If whites move into central cities, it’s “gentrification.” If banks don’t loan to minority applicants with weak credit scores, it’s “red-lining.” If banks do make loan to minorities, it’s “predatory lending.” If business competitors charge the same price, it’s “collusion.” If one competitor charges a lower price, it’s "predatory pricing.”   Are you seeing a pattern here?
Post by: Little Joe on December 18, 2022, 11:16:25 AM
You left out my favorite:  Recession.
It has always been defined as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.
But since that happened under Biden we are told that is not recession.  When asked what recessioin really is (now), we are told "its complicated".