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Spin Zone / Re: "This is how freedom dies"
« on: August 08, 2016, 08:26:31 AM »
Clinton has held fewer press conferences than any other nominee.  I suspect her administration will be the least transparent since Obama.

Obama's administration has been the most subversive, and secretive in history.  They make Nixon look like Mother Teresa.  Hillary was part of it, and responsible for a lot of the cover ups including the Benghazi video LIE.  So I would agree that Hillary will continue Obama's lying and deceit. 

Spin Zone / Re: A friendly reminder
« on: August 06, 2016, 03:07:17 PM »
I believe the reason Trump won is because the others message just said "Elect me and expect more of the same".
Nope, he won because 12m Democrats decided to select the weakest possible opponent for their candidate.

Spin Zone / Re: Is Self-Defense a right?
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:51:24 PM »
These are natural human behaviors, but are they rights? A right implies some sort of order of law, or recognized permission by a group of people. Since speech, expression, self defense, pursuit of betterment, freedom of movement and even life itself has been denied to millions of people by other people over the ages, I would argue that you describe behaviors, or even natural desires, but not a right.

Rights exist beyond the "permission by a group of people".  The people of the DPRK have the right to freedom of speech, even if their government chooses to not recognize that right and works to actively suppress it, it doesn't change the fact that the right exists.

Spin Zone / Sign of intelligent life?
« on: July 26, 2016, 04:49:50 AM »
at the DNC:  "Never Hillary"

I love that the folks on the left are so much more concerned about where the leaked emails are coming from, or what motives are involved, than what is actually in the emails!

Spin Zone / Re: Another “Holocaust Survivor” Hoax Exposed
« on: July 21, 2016, 09:01:37 PM »
If you think what you see is normal, then perhaps you need a new paradigm.

I really haven't a clue as to what you mean by that.

What I see is not normal.  What we have in America is not normal.  Normal is famine, civil wars, and oppressive dictators.  Where do minorities have a better chance than here?  While we can and should be better, is there a model that does do better?

Spin Zone / Re: Another “Holocaust Survivor” Hoax Exposed
« on: July 20, 2016, 05:37:04 AM »
Here's where a caveat is needed.  I'd agree that it was "one of the worst atrocities...", provided that the underlined word is observed.  It is being calculated that the African Holocaust may have been in the numbers of 400-600 million lives lost.

The difference is Africans were not stripped of their property and citizenship and herded in to concentration camps just because they were black.  I do agree that enslaving them was one of the world's great wrongs, and that the conditions under which they were kept were utterly deplorable.  However, African slaves gave birth to a race of people that have now populated many nations of the world including ours.  The victims of the Holocaust just died.

Spin Zone / Re: Castile Stop: Other Side Of The Story
« on: July 13, 2016, 05:24:31 PM »
I notice you don't address the race card attacks you employ every time you lose ground in a discussion.
Aren't you really just aunt peggy with another name?

She can't be AP.  AP only did drive-by posts and wouldn't engage in discussion.

Spin Zone / Re: Fifty killed in gun-free zone
« on: June 29, 2016, 10:48:49 AM »
Actually I didn't know beforehand what Bobby would have said.  I would have reported his comments either way.  But you're right, multiple sources...I've seen video clips from others who also have expertise in multiple fields and they also said "controlled demolition".  Bobby was just the first person that I've asked that should and would have more expertise than I on the subjects involved.

Let me give you a hint: there is no support of any consequence for your conspiracy theory among real experts who have examined the data and even run supercomputer simulations. Be rational!

So they can make it but can't drink it?

Only if the go to Bahrain..... ;)

Spin Zone / Re: House Dems Walk Out Of Moment Of Silence
« on: June 14, 2016, 02:42:54 PM »
It's an excuse to try and pass gun control legislation which furthers the goal of controlling the population. The President called for a reinstatement of the assault weapons ban today. It didn't work after Sandy Hook and it won't work now.

Pieces of shit. Never let a crisis go to waste, especially one that you're ultimately responsible for creating.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Speech
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:51:33 AM »
Delusional on immigration.

Well to your liberal/progressive eyes, I'm sure he is.  Why can't we examine who we are letting into this country to make sure they aren't criminals or terrorists?  You can't vet Syrians.  There are no records.  How about the illegals coming in with no process whatsoever.  The Administration is PROMOTING both entries with NO BACKGROUND CHECKS!

Spin Zone / Re: Friends BMW damaged at Trump rally in San Jose, CA
« on: June 04, 2016, 07:40:56 AM »
And yet the left and Hillary blame Trump for the violence, and destruction because he "creates the environment."

Of course.  And the media joyfully joins in with the talking points.

However, a lot of Americans are tiring of the charades and seeing through this.

Spin Zone / Re: Family Planning
« on: June 03, 2016, 01:42:13 PM »
At her annual check up the doctor asks his female patient if she has any medical issues she'd like to discuss.  She demurely mentions that her husband has developed a taste for anal sex.  The doctor asks her if it isn't painful to which she replies not really.  She asks if it is at all dangerous, to which the doctor replies that it isn't but she should take care not to become pregnant.  She says no one could get pregnant doing that, to which he asks where she thinks lawyers come from.

Spin Zone / Re: Nice day for a ride!
« on: May 31, 2016, 03:03:56 PM »
I had totally forgotten this thread!

Not a whole lot of riding yet this year, for a variety of reasons, but got out with some friends today for a nice ride in the mountains.

Karen got a new hip about 6 months ago, and is still not comfortable climbing onto the back of a bike. So today we took the '98 K1200RS sidecar rig. Rode along the Ocoee on US64, then to Benton, TN to a Mennonite farm for some veggies, then to Tellico Plains for a snack at Tellico Grains Bakery, then back home.

In front of the bakery:

There's an Airhead rally coming up near Boone, NC in about 10 days, and we're going to try that - it will be our first motorcycle camping trip since the surgery. Great group that accepts us as Airheads, even if we don't currently own one. That may change in the future!

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