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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 80 81 [82] 83 84 ... 93
Spin Zone / Re: Has Diversity Broken all the access Barriers
« on: September 16, 2016, 10:13:21 AM »
It seems to have worked quite well in your own personal case.  As it has for many others.

Including the fact that Obama was elected, twice, in an overwhelmingly non-black country and has accomplished a very large percentage of his goals.  Without regard to the quality or desirability of those goals.
Obama has been very successful in accomplishing his goals.  All of them opposite to the well being, and prosperity of the United States.

Obamacare succeeded in giving 1/6th of the economy to further government control.  The Trillion dollar stimulus succeeded in rewarding his private and public sector unions for their election support.  He laughed when asked about the reality of those "shovel ready jobs" he promised.  He's succeeded in bring down our status and influence worldwide.  He's created open borders and an influx of Mexicans and who know else to vote Dem and change the nature of our country.  He's brought in Muslim refugees to create an Islamic state within the U.S.  He's gutted the military of competent senior officers replacing them with Dem political hacks.  And a multitude of other "successes".

Spin Zone / Re: Soros Goes After Sheriff Joe
« on: September 16, 2016, 05:57:03 AM »
Koch brothers have pumped millions into elections in my state.  Turnabout is fair play.

Compared to private and PUBLIC sector unions (our money) and Soros, Bloomberg etc, money going to DEMOCRATS it is a drop in the bucket, but you are so indoctrinated you can't admit that. 

Spin Zone / Re: Betsy Ross Flag Is Racist
« on: September 16, 2016, 03:45:20 AM »
What was the intent behind the students' use of the flag to begin with? Possible dog whistle?

Who cares?  It's an AMERICAN FLAG for God's sake!!!  A symbol of freedom, and liberty.

Spin Zone / Re: As President, Who Will Hillary Represent.....
« on: September 15, 2016, 02:11:01 PM »
Your ignorance is truly breathtaking.

And like your beloved democrats you were caught squarely in a lie, tried to back track it and then resorted to insults to cover for it.

This is not your classroom where you can spout out any lie you wish to your captive audience and not fear retribution.

He's almost a good a liar as Hillary. 

Spin Zone / Re: Colin Powell vs...
« on: September 15, 2016, 08:06:10 AM »
I used to like Colin Powell.  Then he turned Democrat with Obama.  I wouldn't vote for him, ever.  He has no conservative principles any longer, and is just a political opportunist. 

Spin Zone / Re: I knew R.R.
« on: September 14, 2016, 12:32:26 PM »
Here's Reagan's "A Time for Choosing" speech from 1964, 12 years before he first ran for president, and 16 years before he became president.

Is Trump capable of giving such a definitional speech today, as the GOP's nominee?  Not in my book.

Nobody is in Reagan's class.  Nobody. However, I did like Trump's economic speech. 

That's the thing about bloggers.  They don't have an international reputation to uphold.  They can put out whatever they like, true or not.

Does "international reputation" stop NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, PBS, NYT, Washpo, Reuters, AP, etc from being FAR LEFT?  The answer is NO.  They are lauded internationally for being far left biased, and falsely reporting leftist opinion as "NEWS" solely to advance their far left utopian agenda.  Wake up. 

It is sustainable now ONLY because interest rates are close to 1%, and the debt service is STILL being paid for with borrowed money.

What happens when the Treasury yields start moving up to 2%?  What about 4%, 6%, or more?

Total collapse.  Interest rates are being held artificially low.  It shows anemic and non existent economic growth.  Interest rates can only go one way.  UP.  The stock market will tank and the true stagflation in our economy will be revealed. 

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary gets a case of the vapors
« on: September 13, 2016, 08:51:49 AM »
Which, for a Trumpkin, means that the hosts don't offer Donnie sexual services on live TV.

Jeff, IMHO you just have become warped over Trump.  I thought more of you, but I guess I was wrong. 

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary gets a case of the vapors
« on: September 12, 2016, 04:34:56 PM »
I pick lying piece of shit.

So much fail Michael.  You can't see due to your hyper indoctrinated brain.  I don't even know where to begin. 

Spin Zone / Re: A reason to tune in MSNBC
« on: September 11, 2016, 12:21:46 PM »
At least right now...a 15 year tape delay from 2001 live coverage.  Brings back many memories that need to be remembered.

You watch MSNBC Jeff.  I am sure they will say a lot of false negatives about Trump to make you happy.

Spin Zone / Re: If you believe...
« on: September 11, 2016, 06:21:09 AM »
There has always been corruption, and pay to play (bribery).  However, it has never been so blatant, and in your face as with Obama and the Clintons.  They are arrogantly flaunting their acceptance of foreign, often enemy money to perform favors in the U.S. and around the world.  It is the stuff of revolution.

Spin Zone / Re: Kaepernick is an attention whore
« on: September 03, 2016, 11:06:45 AM »
I know of no liberals that want to disarm the police. Demilitarizing is not the same thing.

This is going to shock you.  I want the police to be well equipped, much more so than the criminals.  However, many look like SWAT operators, or soldiers now, and employ military MRAPS and other military equipment which is very intimidating to the general populace.  Their tactics have also changed.  The show up with 10 or more of these men in black for sometimes very menial things.  Its not good. 

Spin Zone / Re: Kaepernick is an attention whore
« on: September 02, 2016, 10:59:32 AM »
There wasn't near the racial divisiveness under George W Bush is there is under Obama.  It is purposeful, and pathetic. 

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